IRC logs of #tryton for Thursday, 2009-03-26 #tryton log beginning Thu Mar 26 00:00:02 CET 2009
2009-03-26 00:08 <cedk> udono: I don't understand because on_change and on_change_with are not called with the same event
2009-03-26 00:31 -!- juanfer(n=juanfer@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 00:36 <udono> cedk: so you think both can be used in one fields.Function without problems?
2009-03-26 00:39 <udono> cedk: I need the on_change_with to change the value of a field.Function when another field changes. So when the fields.Function changed (from the on_change_with event) it should trigger an on_change where I can provide changes of multiple fields in the {'field_a': "val_a", 'field_b': "val_b",...}
2009-03-26 00:43 <cedk> udono: no, values set with on_change and on_change_with never trigger other on_change calls
2009-03-26 00:44 <cedk> udono: you must handle this on the server-side, otherwise you can have inifite loop with call to on_change functions
2009-03-26 00:44 <cedk> udono: but with my experience having this kind of situation is general because there is an issue in the design
2009-03-26 00:46 <udono> cedk: yes, there is an issue with product and product.template model ;-)
2009-03-26 00:47 <CIA-10> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 523:626de8e9b28b stock/
2009-03-26 00:47 <CIA-10> tryton: Don't round compute_qty in set_state_packed for internal quantity counter for
2009-03-26 00:47 <CIA-10> tryton: issue899
2009-03-26 00:48 <CIA-10> tryton: ced roundup * #899/multiplied quantity on packings: [resolved] Fix with changeset 626de8e9b28b
2009-03-26 00:48 <cedk> udono: why?
2009-03-26 00:50 <udono> cedk: I try to handle it from outsite but It seem impossible... We are working on a product_variant module. So far it works in general fine. But we needed to bring the product.template and the product.product view to the user. But now we have the problem when the user see the product.product view he can change directly stuff in the product.template. But this is bad, since with variants one template is base for many product variants.
2009-03-26 00:51 <udono> so I started to put the product.template informations on product.product view into readonly fields.Functions the user can not change. Because he should change the template stuff in the template view.
2009-03-26 00:53 <cedk> udono: why do you use Function fields?
2009-03-26 00:53 <udono> cedk: to make the product.template stuff in product.product view readonly
2009-03-26 00:53 <cedk> udono: add simply states attributes to the fields that comes from template
2009-03-26 00:54 <udono> cedk: how?
2009-03-26 00:54 <cedk> udono: I understand, but I don't see why you need function fields
2009-03-26 00:54 <cedk> udono: by changing the fields in __init__
2009-03-26 00:54 <udono> cedk: I cannot overwrite the fields, cos its bad design you told me...
2009-03-26 00:55 <udono> cedk: ah, inzteresting... is there an example in the wild?
2009-03-26 00:56 <cedk> udono: make like in project module
2009-03-26 00:56 <cedk> udono: I already show you that?
2009-03-26 00:59 <CIA-10> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 524:1ffac73a0c91 stock/ Fix states of supplier on when there is no value set for issue901
2009-03-26 00:59 <udono> cedk: I can't remember. You showed me how to add fields to a Selection from another modules __init__
2009-03-26 00:59 <CIA-10> tryton: ced roundup * #901/IntegrityError: null value in column "supplier" violates not-null constraint: [resolved] Fix with changeset 1ffac73a0c91
2009-03-26 00:59 <cedk> udono: it is the same
2009-03-26 01:01 <cedk> udono: but I don't find it is bad to allow the user to edit those fields
2009-03-26 01:16 <juanfer> cedk: I made three times the registry in, and till now I have no mail for confirmation.
2009-03-26 01:41 <udono> juanfer: maybe a spam filter eating your mails?
2009-03-26 01:41 <juanfer> :-)
2009-03-26 01:42 <juanfer> I will see.
2009-03-26 01:43 <udono> juanfer: If you like you can use my email address and I send you the mail...
