IRC logs of #tryton for Monday, 2020-06-29 #tryton log beginning Mon 29 Jun 2020 12:00:01 AM CEST
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton23:19
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-!- cryptic(~cryptic@ has joined #tryton04:41
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-!- thaneor1( has joined #tryton05:02
-!- Timitos(~kpreisler@2001:a61:5ad:c901:762b:62ff:fe84:ed7e) has joined #tryton05:26
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-!- mrichez( has joined #tryton06:48
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton06:58
-!- nicoe(~nicoe@2a02:578:852a:c00:7e2a:31ff:fe5e:b25d) has joined #tryton08:44
-!- mariomop(~quassel@ has joined #tryton10:50
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cedkI'm implementing sending email from client (
-!- SimAlbertiBeltra(sim6matrix@gateway/shell/ has joined #tryton14:08
cedkI'm creating email templates which prefill recipients, subject and body14:08
cedkI'm wondering which language should I use for the body?14:08
cedkthe language of the recipients or the language of the user?14:09
cedkalso recipients may have different languages14:09
semariecedk: if translation in "recipients language" exists then use it, else fallback to "user language"14:16
semariebut I dunno if it is something easy to do or not...14:16
cedkbut what if the user does not speak the recipients language?14:17
semarieif it is a template, it means an administrator configured it. so I assume the user could or trust the administrator, or ask him to confirm ?14:20
semariebut I agree it isn't ideal14:20
semarieand it assumes that the template comes from configuration (and not from tryton)14:21
semarieACTION is reading the discuss link to have more context14:22
cedkas it is a prefill, I expect user to edit it14:23
pokolicedk: it is doable to have the language as parameter of the email dialog?14:24
pokoliso the system prefills it with the recipient language but the user can change it and the server prefills it with the user language14:25
cedkpokoli: adding options is always the easy solution14:28
cedkbut in this case I do not think user will care about changing that and they will just re-type the content14:28
cedkby the way, the current report email option was using the user language14:29
pokolicedk: then I think we will use the receipent language and let the uder re-type if he does not understand14:30
cedkpokoli: and how do you determine the recipients language?14:31
pokolicedk: If the recipient is related to a party you will know it14:33
pokolicedk: otherwise we could set it on the template, so the user can pick the right template depending on the expected language14:33
nicoeIf the user sends something that he does not understand why bother showing him the information?14:39
-!- lenucksi[m](lenucksieu@gateway/shell/ has joined #tryton14:40
pokolinicoe: could be the user insterested on adding some attachments only?14:40
nicoemaybe indeed14:43
cedkemail with attachment only and no body nor subject have few chances to reach the INBOX14:45
pokolicedk: but user may keep the original content in case he does not understand14:49
cedkI find weird that user send message that he does not understand14:51
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pokoliso you prefer that the recipient receives a text that he does not understand? :$15:02
cedkwe do not know which languages he understand, we only know the preferred language to receive documents15:20
cedkso I think we can guess that user who send an email to recipients will know that the language he uses will be understood15:20
Timitosi am with pokoli. i would prefer to provide a language related to the recipient15:25
cedkOK but how do you choose this language? There are many recipients.15:26
cedkalso user may choose a template and then change the recipients list. what should happen then?15:27
Timitoswhen the dialog opens and a default tax is available it should use a context related language. any changes that are required after this action are up the user15:28
Timitoss/default tax/default language :-D15:34
Timitoss/default tax/default text15:34
cedkI see many drawbacks when trying to be smarter by guessing recipients language16:04
cedkwhen I see coherence in using the user and UI language by default16:05
Timitosit is the way the reports work. they use the language of the context related party. why should it be different for the body of the email?16:07
cedkreports do not always work like that, it is inside the report that we choose to change the user language by something else16:09
cedkalso emails are communication that implies possible exchange when reports have not replies16:10
Timitosok. but i think this way is the most common case so for the body should be such an option too16:10
cedkI do not understand16:11
Timitosusing the language of the context related party is for me the common case on a report and i think it should be the same for the email body16:11
cedkso for you, it is perfectly normal that a user is sending an email in a language he does not speak and then receive answers in this unknown language later?16:13
Timitosi think it is a matter of configuration to prevent that scenario and if this scenario happens then it may be on purpose16:14
cedkwhat configuration are you talking about?16:16
pokolicedk: Normally users do not send emails in a language they do not speak and parties do not receive emails on languages that they do not speak16:17
cedkpokoli: I receive frequently emails from language I do not speak16:17
pokolicedk: For example, I do not speak italian, so when sending documents to Italian parties I will write them in English16:17
cedkpokoli: so you agree to use the user language16:18
pokolicedk: no, because my language is Catalan16:18
pokolicedk: normally in this case I will set the party email to English because despite they speak Italian, it's the common language that we use for comunication16:19
cedkI will use the language context as long as I do not have a proposal for a better behavior16:20
pokolicedk: This prevents the user to know which is the expected language for the recipient16:23
pokolialso, using the party language it will ensure the same language for notification_emails and client emails16:25
pokoliACTION bbl16:25
cedknotification is manageable because we put a version of the content for each language of the recipient*s* but here it is a single text that user has to fill16:42
-!- thaneor(~ldlc6@ has joined #tryton17:04
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-!- lucascastro( has joined #tryton21:17

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