IRC logs of #tryton for Wednesday, 2019-09-25 #tryton log beginning Wed 25 Sep 2019 12:00:01 AM CEST
-!- campanula_hero(~campanula@ has joined #tryton01:01
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-!- LordVan(~LordVan@gentoo/developer/LordVan) has joined #tryton06:12
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-!- Timitos(~kpreisler@2001:a61:5a4:b101:762b:62ff:fe84:ed7e) has joined #tryton06:33
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton06:37
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-!- rpit( has joined #tryton07:00
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-!- mrichez( has joined #tryton09:48
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mrichezhi, wondering what is the easy way to have product quantities in a warehouse because when clicking on relate "product quantities by warehouse" on product... by default there's a filter date:>=today and it seems your warehouse is empty on the graph (if there's no futures purchases or sales).... i always need to remove this date filter and switch the view to the treeview to get the last quantity in stock... So wondering, how do you proceed to get instantly12:05
mrichezyour product stock quantity in warehouse?12:05
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pokolimrichez: Stock -> Locations -> Double click on warehouse12:34
mrichezpokoli: indeed, but users often start from products list to get instant stock or with product relate (for instance, they create a sale opportunity, add product on the lines and check if product has stock with a relate..)12:37
mrichezpokoli: otherwise they should have constantly product(warehouse) tab open to get product quantities...12:38
cedkmrichez: why not use "Location Tree/List quantity" ?12:42
mrichezcedk: marketing users needs to know the whole quantity in stock, they don't care to know the different locations, and with this view they have to sum all the quantities12:46
cedkmrichez: they can look at the warehouse12:49
cedkalso we could improve stock.product_quantities_warehouse to include a record for today12:51
mrichezcedk: but when you look at the warehouse you don't know if a product is not there because it doesn't exists or because stock is empty12:52
mrichezcedk: so i think improving product_quantities_warehouse will be better :-)12:53
cedkmrichez: I do not understand the difference between "not exist" or "stock empty"12:54
mrichezcedk: we often create new products following customer request (so if i check stock through warehouse screen and i filter with an unknown product, i'll get empty rows... same result if product exist but stock is empty)13:00
mrichezcedk: so i would be better also to have quantities <= 0 in the view...13:05
cedkmrichez: which view?13:05
mrichezcedk: relate on location to have product quantities... (Stock -> Locations -> Double click on warehouse)13:06
mrichezcedk: so i you filter on an unknown product, there's no rows ... but if you filter on an existing product having no stock you got one row with product and quantities 013:08
mrichezcedk: should i begin a discuss about those improvements ?13:09
cedkmrichez: I do not understand which improvement you are talking about13:10
mrichezcedk: to improve stock.product_quantities_warehouse to include a record for today and also to get empty stocks on the warehouse product quantities view13:12
cedkmrichez: there are two different things13:13
cedkand unrelated13:13
cedkfor the product_quantities_warehouse, I do not think it requires any discussion but just an implementation13:20
cedkfor the product by location, I think the domain could be a search_value to let user choose like on other similar view13:21
mrichezcedk: ok13:22
-!- Timitos(~kpreisler@2001:a61:5a4:b101:762b:62ff:fe84:ed7e) has joined #tryton14:36
-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton17:39
-!- campanula_hero( has joined #tryton17:52
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-!- cedk(~ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton18:52
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