2009-03-26 01:44 <juanfer> no udonu you are right, I'm use google apps, and it filter the mail, I finally found it.
2009-03-26 01:44 <udono> juanfer: :-)
2009-03-26 01:45 <juanfer> sorry
2009-03-26 01:45 <juanfer> :-)
2009-03-26 02:01 <juanfer> There are a way to graph the workfows?
2009-03-26 02:12 <juanfer> Someone know how to generate the tryton.pot, I have problems when I try to do. As user root, running the command: python ./ extract_messages --output-file share/locale/tryton.pot it produce error: invalid command 'extract_messages'
2009-03-26 02:13 <udono> juanfer: yes, go to a view with a workflow, then above menu plugins > print workflow
2009-03-26 02:13 <juanfer> thx udono
2009-03-26 02:16 <udono> juanfer: you want to translate the client?
2009-03-26 02:16 <juanfer> Actually, help to ikks to do that.
2009-03-26 02:16 <juanfer> To spanish
2009-03-26 02:17 <udono> juanfer: great! did you know
2009-03-26 02:18 <udono> juanfer: specially
2009-03-26 02:18 <juanfer> Yes I'm following the instructions, but when I try to produce the file tryton.pot, produce me the error: invalid command
2009-03-26 02:19 <juanfer> python ./ extract_messages --output-file share/locale/tryton.pot
2009-03-26 02:30 <udono> juanfer: did you have babel installed?
2009-03-26 02:32 <juanfer> I installed poedit, babel is for the same?
2009-03-26 02:32 <juanfer> is kbabel-dev - PO-file editing suite for KDE
2009-03-26 02:33 <juanfer> or python-pybabel - tools for internationalizing Python applications?
2009-03-26 02:33 <udono> juanfer this you need, I think
2009-03-26 02:34 <juanfer> with one? kbabel-dev or python-pybabel?
2009-03-26 02:35 <udono> python-pybabel
2009-03-26 02:36 <udono> juanfer: welcome to underground of translation process in Tryton ;-)
2009-03-26 02:36 <juanfer> :-)
2009-03-26 02:39 <juanfer> but I need pybabel, and poedit, right?
2009-03-26 02:39 <udono> yes, poedit is good
2009-03-26 02:39 <udono> and pybabel is needed to generate the translations for the client
2009-03-26 02:40 <juanfer> k
2009-03-26 02:47 <juanfer> cool pybabel work.
2009-03-26 02:56 -!- igor__(i=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 04:48 <CIA-10> tryton: Igor T?mara <> default * 293:a7444c2a12e4 website/locale/es_ES/LC_MESSAGES/tryton.po: Updated website translation to spanish
2009-03-26 07:12 -!- paola( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 07:51 -!- vengfulsquirrel( has left #tryton
2009-03-26 08:12 -!- racke( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 08:39 -!- Gedd(n=ged@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 08:52 -!- paola( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 08:56 -!- gadaga( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 08:57 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 09:29 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 09:31 <cristi_an> udono: carlos : i made a purchase, and theoretically the suppplier did not sent me all stuff or added other ,what happens to missing products since on stock will end up less then on invoice
2009-03-26 09:31 <cristi_an> ?
2009-03-26 09:32 <cristi_an> i did nto find i program ,something to remind me that there is a difference
2009-03-26 09:34 -!- bechamel(n=user@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 09:38 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 09:48 <cristi_an> bechamel: i made a purchase, and theoretically the suppplier did not sent me all stuff or added other ,what happens to missing products since on stock will end up less then on invoice
2009-03-26 09:48 <cristi_an> i did nto find i program ,something to remind me that there is a difference
2009-03-26 09:50 <bechamel> cristi_an: you talk about the stable version ?
2009-03-26 09:51 <cristi_an> 1.0.3
2009-03-26 09:51 <cristi_an> demo on windows
2009-03-26 09:52 <bechamel> cristi_an: ok, the stock module on the stable version does not handle packing cancelation
2009-03-26 09:52 <cristi_an> i do not say tht is a bug...
