IRC logs of #tryton for Tuesday, 2024-09-10 #tryton log beginning Tue Sep 10 12:10:00 AM CEST 2024
-!- springwurm(~springwur@ has joined #tryton05:14
fdiktryx[0]: oh, my06:01
fdiktryx[0]: I'm having a look on tryton because I test if I want to switch from ADempiere06:01
fdiktryx[0]: what is your problem?06:03
-!- mrichez( has joined #tryton06:23
-!- philipp_(~philipp_@2003:a:d4d:e700:fe5c:eeff:fea0:aca7) has joined #tryton06:39
-!- acaubet( has joined #tryton07:28
fdikACTION is giving up the current tryton version on tries the LTS 7.0. Perhaps this one works.08:39
fdiktryx[0]: BTW, in the forum there are people answering09:06
-!- philipp_(~philipp_@2003:a:d4d:e700:fe5c:eeff:fea0:aca7) has joined #tryton10:38
fdikACTION is giving up tryton, finding no working client for macOS10:49
-!- acaubet( has joined #tryton11:57
-!- mrichez( has joined #tryton12:01
-!- springwurm(~springwur@ has joined #tryton12:03
-!- mrichez( has joined #tryton13:10

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