IRC logs of #tryton for Thursday, 2011-11-17 #tryton log beginning Thu Nov 17 00:00:01 CET 2011
2011-11-17 07:35 <zxq9> In the docs it looks like <field name="spam" domain="[('foo', '=', 'bar')]"/> is the syntax for including a domain in a relation field in XML.
2011-11-17 07:35 <zxq9> But I think this is wrong; I get errors. What am I doing wrong?
2011-11-17 07:51 <zxq9> Ah, NM. Putting inside the python code is better.
2011-11-17 08:59 <udono> zxq9: hi, setting the context for a field is done only in python code.
2011-11-17 10:30 <cedk> grasbauer: what is the difference between identifier and code in the module product_variant?
2011-11-17 10:33 <grasbauer> cedk: We have a case where the product code for XL-red-cotton is something like 3488XX12 - so I thought that identifier is like a human readable field of the combination
2011-11-17 10:34 <cedk> grasbauer: will it not be better to just link the product to the attribute values ?
2011-11-17 10:37 <grasbauer> cedk: ok - and a function field to show this linked attributes in one field?
2011-11-17 10:45 <cedk> grasbauer: it could but perhaps it is custom
2011-11-17 10:47 <grasbauer> cedk: I think, that it would be more userfriendly to know for which attributes te variant stands for
2011-11-17 10:47 <grasbauer> cedk: but you are right - this should be linked
2011-11-17 10:49 <cedk> grasbauer: but attributes you already know via the template
2011-11-17 10:51 <grasbauer> cedk: yes - but the variant don't know, for which combination of the possible attributes it stands - this you can read from the code possibly -but it could be hard to understand
2011-11-17 10:53 <cedk> grasbauer: but when you know the values, you also know the attributes
2011-11-17 10:53 <grasbauer> cedk: yes - I misunderstood your question
2011-11-17 10:54 <cedk> grasbauer: I did a first review, don't be affraid of the number of comments :-)
2011-11-17 10:55 <grasbauer> cedk: I was talking about attributes but meant the values - will link the values to the product ...
2011-11-17 11:01 <ivanb> hellp
2011-11-17 11:01 <ivanb> can't install tryton...i just get Fetching databases list when trying to connect
2011-11-17 11:05 <cedk> ivanb: did you try to create a database from menu client File>Database>New Database ?
2011-11-17 11:06 <ivanb> no
2011-11-17 11:06 <ivanb> when i enter ip and port
2011-11-17 11:07 <ivanb> it just displays fetching database list for ever
2011-11-17 11:07 <grasbauer> cedk: not afraid of the comments - espected more ...
2011-11-17 11:09 <cedk> grasbauer: indeed, the issue you could face is that as you already have it in production, you will have more work to do with refactoring
2011-11-17 11:09 <ivanb> i dont know how to proced
2011-11-17 11:09 <cedk> grasbauer: that's why we encourage people to talk and review at the beginning
2011-11-17 11:10 <ivanb> looks like client connects to server, server tries to connect to postgres, but connection somehow doesnt return
2011-11-17 11:10 <cedk> ivanb: it is perhaps an ipv6 vs ipv4 issue?
2011-11-17 11:10 <cedk> ivanb: is the user running trytond has connection right to postgresql?
2011-11-17 11:11 <ivanb> user running tryton is root...i specified connection parametes in tryton.conf
2011-11-17 11:12 <bechamel> ivanb: test your db connection with "createdb test" in a shell (with the user running trytond)
2011-11-17 11:12 <ivanb> ok
2011-11-17 11:16 <ivanb> i get permission denied to create database
2011-11-17 11:17 <cedk> ivanb: you must create the equivalent user to PostgreSQL using: createuser
2011-11-17 11:17 <cedk> ivanb:
2011-11-17 11:24 <ivanb> now i can createdb, with root and tryton users
2011-11-17 11:24 <ivanb> however, no luck with fetching....
