IRC logs of #tryton for Monday, 2021-03-15 #tryton log beginning Mon Mar 15 12:00:01 AM CET 2021
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton23:53
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-!- mrichez(~Maxime@2a02:a03f:c2e8:f900:ed77:85ea:af2b:ba6e) has joined #tryton06:11
-!- Timitos(~kpreisler@2001:a61:42d:c01:762b:62ff:fe84:ed7e) has joined #tryton06:42
-!- springwurm(~Springwur@ has joined #tryton07:29
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pokoliLordVan: we removed the documentation because it was outdated and not maintaned08:18
LordVanpokoli, ok thanks08:28
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton08:28
pokolicedk: it seems there is something wrong with our mercurial http server08:36
pokoliaccessing returns to the log wherei it should show the cahngelog08:37
-!- ludo2(~Thunderbi@2001:912:1480:380::1) has joined #tryton08:46
cedkpokoli: should be fixed, I left some debugging stuff when investigating why notify email links are no more working08:47
pokolicedk: works now, thanks for the fast fix!08:48
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton08:58
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LordVanis it possible to duplicate sale lines on a sale?10:31
pokoliLordVan: yes but the UI does not have a button to duplicate a single line10:33
pokoliLordVan: Just the entire sale10:33
LordVanpokoli, so in proteus i could10:33
LordVanguess i'll think about how to add a button in the UI10:33
pokoliLordVan: yes, in proteus you just need to call duplicate method (IIRC)10:42
-!- mariomop(~quassel@ has joined #tryton11:02
LordVanyeah i gotta look into12:02
LordVanhow to add a button for it12:02
LordVanor maybe context menu12:02
LordVanbut i I think a button right next to the add line one would be nice12:03
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-!- springwurm(~Springwur@ has joined #tryton13:04
pokoliLordVan: to add a button next to the add line one you should modify the tryton client13:31
pokoliLordVan: and I do not think we should add a button to duplicate records on all one2many fields13:31
LordVanpokoli, îs it not possible to just add it there only?13:31
LordVanwhat about13:31
LordVancontext menu or shortcut instead? to not clutter the interface13:31
cedkLordVan: The first question is why would you want to duplicate a line?13:32
pokoliACTION was going to ask the same question :)13:32
LordVanwe have some very similar sale lines where only a little bit needs changing13:32
LordVan(i added extra fields too)13:32
LordVanto avoid errors typing again or copy&paste13:32
LordVanlike practically the same text for several positions as we have different material thickness,..13:33
pokoliLordVan: once you've set a product, most information comes from there13:37
LordVannot using products for everything13:37
LordVanso unfortuantely that is useless for me13:37
LordVanthose are all one-off things13:38
LordVanor nearly anyway13:38
LordVannot going to create products for all that13:38
pokoliLordVan: why not?13:38
LordVanjust working with sale_line for it13:38
LordVanif I had the office stuff create products for everything as well13:38
LordVanthey would take 3 times longer13:38
LordVanand the benefit is minimal13:38
LordVanto barely existent13:38
pokoliLordVan: Isn't the thinknes and the material related to the selling product?13:38
pokoliLordVan: is see this is quite similare to what product_measurements offers13:39
LordVani just made this extra fields on sla_Eline13:39
pokoliLordVan: of course and you need to duplicate sale_lines because you are not using products13:39
pokoliLordVan: but tryton is designed to have a product model which have the materials the product is composed from (and other information)13:39
LordVanbut for literarily thousands of different products per month that get made once or mayb etwice eac13:40
LordVanthis is super overkill13:40
pokoliLordVan: but if you want to duplicate this is because you are sharing some properties...13:41
LordVanyes but between 5 sale lines then never again the same13:42
pokoliLordVan: then maybe the issue is that you do not need to set the info at sale line but on an intermediary model13:42
LordVani have looked into it13:42
LordVannot sure if that would be more or less complicated (to implement and handle)13:43
LordVanI will use products for 2 or 3 customers in the future where parts actually are recurring13:43
