IRC logs of #tryton for Friday, 2012-10-19 #tryton log beginning Fri Oct 19 00:00:01 CEST 2012
2012-10-19 20:20 -!- sparks777(~sparks777@ has left #tryton
2012-10-19 21:00 <sparks777> hi
2012-10-19 21:11 <sparks777> pls anybody know simple man how to install tryton db on mysql?
2012-10-19 21:47 -!- sparks777(~sparks777@ has left #tryton
2012-10-19 22:11 <mdnss> hi people
2012-10-19 22:12 <mdnss> I'm having an error message "could not connect to server"
2012-10-19 22:12 <mdnss> both postgresql and tryton servers are running
2012-10-19 22:12 <mdnss> any idea of what could be?
2012-10-19 22:15 <cedk> mdnss: did you try to run trytond in verbose mode?
2012-10-19 22:16 <mdnss> no cedk, I don't know how to do that
2012-10-19 22:16 <rmu> mdnss: this error message, is it from the server or from the client?
2012-10-19 22:17 <mdnss> from the client rmu
2012-10-19 22:17 <rmu> you are sure the address in the client is the correct one, and the server is actually listening on that address?
2012-10-19 22:17 <mdnss> I only have the demo profile, so I try to add another, with localhost but I only get that message
2012-10-19 22:18 <mdnss> the address in the client would be localhost, and the server is listening on that address rmu
2012-10-19 22:18 <rmu> client and server are the same version?
2012-10-19 22:19 <mdnss> yes
2012-10-19 22:19 <mdnss> both are 2.4
2012-10-19 22:20 <rmu> so the server should listen on port 8000 IIRC
2012-10-19 22:20 <rmu> are you on linux?
2012-10-19 22:21 <mdnss> yes, I tried netstat with some other parameters, and it is listening on that port
2012-10-19 22:21 <mdnss> ubuntu 12.04
2012-10-19 22:21 <rmu> can you try "nc localhost 8000" ?
2012-10-19 22:22 <rmu> or "telnet localhost 8000"
2012-10-19 22:23 <mdnss> with telnet I get this:
2012-10-19 22:23 <mdnss> Trying
2012-10-19 22:23 <mdnss> Connected to localhost.
2012-10-19 22:24 <rmu> type something like "get /" enter
2012-10-19 22:24 <mdnss> order not found
2012-10-19 22:24 <mdnss> but there're 16 similar
2012-10-19 22:26 <rmu> don't understand - you should get http error code 400 or something like that
2012-10-19 22:27 <rmu> perhaps some other thing is listening on port 8000, thus blocking it for the tryton server?
2012-10-19 22:28 <mdnss> nop, nothing else
2012-10-19 22:31 <rmu> what did you mean with "order not found"
2012-10-19 22:31 <rmu> can you put the output of "echo get / HTTP/1.0 | nc localhost 8000" into a pastebin?
2012-10-19 22:36 <mdnss> ok
2012-10-19 22:38 <mdnss> here you are rmu:
2012-10-19 22:39 <rmu> seems to be ok
2012-10-19 22:39 <rmu> hmm
2012-10-19 22:41 <rmu> how do you start the server?
2012-10-19 22:41 <rmu> you can start it in verbose-mode if you add "--verbose" to the command line arguments
2012-10-19 22:42 <mdnss> I start it writing trytond
2012-10-19 22:42 <rmu> ok, so write trytond --verbose instead
2012-10-19 22:43 <mdnss> ready
2012-10-19 22:44 <mdnss> nothing changed
2012-10-19 22:44 <mdnss> same error message rmu
2012-10-19 22:44 <Pilou> you could try to use tcpdump on the server and the client (something like "tcpdump -ni any port 8000")
2012-10-19 22:45 <rmu> you start the client with typing tryton in another window i suppose?
2012-10-19 22:45 <rmu> what happens if you use tryton -s localhost -p 8000 ?
2012-10-19 22:46 <mdnss> that's right rmu, one terminal for the server, another terminal for the client
2012-10-19 22:47 <rmu> even better would be
2012-10-19 22:47 <rmu> tryton -v -s localhost -p 8000
2012-10-19 22:47 <mdnss> rmu, with "tryton -s localhost -p 8000" I get the same result, the client starts
2012-10-19 22:47 <mdnss> let me try the other option
2012-10-19 22:48 <mdnss> rmu, same thing, I see the client, with the demo server to choose, as the only option
2012-10-19 22:48 <rmu> yes thats ok
2012-10-19 22:49 <rmu> so, now you should perhaps create a database
2012-10-19 22:49 <mdnss> Pilou, the output is tcpdump: verbose output suppressed, use -v or -vv for full protocol decode
2012-10-19 22:49 <mdnss> listening on any, link-type LINUX_SLL (Linux cooked), capture size 65535 bytes
2012-10-19 22:50 <mdnss> yes, but the problem rmu is that I can't create one, it asks me for the tryton server password and I never set any password
2012-10-19 22:50 <rmu> mdnss: i think tcpdump will not really help. click "cancel", go to "file" menu, submenu database, and there create new database
2012-10-19 22:50 <mdnss> I can only create dbs with psql
2012-10-19 22:50 <rmu> leave it empty
2012-10-19 22:50 <rmu> or use "admin"
2012-10-19 22:52 <rmu> have a look in trytond.conf, there you can specify this tryton server password
2012-10-19 22:52 <rmu> seems to be "admin" per default
2012-10-19 22:52 <mdnss> if I leave it empty the "ok" button never gets enable, with admin I get this message:
2012-10-19 22:54 <rmu> ok
2012-10-19 22:54 <rmu> seems trytond can not talk to postgresql
2012-10-19 22:54 <rmu> what files do you have in /var/run/postgresql ?
