IRC logs of #tryton for Tuesday, 2013-12-03 #tryton log beginning Tue Dec 3 00:00:02 CET 2013
2013-12-03 06:32 <WUD> Hi. I just needed some help with using a relate link in a view
2013-12-03 07:45 <WUD> I have added a relate keyword in my xml, but it's not showing up
2013-12-03 08:49 <WUD> I put a relate field in my xml file, but its not showing on tryton
2013-12-03 09:06 <WUD> I am trying to use the relate menu option, the model I added is showing in menu actions but its not coming in the view. Any thoughts?
2013-12-03 15:07 <motaro> People I still have a problem with generating a report.
2013-12-03 15:07 <motaro> I get "ProtocolError for localhost:8000/dbname: 500 Internal server error"
2013-12-03 15:09 <grasbauer> motaro: sometimes you get a 500 because of an error in the report - don't know why sometimes the error message is hidden
2013-12-03 15:09 <jeancavallo> grasbauer: It is hidden when the json encoder fails because of special characters
2013-12-03 15:10 <grasbauer> jeancavallo: ah - ok
2013-12-03 15:10 <jeancavallo> grasbauer: That is the usual reason
2013-12-03 15:10 <jeancavallo> motaro: Try
2013-12-03 15:12 <grasbauer> jeancavallo: why this is not te default?
2013-12-03 15:13 <sharoonthomas> is there a module which adds images to products/product categories ?
2013-12-03 15:14 <jeancavallo> grasbauer: cedk gave me a good reason but I do not remember it right now :(
2013-12-03 15:15 <jeancavallo> grasbauer: And sometimes it fails as well, if even printing fails
2013-12-03 15:15 <grasbauer> jeancavallo: so it is like it is ;)
2013-12-03 15:15 <grasbauer> sharoonthomas: where do you wanna store them?
2013-12-03 15:15 <sharoonthomas> grasbauer: filesystem by default
2013-12-03 15:16 <sharoonthomas> grasbauer: we already have this feature in nereid, but i'd like to keep it modular and reuse something which already exists
2013-12-03 15:16 <grasbauer> sharoonthomas: we have done this - one moment
2013-12-03 15:18 <grasbauer> sharoonthomas: its included in our ecommerce-module - but easy to exclude for keeping it modular ;)
2013-12-03 15:20 <sharoonthomas> grasbauer: same here, in that case, I guess we should write a new module separate from these
2013-12-03 15:21 <grasbauer> sharoonthomas: ok - I can push a 'blueprintmodule' to github and we can discuss it ...
2013-12-03 15:22 <sharoonthomas> grasbauer: sure
2013-12-03 15:22 <grasbauer> sharoonthomas: will do it this evening
2013-12-03 15:22 <sharoonthomas> cedk: what do you think of a FSBinaryField which would store field contents to filesystem instead of DB ?
2013-12-03 15:23 <nicoe> sharoonthomas: what about rollbacking and so on?
2013-12-03 15:24 <sharoonthomas> nicoe: the same problem attachments would have ?
2013-12-03 15:24 <grasbauer> sharoonthomas: we have done a workaround with a function_field(field.binary)
2013-12-03 15:24 <sharoonthomas> grasbauer: yes, but thinking if we could standardize this as a field instead of redefining everytime
2013-12-03 15:25 <nicoe> sharoonthomas: Indeed
2013-12-03 15:25 <grasbauer> sharoonthomas: yes - it would be better - handling of blobs in ZODB is a good starting point ...
2013-12-03 15:26 <nicoe> grasbauer: I guess what zope does looks like two-phase commit
2013-12-03 15:26 <sharoonthomas> grasbauer: nicoe: any links for a quick read ?
2013-12-03 15:28 <nicoe> sharoonthomas:
2013-12-03 15:28 <sharoonthomas> nicoe: thnx
2013-12-03 15:28 <nicoe> IIRC zope needs this because some queries write both in the zodb and in sql
2013-12-03 15:30 <grasbauer> nicoe: the main reason is not to store large files to the ZODB - there is no sql
2013-12-03 15:31 <sharoonthomas> nicoe: I think we could achieve the same with the planned transaction hooks
2013-12-03 15:31 <sharoonthomas> nicoe: probably write to the FS the files with a ~prefix and then on commit remove the ~ prefix
2013-12-03 15:33 <nicoe> sharoonthomas: you're probably right but at the TUB cedk talked about two-phase commits so …
2013-12-03 15:44 <motaro> jeancavallo, no JSON object could be decoded.
2013-12-03 15:44 <motaro> jeancavallo, that's the error I'm getting.
2013-12-03 15:45 <jeancavallo> motaro: did your print "response" before the return statement ?
2013-12-03 15:46 <motaro> I printed it says "TypeError: object of type 'NoneType' has no len()"
2013-12-03 15:48 <jeancavallo> motaro: Ok, you should have a traceback with stack & all now ?
2013-12-03 15:49 <motaro> yes
2013-12-03 15:49 <jeancavallo> motaro: Can you manage ? Else can you pastebin it ?
2013-12-03 15:49 <motaro> cool
2013-12-03 15:52 <cedk> sharoonthomas: indeed, I don't think it should be a field but a API to store data on fs and return key
2013-12-03 15:52 <sharoonthomas> cedk: we should probably write blueprint for it ?
2013-12-03 15:52 <cedk> sharoonthomas: and a method to retrieve the content (or a file descriptor) from the name
2013-12-03 15:54 -!- strebitz(~sebastian@ has left #tryton
2013-12-03 17:52 -!- bechamel(~bch@ has left #tryton
2013-12-03 18:52 <motaro> in printing a report how can I choose the object which is currently selected?
2013-12-03 19:04 <udono> motaro: It should work automatically in list view. See invoice, sale, letter reports ...
2013-12-03 19:20 <motaro> udono: Not sure because, I had to put the field statements on the report between a 'for each' so that they will grab a value.
2013-12-03 19:21 <motaro> I saw that there is a 'choose' tag but how do I pick the correct object that is selected on the UI?
2013-12-03 19:22 <udono> motaro: AFAIK it works only with list views, but not with xxx2many fields.
2013-12-03 19:57 -!- vcardon( has left #tryton
2013-12-03 20:49 -!- vcardon( has left #tryton

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