IRC logs of #tryton for Sunday, 2012-11-04 #tryton log beginning Sun Nov 4 00:00:01 CET 2012
2012-11-04 17:27 -!- Info_Pat( has left #tryton
2012-11-04 22:40 <chrisinp> good day all
2012-11-04 22:41 <chrisinp> does anyone have a few moment to help me get tryton up?
2012-11-04 22:41 <chrisinp> i've all the ervices running, but they won't talk nicely, on ubuntu prcise
2012-11-04 22:42 <chrisinp> and yes i think my battery is running low on this keyboard
2012-11-04 22:44 <rmu> hi
2012-11-04 22:44 <rmu> whats the problem
2012-11-04 22:46 <chrisinp> well I just can't get client to connect. It will poll for a db if i use 8000, but with postgres port set, nothing doing expcept bad user/pass
2012-11-04 22:46 <chrisinp> my trytond.conf should have postgres db port right?
2012-11-04 22:47 <rmu> you should create a new db first before trying to connect to one
2012-11-04 22:48 <chrisinp> yeah I've done that, a few times
2012-11-04 22:48 <chrisinp> fololowing 'setup and start'
2012-11-04 22:48 <rmu> if this works, you should also be able to connect with the client, without changing trytond.conf
2012-11-04 22:49 <chrisinp> what port should the client use?
2012-11-04 22:49 <chrisinp> pg port?
2012-11-04 22:49 <rmu> 8000
2012-11-04 22:49 <chrisinp> yeah thouhgt so
2012-11-04 22:50 <rmu> pg port is if you want to talk to pg directly
2012-11-04 22:50 <chrisinp> naah it just hangs
2012-11-04 22:50 <rmu> with a proper client ;)
2012-11-04 22:50 <rmu> e.g. psql
2012-11-04 22:50 <chrisinp> gotcha, that gets me nowhere. 800 will poll and get db but hang
2012-11-04 22:50 <chrisinp> yep
2012-11-04 22:50 <rmu> tryton client talks to tryton server, and tryton server talks to postgresql
2012-11-04 22:51 <chrisinp> yep im with ya
2012-11-04 22:52 <rmu> so you get the list of dbs in the client, and logging in hangs?
2012-11-04 22:52 <chrisinp> another thing, I cannot find a 'tryton-dist' directory. Would this be my python tree?
2012-11-04 22:52 <chrisinp> yeah, however perhaps more notable
2012-11-04 22:52 <chrisinp> following the guide
2012-11-04 22:53 <chrisinp> I cannot find tryton-dist/trytond...
2012-11-04 22:53 <chrisinp> so I bash 'trython'
2012-11-04 22:53 <chrisinp> which spits a python error
2012-11-04 22:53 <rmu> how did you install?
2012-11-04 22:53 <chrisinp> apt
2012-11-04 22:54 <chrisinp> client/server/,odules-all
2012-11-04 22:55 <chrisinp> pkg_resources.DistributionNotFound: tryton==2.6.0
2012-11-04 22:55 <chrisinp> is the last line of the python error
2012-11-04 22:55 <rmu> hmm...
2012-11-04 22:55 <rmu> my tryton packages in precise are at version 2.2
2012-11-04 22:55 <chrisinp> hmm
2012-11-04 22:56 <chrisinp> gonna have another look at the line ref's, but it's a bit over my head
2012-11-04 22:56 <rmu> you used the packages from
2012-11-04 22:57 <chrisinp> erm no, I tried the all in one via apt too, to little avail. Removed that
2012-11-04 22:58 <rmu> seems something is messed up with your install
2012-11-04 22:58 <rmu> what does `which tryton` say?
2012-11-04 22:59 <chrisinp> it's 2.21 by the looks of it
2012-11-04 22:59 <chrisinp> 1 sec
2012-11-04 23:00 <chrisinp> usr local bin trython
2012-11-04 23:01 <chrisinp> and dpkg reports 2.2.1-1 client/server versions
2012-11-04 23:02 <rmu> you have some other installation parallel to the .deb packages
2012-11-04 23:03 <chrisinp> hmm wierd, just opened another terminal, 'trython' command not found
2012-11-04 23:03 <rmu> try "tryton" without h
2012-11-04 23:03 <chrisinp> ah
2012-11-04 23:04 <chrisinp> starange as I've removed ALL P[REVIOUS LINKS WITH DPKG, BEFORE INSTALLING THIS VERSION
2012-11-04 23:04 <chrisinp> scuse me
2012-11-04 23:06 <rmu> dpkg does not touch stuff you install manually e.g. with "make install" or the like
2012-11-04 23:07 <chrisinp> i see, erm i tell a lie, neso is still there
2012-11-04 23:07 <rmu> whatever, if you can create a database you should also be able to connect afterwards
2012-11-04 23:09 <rmu> ubuntun tryton-server package starts trytond via /etc/init.d/tryton-server
2012-11-04 23:09 <chrisinp> yeah, can run/restart that no probs
2012-11-04 23:10 <rmu> you can try running the tryton server manually
2012-11-04 23:11 <rmu> stop the package, and type something like "trytond -v" and watch the output while tryng to connect
2012-11-04 23:13 <chrisinp> yeah it starts and stops fine
2012-11-04 23:13 <rmu> "sudo -u tryton trytond -v" is better
2012-11-04 23:13 <rmu> start it like this, and watch the output while trying to connect with the client
2012-11-04 23:15 <chrisinp> yeah that's gave me things to look at
2012-11-04 23:17 <chrisinp> and it crashes trytond
2012-11-04 23:18 <chrisinp> socket.error: [Errno 98] Address already in use
2012-11-04 23:18 <rmu> stop the tryton-daemon first
2012-11-04 23:18 <rmu> sudo /etc/init.d/tryton-server stop
2012-11-04 23:20 <chrisinp> yeah it's got to waiting for connections this time
2012-11-04 23:21 <rmu> so try connecting
2012-11-04 23:22 <chrisinp> yep, connection crashes trytond
2012-11-04 23:24 <rmu> any hints from the log?
2012-11-04 23:25 <rmu> probably you try to connect to a db that was created with a different version of tryton
2012-11-04 23:27 <chrisinp> yeah I'm gonna try a new one
2012-11-04 23:28 <chrisinp> log coincides with bash
2012-11-04 23:28 <chrisinp> or terminal
2012-11-04 23:30 <rmu> coincides?
2012-11-04 23:32 <chrisinp> yeah last entry in the log is where problems begin in terminal
2012-11-04 23:34 <chrisinp> my head is swollen, enough for one day I think
2012-11-04 23:34 <chrisinp> try again tm
2012-11-04 23:34 <chrisinp> thanks for your help man
2012-11-04 23:34 <rmu> yw
2012-11-04 23:35 <rmu> if you pastebin'ed the error message that would help

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