2011-11-17 11:24 <bechamel> ivanb: now create a db from the tryton client
2011-11-17 11:27 <ivanb> i first tried to change server addres from to
2011-11-17 11:27 <ivanb> however,now client is frozen with wait cursor
2011-11-17 11:28 <cedk> ivanb: which version are you using?
2011-11-17 11:29 <cedk> ivanb: because you talk about demo2.0 but you use the port of 2.2?
2011-11-17 11:29 <ivanb> no, i have ubuntu 11.10
2011-11-17 11:29 <ivanb> i apt-get tryton and it got me 2.0
2011-11-17 11:29 <ivanb> then i downloaded client 2.0.
2011-11-17 11:31 <cedk> ivanb: so the default port is 8070 not 8000
2011-11-17 11:35 <ivanb> oh my god, it works now
2011-11-17 11:36 <ivanb> i made a mistake because i imagined i must first choose profile and whole port stuff
2011-11-17 11:42 <ivanb> i have commeted out postgress connection settings...are they not important?
2011-11-17 11:43 <ivanb> also is there a configuration script, that would config tryton and postgres
2011-11-17 11:44 <cedk> ivanb: it is up to your own personal taste
2011-11-17 11:48 <sisalp> Hi, yesterday, I experimented some problems with ssl connections
2011-11-17 11:49 <sisalp> I rm -r .config/tryton/2.2 and it is fixed. rm known_hosts was not enough
2011-11-17 11:50 <sisalp> is there a more clever way to do it ?
2011-11-17 11:51 <bechamel> sisalp: did you tried to install the ssl lib ?
2011-11-17 11:55 <cedk> sisalp: ha ok, once you connect to a server, tryton client remember the configuration
2011-11-17 11:56 <cedk> sisalp: it is like the know_hosts of openssh
2011-11-17 11:59 <sisalp> cedk: so removing known_hosts should be enough to change the server from ssl-yes to ssl-no and vice-versa ?
2011-11-17 11:59 <sisalp> I'll check it
2011-11-17 12:02 <cedk> sisalp: yes
2011-11-17 12:03 <ivanb> bye and thanks for help!
2011-11-17 12:59 <abeamud> Hi all... It's possible to put the client address in all invoice pages in a report?
2011-11-17 13:00 <grasbauer> abeamud: yes - in header or footer of the document
2011-11-17 13:01 <abeamud> grasbauer: from header I can access objects model?
2011-11-17 13:03 <grasbauer> abeamud: one moment
2011-11-17 13:05 <grasbauer> abeamud: - a example with something in the footer
2011-11-17 13:07 <cedk> abeamud: be careful that by default header are replaced by the company one
2011-11-17 13:09 <abeamud> cedk: I need to adjust in some way the header to not overlap?
2011-11-17 13:10 <abeamud> cedk: Or If I not use the <style> header I can put in the main odt using the header and footer?
2011-11-17 13:11 <abeamud> grasbauer: You are not using the <field name="style">header.odt</filed>, no?
2011-11-17 13:12 <grasbauer> abeamud: not in this case - but if you don't use it, you have to change each report, if somthing changes in the company :-/
2011-11-17 13:13 <abeamud> grasbauer: Ah, ok...
2011-11-17 13:13 <abeamud> grasbauer: a lot of thanks
2011-11-17 13:15 <cedk> grasbauer: I will propose to remove the company header stuffs
2011-11-17 13:15 <cedk> grasbauer: I think it is unmanageable
2011-11-17 13:16 <abeamud> cedk: and then define in all reports a style with the header?
2011-11-17 13:20 <cedk> abeamud: yep
2011-11-17 13:24 <abeamud> cedk: +1
2011-11-17 13:46 -!- ciupicri(~ciupicri@unaffiliated/ciupicri) has joined #tryton
2011-11-17 13:51 <grasbauer> cedk: you think, that in the variant stuff a kind of 'human readable'-field in the listview isn't neccessary? Just to know, which attribute.values are choosen?
