IRC logs of #tryton for Tuesday, 2020-05-19 #tryton log beginning Tue 19 May 2020 12:00:01 AM CEST
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton22:12
-!- thaneor(~ldlc6@ has joined #tryton02:34
-!- lucascastro( has joined #tryton03:39
-!- springwurm(~Springwur@ has joined #tryton04:46
-!- rpit( has joined #tryton05:40
-!- mrichez(~Maxime@2a02:a03f:467c:d500:a385:4ecf:c4ea:d8cf) has joined #tryton05:41
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton06:26
-!- josesalvador(~josesalva@ has joined #tryton06:37
cedkIs there any one who got a good bootstrap theme that we could apply on the demo server?07:01
pokolicedk: we used one for but we ended up by building a custom one with our colors07:24
cedkpokoli: what was the problem with bootswatch?07:30
pokolicedk: IIRC none but we prefer to have our own colors07:45
pokolicedk: I'm not sure if it's the case of bootswatch but for our own theme we normally need to adjust some styles each version07:45
pokoliprobably it's a problem of our theme07:46
pokolifor example the last release I needed to adjust the header styles because they broke with the sticky header change07:46
cedkthis can happen but normally for standardized Bootstrap theme it should not (or maybe it is sao rules that are broken)07:50
pokolicedk: normally our issues are because the is a new rule on tryton which overrides our custom one. So most of the time is a problem on our side08:02
pokolicedk: I've seen your pool and I'm wondering if we should provide a demo for each theme08:03
pokolicedk: or at least for some of them08:03
pokolicedk: I fear that people will have a look only at the bootswatch website, and when applied on sao things may be very diferent08:05
cedkpokoli: I put a comment that they must test it08:07
cedka screenshot will not be enough, you need to use it08:07
pokolicedk: for example this is sao with paper theme (which has two votes now):
pokolii do not see any big diference with current design08:11
cedkpokoli: there are differences08:13
cedkpokoli: I do not think I can put screenshot in the poll but feel free to post a comment with screenshots08:14
pokolicedk: yes but the most notable diference is normally the font and just it08:14
pokolicedk: but what makes sao look nicer is the diferent colors (IMHO)08:15
cedkpokoli: we could add a color theme in extra08:21
-!- Timitos(~kpreisler@2001:a61:400:901:762b:62ff:fe84:ed7e) has joined #tryton08:43
pokolicedk: Probably adding just a color on our base theme will do the trick08:59
cedka good base would be to use the one from www.tryton.org09:01
pokolicedk: but uses bootstrap4 and sao bs309:03
cedkI do not say to reuse the CSS but the base colors09:04
pokolicedk: then you will end up with a custom theme like we did09:06
pokolicedk: that's what we have:
pokolithe custom.css is available there09:07
cedkindeed bootswatch theme are bootstrap css build with some custom rules09:15
-!- Abraham(c5d25421@ has joined #tryton09:23
-!- nicoe(~nicoe@2a02:578:852a:c00:7e2a:31ff:fe5e:b25d) has joined #tryton09:24
-!- umekalu(c5d25421@ has joined #tryton09:34
-!- mariomop(~quassel@ has joined #tryton11:28
-!- springwurm(~Springwur@ has joined #tryton12:00
-!- thaneor( has joined #tryton14:36
-!- udono( has joined #tryton17:55
-!- nicoe(~nicoe@2a02:578:852a:c00:7e2a:31ff:fe5e:b25d) has joined #tryton19:23
-!- mariomop(~quassel@ has joined #tryton20:18
-!- cryptic(~cryptic@ has joined #tryton21:40

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