IRC logs of #tryton for Monday, 2013-09-02 #tryton log beginning Mon Sep 2 00:00:02 CEST 2013
2013-09-02 11:39 <jvblasco> guys i activated ssl on the tryton server, but now the client can't connect to the server, any trick i should know about?
2013-09-02 11:39 <jvblasco> in the wiki says that the client should connect without problems
2013-09-02 11:40 <cedk> jvblasco: fix your known_hosts file
2013-09-02 11:40 <jvblasco> how?
2013-09-02 11:40 <corro> jvblasco: delete the corresponding line in ~/.config/tryton/<version>/known_hosts
2013-09-02 11:40 <jvblasco> ahm ok
2013-09-02 11:41 <jvblasco> cedk, corro: oh yeah, that did the trick, thnx so much
2013-09-02 12:15 <jvblasco> when i create a new model, i register in the pooler the class name in the file. I defined all the egg files and module installs correctly. I installed it in the database. I registered in the RPC interface through __setup__ method. But when i try to invoke any method through RPC it throws a keyError in the __name__ of the model ('tenloahora.api.customer')
2013-09-02 12:15 <jvblasco> i used the same procedure i used in other modules to achieve that
2013-09-02 12:15 <jvblasco> and it isn't working
2013-09-02 12:16 <jvblasco> are module names and model names related anyhow?
2013-09-02 12:16 <jvblasco> is there something i may be missing?
2013-09-02 12:16 <WUD> +
2013-09-02 12:23 <jvblasco> i also can't get the model with Pool().get('tenloahora.api.customer')
2013-09-02 12:23 <jvblasco> it throws the same error, as expected
2013-09-02 13:38 <jeancavallo1> Anyone knows how to get the current user id in a Pyson expression ? I am trying to set a domain on an act_window and need the user id for filtering.
2013-09-02 14:13 <jeancavallo1> okay so if anyone is wondering, the '_user' key is set in the context client-side, so one can use Eval('context', {}).get('_user')
2013-09-02 14:19 <Pilou> "Eval('_user')" is not sufficient ?
2013-09-02 14:28 <cedk> Pilou: even if it works it is a bad idea, soon or later we will remove the usage of implicit context
2013-09-02 14:30 <Pilou> it's in trytond source code
2013-09-02 14:36 <Pilou> precisely it was in request
2013-09-02 16:20 <motaro> Hello, I was wondering how does it look to use the GTK client through a 'dialup' connection?
2013-09-02 16:20 <motaro> any experiences?
2013-09-02 16:26 <jvblasco> motaro: no idea, but my guess is that it will depend on the bandwidth available in the connection
2013-09-02 16:27 <jvblasco> motaro: anyway json-rpc is a very lightweigth protocol, u should not have any issues
2013-09-02 16:33 <motaro> jvblasco, Is the engine is using synchronous communication?
2013-09-02 17:34 <jvblasco> motaro: what do u mean?
2013-09-02 17:35 <motaro> jvblasco: The interface will it wait for server responses in order to respond to mouse clicks and keyboard?
2013-09-02 17:37 <cedk> motaro: it depends of the event
2013-09-02 17:37 <motaro> OK!
2013-09-02 17:40 <cedk> motaro: I think your problem will not be the bandwith but the latency
2013-09-02 19:45 -!- vcardon( has left #tryton
2013-09-02 21:23 <plantian> the mac client should support ssl right?
2013-09-02 21:32 <plantian> nevermind it works on another mac, i guess deleting the known_hosts is not enough to get the client to accept the change to ssl

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