2009-03-26 09:52 <cristi_an> i just wonder how it works
2009-03-26 09:52 <bechamel> cristi_an: it's a missing feature
2009-03-26 09:52 <cristi_an> the logic behind
2009-03-26 09:53 <bechamel> cristi_an: actualy you may cancel the packing, but there are no other handling after that
2009-03-26 09:54 <cristi_an> what i did is i changed the values from packing simultaing that i recevied less
2009-03-26 09:54 <cristi_an> so on stock i had less then on invoice
2009-03-26 09:54 <cristi_an> but weeks i will forget about that :)
2009-03-26 09:55 -!- cedk(n=ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 09:56 <bechamel> cristi_an: it depens of the invoice method on the purchase, if it's base on packing the invoice will follow the received quantities
2009-03-26 09:57 <cristi_an> so i can't change quantities on pakcings
2009-03-26 09:57 <cristi_an> ?
2009-03-26 09:59 <bechamel> cristi_an: if the invoice method on the purchase is "based on order" the invoice will follow the quantities of the purchase and will ignore the packing
2009-03-26 10:10 <cristi_an> aha
2009-03-26 10:10 <cristi_an> thx
2009-03-26 10:10 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #tryton
2009-03-26 10:12 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 10:27 <CIA-10> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 1685:e06529d16a26 trytond/trytond/model/fields/ Use _table of models for query construction
2009-03-26 10:52 <CIA-10> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 1686:e8bbaf32041d trytond/trytond/model/fields/ Add missing _table usage
2009-03-26 10:55 <CIA-10> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 308:a97985899ce3 account_invoice/ Use domain_get on search methods, use _table of models for query construction.
2009-03-26 11:08 <CIA-10> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 273:71f6f925a1c8 purchase/purchase.xml: Added context on relate action opening invoices
2009-03-26 11:12 -!- LordVan(n=lordvan@gentoo/developer/LordVan) has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 11:12 <cedk> carlos: hi, do you have any information for
2009-03-26 11:17 <carlos> cedk: Hi
2009-03-26 11:17 <carlos> Is the first time I know about it, however, I found some information related to it, in Spanish
2009-03-26 11:18 <carlos> cedk: are you interested on it just to fix the vat number validator or do you need anything else?
2009-03-26 11:18 <carlos> I could fix the validator myself, if you want
2009-03-26 11:18 <cedk> carlos: yes it is to vat validation
2009-03-26 11:18 <cedk> carlos: if you can
2009-03-26 11:18 <carlos> sure
2009-03-26 11:19 <cedk> carlos: I guess that the new number will be validated like the old one, but without any information I can not suppose
2009-03-26 11:19 <cedk> carlos: could you give me the links for info
2009-03-26 11:19 <carlos>
2009-03-26 11:19 <carlos> that's the official one
2009-03-26 11:20 <cedk> carlos: the project page is
2009-03-26 11:20 <carlos> yeah, I have the mercurial branch in my laptop
2009-03-26 11:28 <carlos> cedk: btw, with the new __history table feature, I guess is ok to just change the VAT number for any company that needs to change it and thus, all invoices until the change date will have the old VAT number and the new ones will get the new VAT number, right?
2009-03-26 11:30 <carlos> cedk: also, you have more technical information about the change on this post:
2009-03-26 11:30 <cedk> carlos: yes :-)
2009-03-26 11:31 <carlos> cedk: that's what I expected ;-)
2009-03-26 11:31 <carlos> cedk: I guess you saw the thread about such feature in OpenERP, right?
2009-03-26 11:31 <cedk> carlos: good this link is very useful
2009-03-26 11:31 <cedk> carlos: no, which thread?
2009-03-26 11:32 <carlos> cedk: I was reading it at the time you announced the __history feature
2009-03-26 11:32 <carlos> so I thought you were aware of it
2009-03-26 11:32 <carlos> let me look for it..