2011-11-17 13:57 <cedk> grasbauer: I think that by default the code should be enough
2011-11-17 13:58 <grasbauer> cedk: ok - so I will extend the module for me only ;)
2011-11-17 14:14 <cedk> grasbauer: I'm not the only one to decide if enough people agree that it must be in default...
2011-11-17 14:16 <grasbauer> cedk: I think it should not be a default - each function field slows down the view ...
2011-11-17 14:24 <cedk> grasbauer: normally not that much, but I really don't like function field that just concatanate one2many
2011-11-17 16:22 <sisalp> hi, looking for "duplicate", "import", "export", "delete" in menus and cannot find them. What do I miss ?
2011-11-17 16:25 <nicoe> You missed the new menu
2011-11-17 16:25 <nicoe> on a brand new client I presume
2011-11-17 16:25 <nicoe> The new menu is obtained by clicking on the some tool icon
2011-11-17 16:25 <nicoe> right next to the title
2011-11-17 16:30 <pheller> Production module contributions now total €1000. :-)
2011-11-17 16:34 <sisalp> nicoe : I'm looking in application menus on top of the window
2011-11-17 16:34 <nicoe> sisalp: it is inside the tab
2011-11-17 16:35 <nicoe> because those actions are linked to the content of the tab
2011-11-17 16:37 <sisalp> damned ! it is ok, just the user is bugging on update ;-) I think it is the right place
2011-11-17 16:37 <nicoe> pheller: \o/
2011-11-17 16:39 <pheller> wish I could have come to the TUL, but too much to do with school and my normal job. Hopefully I can come to the next one.
2011-11-17 16:40 <nicoe> we might organize it somewhere else next year. still in europe (that's where the majority of the community is) but somewhere else
2011-11-17 16:41 <nicoe> That's something to be discussed
2011-11-17 16:41 <pheller> nicoe: I understand. My vote is for either Munich or somewhere nice in Italy…. then my girlfriend will approve ;-)
2011-11-17 16:42 <nicoe> I vote go for a place where I have never been ;)
2011-11-17 16:43 <nicoe> so south italy is good for me (and in November it's probably one of the only place where it's still warm)
2011-11-17 16:43 <nicoe> or north of Finland would be cool too ... :)
2011-11-17 16:44 <pheller> hah -- why not try and schedule the next unconference to be a little closer to summer. maybe late august / early september. Then, more locations are acceptable.
2011-11-17 16:47 <nicoe> we want to make the unconference some time after the release
2011-11-17 16:47 <nicoe> so we are in may/june or november/december
2011-11-17 16:48 <pheller> ah ha, good point.
2011-11-17 16:48 <pheller> I like may/june ;-)
2011-11-17 16:49 <nicoe> me too
2011-11-17 16:50 <nicoe> but six month is kind of short
2011-11-17 16:50 <pheller> yeah, true.
2011-11-17 16:50 <nicoe> maybe for the third time ...
2011-11-17 16:50 <sisalp> UndefinedError: {} has no member named "full_name" when trying to print a sale on a freshly configured database
2011-11-17 16:52 <sisalp> File "/usr/lib/pymodules/python2.6/genshi/template/", line 403, in undefined is the line
2011-11-17 16:53 <sisalp> I suspect my system to be faulty since it is my first time on 2.2
2011-11-17 16:53 <nicoe> sisalp: you're trying to get a report
2011-11-17 16:53 <nicoe> is it a custom report ?
