IRC logs of #tryton for Saturday, 2013-11-09 #tryton log beginning Sat Nov 9 00:00:02 CET 2013
2013-11-09 08:41 <kotek> Anyone has a dream to help me out: ?
2013-11-09 08:55 <kotek> Ok, nailed it.
2013-11-09 09:20 <kotek> Is there a list of reports that are needed in tryton?
2013-11-09 09:52 <katr> kotek: What do you mean by needed?
2013-11-09 09:55 <kotek> Those, which lack of makes tryton not considered as an alternative for commercial software. :P
2013-11-09 09:59 <katr> kotek: That depends on your requirements.
2013-11-09 10:01 <kotek> I'm asking about requirements of other users... :D
2013-11-09 10:01 <katr> kotek: Reports can usually be developed quite fast. What is more critical is the business logic.
2013-11-09 10:02 <kotek> I don't have either experience and mana for business logic, so I'd like to put hands into reports. :D
2013-11-09 10:09 <katr> katr: I think the standard modules came with most of the important reports but they are quite basic. So there is more need to adapt them to your needs.
2013-11-09 10:13 <katr> katr: From the standard modules of Tryton I mostly use the accounting modules. What I'm missing there is a printable P&L, balance sheet and an open items list.
2013-11-09 10:14 <katr> kotek: I should not auto-complete to my own nickname :).
2013-11-09 10:14 <kotek> :D
2013-11-09 10:15 <kotek> P&L?
2013-11-09 10:15 <katr> Profit and loss
2013-11-09 10:17 <kotek> M'kay.
2013-11-09 10:17 <katr> kotek: But there are a lot more production and warehouse management modules, so maybe they are missing some important reports.
2013-11-09 10:19 <kotek> OpenERP has this cool thingie, that it is able to print every screen.
2013-11-09 10:25 <katr> kotek: IIRC that was nearly usable, because it chooses the same width for all columns, so some content gets cut-off etc.
2013-11-09 10:27 <katr> kotek: In Tryton you can cut and paste from every list into a spreadsheet like Excel. This makes a lot more sense IMO.
2013-11-09 10:28 <kotek> It's also good.
2013-11-09 10:28 <kotek> Hmm... Neso 3.0 don't want to show created databases...
2013-11-09 10:29 <katr> katr: Never used Neso, so I'm afraid I can't help you with that.
2013-11-09 10:38 <kotek> :(
2013-11-09 13:39 <motaro> I keep having an error that the country module can't be found. When I upgraded to version 3.0 any ideas anyone.
2013-11-09 14:03 <kotek> Remove older version of country module.
2013-11-09 17:13 -!- vcardon( has left #tryton

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