IRC logs of #tryton for Thursday, 2020-12-31 #tryton log beginning Thu Dec 31 12:00:01 AM CET 2020
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton23:25
-!- lucascastro(~lucascast@ has joined #tryton02:16
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton08:47
LordVanjust confirming .. when I have several different models i want to add extra fields to .. it probably is best to do all that in one module as opposed to making like 4 or 5 modules per Model .. or is there any benefit (at all) in splitting it up? (to me it just seems like more work for me to maintain when I split it -- and the fields I add are unlikely to be useful to anyone else for the most part so no real point for others that are not in the09:11
LordVansame business)09:11
cedkLordVan: since few years now we have only 1 module per customer09:40
LordVanyeah seems to be less of a pain except for something really generic09:41
LordVanlike my ;) but that too is overkill consideirng the amount of actual code/xml but it was mostly for getting into dev and testing09:42
LordVanparty_relationships .. is there a way to automatically set up the reverse relationships (where defined of course)09:47
LordVanah never mind09:47
LordVani just tried sth and it does exactly what i want/was going to ask09:48
LordVanACTION wonders why delivery date is  greyed out / not clickable on sale_line .. there is no mention of it on either .. 09:54
LordVanI suspect it is only for actually alraedy delivered stuff ? -- meaning if i want a "due date" for the delivery per line I need to add it correct?09:55
LordVan(we often have orders where some parts of the order are for different due dates)09:55
LordVanACTION goes and reads the code09:55
LordVanyeah I guess my assumption was correct.. so I need to add a due_date field myself here ..09:58
LordVanbtw ... I hope you don't mind me writing that much sometimes here .. (even if I figure out the answer myself after a bit quite often) .. if you'd prefer me to not "spam" so much here i can keep it down09:59
LordVanhmm is this a problem with my data, template or relatorio/.. setup? :
LordVan.. ok seems like there was just some data not there in the Sale that was expected for the template10:32
LordVan(tried with a different one)10:32
cedkLordVan: it seems that either the language code in the context is not registered or the default language in the configuration (ir.configuration) is not registered10:34
-!- mariomop(~quassel@ has joined #tryton11:07
LordVancedk, but the weird part is .. for a "posted" invoice i can generate the report without error11:40
LordVanwell anyway I shall find out more at a later point, when I made my templates for reports11:51
PilouLordVan: just in case: is "language" set in "[database]" section of trytond.conf (with a short language code, for example: 'fr') ?11:52
LordVanPilou, thanks but i think in this case it was not that .. the problem was that was not set11:54
LordVanthis is just the default template included btw11:54
LordVanso i was wondering11:54
LordVanwould it maybe make sense to change that line "format_date(sale.sale_date or today," to something like "format_date(sale.sale_date or today, or system_default_ language))11:56
LordVanbecause in party11:56
LordVanthe language field is non-mandatory11:56
LordVan(I do intend to look into setting it up, so that for new parties the default language is the standard language so it shouldn't happen often, but still ..)11:56
LordVanseems less than ideal11:56
-!- lucascastro(~lucascast@2804:c2c:cf00:c2ad:23d3:b198:497e:22b8) has joined #tryton12:15
cedkLordVan: no need to change because format_date fallback to the default system12:19
LordVanthen why did i get the exception though?12:21
cedkLordVan: because I think the language in ir.configuration is not registered12:25
LordVani just used de now12:25
LordVanand restarted trytond12:25
cedkit probably comes from when you created the DB with the wrong configuration12:25
cedkit is registered in ir_configuration table12:25
LordVanyou mean i need to recreate dthe db with language=de instead of de_AT12:25
LordVani see12:25
LordVanI thought it was enough to change the config and restart trytond.12:25
LordVani shall re-create12:25
cedkLordVan: you can just update the value in the table12:26
LordVanah so there is nothing else that needs to be done? then I do that. thanks12:26
LordVanwould re-running trytond_admin --all also update it btw?12:27
LordVanit did12:27
LordVan de # de_AT12:27
LordVani had left a comment at the end12:27
LordVanit seems to put that too and nto ignore the comment. my mistake12:28
LordVananyway manually updated and also fixed my config12:30
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton12:38
-!- rpit( has joined #tryton13:54
LordVanwell i shall stop for the day.. have a nice day and a good start into the new year ;)14:09
-!- lucascastro(~lucascast@2804:c2c:cf00:c2ad:23d3:b198:497e:22b8) has joined #tryton17:05
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton21:38

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