2011-11-17 16:55 <sisalp> no it is the sale order
2011-11-17 16:55 <nicoe> with a standard installation I suppose
2011-11-17 16:56 <sisalp> the client claims ascii codec cannot ....0x8e at position 98
2011-11-17 16:57 <sisalp> as standard as I could : installing dependencies and running from sources
2011-11-17 16:57 <nicoe> This is not the real error. I think the unicode error is there because trytond send the error message in french
2011-11-17 16:58 <nicoe> I'll try to reproduce it
2011-11-17 16:58 <sisalp> I check dependencies
2011-11-17 17:01 <sisalp> dependencies "seem" ok
2011-11-17 17:02 <sisalp> the customer has no addresses set, may it is related
2011-11-17 17:02 <nicoe> Indeed
2011-11-17 17:03 <nicoe> genshi tries to get the full_name information but can not find it (according to the error message)
2011-11-17 17:03 <sisalp> yes but I don't know what is the full_name
2011-11-17 17:11 <sisalp> I'm on with password admin
2011-11-17 17:13 <nicoe> I can not reproduce it
2011-11-17 17:14 <sisalp> created a customer, a supplier, two products, one payment term and set a fiscal year on minimal chart.
2011-11-17 17:21 <nicoe> Yep that's what I did
2011-11-17 17:21 <nicoe> (without the supplier and products)
2011-11-17 17:58 <sisalp> invoice is working correctly
2011-11-17 18:00 <sisalp> general comment : on a sale order : invoice and shipment : "Manual" is misleading. We should consider "No invoice" and "No shipment" instead
2011-11-17 18:01 <cedk> sisalp: good point
2011-11-17 18:01 <cedk> sisalp: create an issue
2011-11-17 18:01 <cedk> sisalp: even we should talk if such option is needed
2011-11-17 18:04 <sisalp> cedk: in my previously explained vision, no, it is not useful, but today I thing we need it.
2011-11-17 18:05 <cedk> sisalp: do you have a business case in mind?
2011-11-17 18:08 <sisalp> I had a discussion with NAN at TUL. he explained me he added 'to be invoiced' shipments in financial menu, so accountant can feed himself his frat invoice list
2011-11-17 18:08 <sisalp> draft
2011-11-17 18:09 <cedk> sisalp: ok but is not it because of the poor API of OpenERP?
2011-11-17 18:09 <cedk> ACTION NAN should be on irc
2011-11-17 18:12 <sisalp> I thought it was tryton
2011-11-17 18:12 <cedk> sisalp: don't know, but I think they have not yet Tryton customer
2011-11-17 18:13 <sisalp> the point is that if at sale level you decide "invoice on shipment", then the ship-man ships and this creates an draft invoice
2011-11-17 18:14 <cedk> sisalp: yes as expected :-)
2011-11-17 18:15 <sisalp> it may be oe return on experience yes.
2011-11-17 18:16 <sisalp> yes as expected. This was what we had problem with.
2011-11-17 18:18 <sisalp> but we shouldn't reopen the point now
2011-11-17 18:20 <cedk> sisalp: no but we need to decide if there is valid cases where you want "No invoice/shipment"
2011-11-17 18:22 <sisalp> my free hosting is of that kind: it a unit of service (open an account), no invoice, but I need an order for a contractual relationship
2011-11-17 18:26 <cedk> sisalp: for me, it is not a sale but a subscription
2011-11-17 18:29 <zodman> some one record the POS POC ? almost on phone ?
2011-11-17 18:29 <zodman> on TUL ?
2011-11-17 18:29 <zodman> someone*
2011-11-17 18:30 <cedk> zodman: I don't think it was the second day
2011-11-17 18:32 <Timitos> zodman: there was not more than you already could see on the POS videos. you know them?
2011-11-17 18:32 <sisalp> cedk: I can use sales for this, because I don't have periodic renewal. It is a kind of one shot service, and I don't have a better module today.
2011-11-17 18:33 <zodman> yes Timitos but i want to see on TUL will be more updated. the existed on youtube i show you a friend and not understand.
2011-11-17 18:33 <cedk> sisalp: and what about price = 0 ?
2011-11-17 18:34 <cedk> ACTION bbl
2011-11-17 18:35 <Timitos> zodman: there was no more progress on POS for the moment. there is still much work to do i think.
2011-11-17 22:52 <jmsbrry> Telesight: Well its a long way back but everything went fine and I think I am over the jet lag

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