LordVanbut for 90% of the parts this would be like desiging the whole production process in 3D first when all you need to do is cut a bit of metal off13:44
pokoliLordVan: We try to find a good desing before going to implement anything13:44
LordVanthe way i have done it now works fine for us to be honest13:44
LordVanwe are already using it13:44
LordVanand most of the time just sale_line is fine cuz the lines are all different anyway13:45
LordVanjust sometimes duplication would be nice where only small things differ13:45
pokoliLordVan: first law of computer science: If something just works don't touch!!!13:48
pokoliACTION just joking13:48
pokoliLordVan: but I guess you can live without the duplication. It's just a nice feature13:48
LordVanwell as I said with parts that do repeatedly come up (which is only a few customers) i will use product soon (and auto-fill the sale_lines from product then)13:50
LordVanbut i just need to be able to do it manually to13:50
LordVananyway I know our way of using it is not in line with the "tryton way" but i had to adapt to our circumstances .. I just need a way to duplicate sale lines lol ..13:57
LordVanso .. what you were saying pokoli is that I need to modify the tryton client and *not* the XML files for the views?13:58
pokoliLordVan: if you will like to add the button next to the add new line button yes. And this will be available on all one2many fields13:58
LordVanok that is probably not what I want then13:59
LordVanif i made a wizard?13:59
pokoliLordVan: normally people start doing thinks "not the tryton way" and they end forking the entire project :O13:59
LordVanthat would probably be .. less intrusive13:59
LordVannot gonna fork it haha13:59
LordVanI am rather going to try to adjust what we do and align more with the tryton way (which i do like) as we go along14:00
LordVanbut i had a tight timeline14:00
pokoliLordVan: you can add a button that just copies the record but it won't reload the entire sale so you will not see the new record14:00
LordVanI shall think about how i will do this i guess14:00
pokoliLordVan: you can add a button_change that will create a new line with the current values, but not sure if you can do for a specific sale line, so probably the button should be on the sale and just duplicate the last one14:01
pokoliLordVan: or you can do whatever you prefer with a wizard, but this will be 2 or 3 clicks more14:01
LordVanpokoli, 2 or 3 clicks more and it is more intuitive would be fine14:01
LordVanour office staff are .. noobs14:01
pokoliLordVan: and they will be always noobs if you do not teach them how tryton works14:03
LordVani am14:03
LordVanbut when you ahve to start how to properly copy paste14:04
LordVandespair is near14:04
LordVani wasn'T talking tryton noobs . i was talking pc usage noobs14:04
LordVanbut yeah the button to duplicate the last line is definitely a good start14:04
LordVanbut it would be better to make a wizard to duplicate select ones (maybe even X times)14:05
LordVanwhich is the main reason why i am leaning towards the wizard14:05
pokoliLordVan: you will not be able to duplicate more than one line because from the wizard PoV the selected records will be the sale but not the lines14:29
LordVani have not yet looked at wizards at all so far .. so you are saying I cannot (easily) write some code to get a list of the sale lines of the record/sale and then do stuff with them?14:30
pokoliLordVan: yes you can but not from the sale screen14:31
pokoliLordVan: if you can not duplicate some lines from the UI it is not possible to do the same using a wizard14:31
pokoliLordVan: tryton always works with the same pattern of selected records14:31
LordVanok as I said i had not looked at the wizard stuff at all yetr14:34
cedkLordVan: you could just add a relate that opens the sale lines and from there you can duplicate any of them14:36
LordVancedk, that would probably the best solution over all14:38
LordVanI wasn'T sure how easy that was14:38
LordVancould you point me to where that is used somewhere so I ahve an example?14:38
cedkLordVan: search for form_relate keyword in XML14:38
LordVancedk, thank you - as always ;)14:39
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-!- Hirschbeutel(janmittelw@gateway/shell/ has joined #tryton18:36
-!- Pilou(~Pilou@pdpc/supporter/active/pilou) has joined #tryton20:57
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