IRC logs of #tryton for Saturday, 2011-12-17 #tryton log beginning Sat Dec 17 00:00:02 CET 2011
2011-12-17 08:37 <sisalp> hi, when starting trytond v2.0 this morning, : Exception: project_plan unmet dependencies: ['project', 'timesheet']
2011-12-17 08:38 <sisalp> was the module changed yeterday ?
2011-12-17 12:16 <Canalside> Hello, I'm new here, I'm trying to look at the WebDav demo, is it working (and my problem) or broken?
2011-12-17 12:23 -!- Canalside( has left #tryton
2011-12-17 12:49 <scrapper> hello folks, I could need two mins of information about the Financial module of tryton. My company is located in Austria, but there is only the German SKR03 account available. Not the SKR07. What is the best solution to go with SKR03 and make some configuration changes or go with the basic account module only? I want to create invoices and print them in pdf. Thanks for your input.
2011-12-17 12:54 <scrapper> hello folks, I could need two mins of information about the Financial module of tryton. My company is located in Austria, but there is only the German SKR03 account available. Not the SKR07. What is the best solution to go with SKR03 and make some configuration changes or go with the basic account module only? I want to create invoices and print them in pdf. Thanks for your input.
2011-12-17 12:54 <scrapper> sorry i have some Ethernert problems at that place.
2011-12-17 12:54 <scrapper> switched to WLAN now.
2011-12-17 13:01 <scrapper> no kickstart help so long :-)
2011-12-17 13:01 <scrapper> thx guys.
2011-12-17 13:11 <reichlich> cedk, I try to write tests for the property issue but it seems that the property search wont work on sqlite because of the SPLIT_PARTS function used
2011-12-17 13:14 <reichlich> cedk, sorry I found the implementation
2011-12-17 13:25 -!- scrapper( has left #tryton
2011-12-17 14:23 -!- scrapper( has left #tryton
2011-12-17 16:26 <oxcar> Hi, what's meaning of symbol "~" for example 'required': ~Eval('invoice')?
2011-12-17 16:38 <udono> oxcar: its boolean: not
2011-12-17 17:04 <oxcar> udono: Ah, ok, thanks
2011-12-17 17:34 <sisalp> in some businesses, price and other features are related to the product itself
2011-12-17 17:34 <sisalp> in particular when price is printed on the product, like books and drugs
2011-12-17 17:36 <sisalp> sometimes, we have to deal with diiferent lots of these product and price them correctly
2011-12-17 17:37 <sisalp> should we use a kind of variant for that ?
2011-12-17 19:04 <jcm> During account_fr load, I get 'ProgrammingError: column ir_cron.number_calls does not exist' messages in the server log
2011-12-17 19:04 <jcm> Didn't find an open issue with this
2011-12-17 19:17 <yangoon> jcm: did you miss a database update?
2011-12-17 19:50 <jcm> yangoon: it's a newly created db

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