IRC logs of #tryton for Monday, 2012-06-25 #tryton log beginning Mon Jun 25 00:00:01 CEST 2012
2012-06-25 18:02 <sampac> Hi! Does anybody know if it is possible to embed a form from a Many2One and how ? More clearly: object A has a Many2One on object B. On the form displaying object A fields I want to display also the fields of object B
2012-06-25 18:16 <cedk> sampac: you can use a Function field of One2Many
2012-06-25 18:16 <cedk> sampac: or your Model must inherits of B
2012-06-25 20:22 <coeps> hi all, first question: whats the sense of Decimal?
2012-06-25 20:22 <coeps> in comparison to float
2012-06-25 20:23 <coeps> or Numeric
2012-06-25 20:30 <coeps> sorry, its a python Decimal
2012-06-25 20:30 <coeps> second, more interesting question:
2012-06-25 20:32 <coeps> I am playing around with the invoice module and had a look at the getters, i.e. def get_untaxed_amount(self, ids, name):
2012-06-25 20:33 <coeps> with some print statements it seems, that all the ids of incoices are given (lets say n) and for each n, m lines have to be put on res.
2012-06-25 20:34 <coeps> but the user is working on one invoice with (n = 1) and m = the amount of lines.
2012-06-25 20:35 <coeps> From my understanding the calculation for one field has a linear growth with the amount of invoices and invoices.lines.
2012-06-25 20:35 <coeps> Is my understanding correct? Whats when you create a few thousand invoices a year?
2012-06-25 22:42 -!- sampac( has left #tryton
2012-06-25 23:09 <lukio> jello,
2012-06-25 23:09 <lukio> hello, i would like to create a selection field from values of my sale. but, the problem is that i'm in a wizard and i don't understand how to know my active_ids
2012-06-25 23:10 <lukio> my paste bin >
2012-06-25 23:10 <lukio> thanks in advance
2012-06-25 23:10 <lukio> my code is creating a wizard to ask some stuff when the user click the button "confirm"
2012-06-25 23:47 <lukio> hello?

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