2012-10-19 22:54 <rmu> (ls -a /var/run/postgresql)
2012-10-19 22:55 <mdnss> let me see...
2012-10-19 22:56 <mdnss>
2012-10-19 22:57 <rmu> does "psql template1" do something?
2012-10-19 22:58 <mdnss> yeap
2012-10-19 22:58 <mdnss> psql (9.1.6)
2012-10-19 22:58 <mdnss> Type "help" for help.
2012-10-19 22:58 <mdnss> template1=>
2012-10-19 22:58 <rmu> ok you get out with \q
2012-10-19 22:59 <mdnss> I knew that! :P
2012-10-19 22:59 <rmu> so why don't you have those postgres fifo files in /var/run/postgres?
2012-10-19 22:59 <rmu> strange
2012-10-19 23:00 <rmu> there should be a file names .s.PGSQL.5432 and .s.PGSQL.5432.lock there
2012-10-19 23:00 <mdnss> no idea
2012-10-19 23:01 <rmu> is this the default ubuntu postgres config?
2012-10-19 23:01 <mdnss> yes, I didn't change anything
2012-10-19 23:03 <rmu> can you check the postgresql.conf file in /etc/postgresql/9.1/main
2012-10-19 23:04 <mdnss> what would you like me to check in postgresql.conf file?
2012-10-19 23:04 <rmu> if there is a line like unix_socket_directory = '/var/run/postgresql' in there?
2012-10-19 23:04 <rmu> and if there is a line starting with "port ="
2012-10-19 23:05 <mdnss> I have data_directory
2012-10-19 23:05 <mdnss> which is set to /var/lib/postgresql/9.1/main
2012-10-19 23:05 <rmu> what about unix_socket_directory
2012-10-19 23:05 <mdnss> oh, sorry, found it
2012-10-19 23:06 <mdnss> set to '/var/run/postgresql'
2012-10-19 23:06 <mdnss> port=5433
2012-10-19 23:06 <rmu> ok thats it
2012-10-19 23:06 <rmu> perhaps you installed some other postgres-version
2012-10-19 23:06 <rmu> ubuntu manages that in a peculiar way
2012-10-19 23:07 <rmu> you can read about it with man pg_wrapper if you have some spare time
2012-10-19 23:07 <rmu> to get you tryton going: edit the trytond.conf file, replace the port number 5432 with 5433, and it should work
2012-10-19 23:08 <mdnss> oh my god, I gotq
2012-10-19 23:08 <mdnss> sorry, I pressed enter so soon :P
2012-10-19 23:12 <mdnss> I don't see 5432 port in trytond.conf
2012-10-19 23:14 <mdnss> grep 5432 trytond.conf returns empty
2012-10-19 23:14 <rmu> ok, db_port
2012-10-19 23:14 <rmu> perhaps it is commented
2012-10-19 23:14 <mdnss> yes, and set to false
2012-10-19 23:14 <rmu> put "db_port = 5433" there
2012-10-19 23:15 <rmu> the postgres-lib will use this "port" to locate the unix socket file of the postgres server
2012-10-19 23:15 <rmu> per default, it assumes port number 5432
2012-10-19 23:15 <mdnss> well, let's try now...
2012-10-19 23:17 <mdnss> same error when trying to create the db
2012-10-19 23:17 <mdnss> Can't create the database, caused by an unknown reason.
2012-10-19 23:17 <mdnss> If there is a database created, it could be broken. Maybe drop this database! Please check the error message for possible informations.
2012-10-19 23:17 <mdnss> Error message:
2012-10-19 23:17 <mdnss> could not connect to server: No such file or directory
2012-10-19 23:17 <mdnss> Is the server running locally and accepting
2012-10-19 23:17 <mdnss> connections on Unix domain socket "/var/run/postgresql/.s.PGSQL.5432"?
2012-10-19 23:17 <rmu> restart the server
2012-10-19 23:18 <mdnss> tryton or postgres?
2012-10-19 23:18 <rmu> tryton
2012-10-19 23:18 <mdnss> ok
2012-10-19 23:18 <rmu> (trytond config file changed --> trytond server needs to be restarted)
2012-10-19 23:19 <mdnss> same error
2012-10-19 23:20 <rmu> then your trytond is not looking for the trytond.conf in this place
2012-10-19 23:20 <rmu> add -c /path/to/trytond.conf to the trytond command line
2012-10-19 23:21 <rmu> if this doesn't work then i'm out of wit
2012-10-19 23:22 <mdnss> sorry rmu but I'm too amateur on this
2012-10-19 23:22 <mdnss> just type -c /path/to/trytond.conf?
2012-10-19 23:22 <mdnss> or how?
2012-10-19 23:23 <rmu> where is your trytond installed?
2012-10-19 23:23 <rmu> better question: how did you install it? ubuntu packages?
2012-10-19 23:24 <mdnss> noup, I installed it with the .tar.gz
2012-10-19 23:24 <mdnss> using the
2012-10-19 23:24 <mdnss> file
2012-10-19 23:24 <rmu> where does your trytond.conf live (the one you just edited)?
2012-10-19 23:24 <mdnss> I have it inside a folder called tryton in my personal folder
2012-10-19 23:25 <rmu> in the window where you start trytond
2012-10-19 23:26 <mdnss> path_to_folder/tryton/trytond-2.4.2/etc
2012-10-19 23:26 <mdnss> inside there I have the trytond.conf file
2012-10-19 23:26 <rmu> start trytond with "trytond -c path_to_folder/tryton/trytond-2.4.2/etc/trytond.conf -v"

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