2009-03-26 11:33 <carlos> cedk:
2009-03-26 11:33 <carlos> it's old, but they resumed it recently, however, nothing seems to be done to fix it
2009-03-26 11:34 <carlos> cedk: I was going to ask you whether Tryton has a way to handle it, and then you added the feature ;-)
2009-03-26 11:34 <cedk> carlos: yes, this old one I read it when we was thinking about the implementation
2009-03-26 11:35 <LordVan> does tryton handle delivery notes too?
2009-03-26 11:35 <LordVan> hi btw
2009-03-26 11:35 <LordVan> ;)
2009-03-26 11:37 <cedk> LordVan: what do you mean by "delivery notes"?
2009-03-26 11:38 <LordVan> like those bits of paper u get with a delivery that the person taking the goods signs
2009-03-26 11:38 <LordVan> like a packing list when u get a parcel
2009-03-26 11:38 <LordVan> sorta
2009-03-26 11:44 -!- rack1( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 11:44 <bechamel> LordVan: there is already a report "customer packing" on the customer packing (renamed in shipment on the development version)
2009-03-26 11:44 <cedk> LordVan: yes we name it "Customer Shipment", but normally it must be "delivery note"
2009-03-26 11:45 <cedk> bechamel: it must be name "Delivery Note" as we talk on mailling list
2009-03-26 11:45 <cedk> bechamel: and by the way, the report must be updated
2009-03-26 11:45 <LordVan> so does it automagically generate it from an order ? (but not necesarily all items on the order for split deliveries,..)
2009-03-26 11:46 <bechamel> cedk: yes, but I thing it miss the prices of the goods
2009-03-26 11:46 <bechamel> LordVan: yes the report is defined on the packing not on the order
2009-03-26 11:47 <LordVan> bechamel, and can it then generate the invoice too (possibly for more than one delivery)
2009-03-26 11:48 <LordVan> btw that brings me to sth else .. does an invoice ahve to have an order associated in the system ?
2009-03-26 11:49 -!- cristi_an(i=5bbf82c4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 11:49 <yangoon> LordVan: no, you can create *standalone* invoices
2009-03-26 11:50 <LordVan> cool
2009-03-26 11:50 <cedk> LordVan: if you choose on sale order to invoice based on delivery, it will create only invoice for goods delivery
2009-03-26 11:50 <yangoon> LordVan: and about delivery note:
2009-03-26 11:50 <bechamel> LordVan: it depends of the invoice method of the sale order, the invoice may be created according to teh sale order otr according to the pakings/shipments
2009-03-26 11:50 <LordVan> i gotta have another look at all this again .. was busy with server and network stuff recently
2009-03-26 11:51 <LordVan> thanks ..
2009-03-26 11:51 <LordVan> gotta go sort food out now .. cu later ;)
2009-03-26 11:53 <bechamel> cedk: do you agree for the prices on the delivery notes / customer shipment ?
2009-03-26 11:53 <cedk> bechamel: not sure
2009-03-26 11:53 <yangoon> bechamel: please look again at
2009-03-26 11:54 <yangoon> it is not only the prices, but the model has to be clarified
2009-03-26 11:54 <yangoon> what we have is more a pack list
2009-03-26 11:55 <bechamel> yangoon: did you see taht packing is now shipment on the dev version ?
2009-03-26 11:56 <yangoon> bechamel: of course
2009-03-26 11:56 <bechamel> yangoon: atm the modification is only for displayed strings, but the table names will change after the release
2009-03-26 11:57 <bechamel> yangoon: what do you means by "the model as to be clarified" ?
2009-03-26 11:57 <yangoon> bechamel: no problem for this
2009-03-26 11:57 <yangoon> did you read
2009-03-26 11:57 <bechamel> yangoon: i'm reading it
2009-03-26 11:58 <cedk> yangoon: the Shipment give you all the goods delivery to the customer
2009-03-26 11:58 <yangoon> cedk: in one package, yes
2009-03-26 11:58 <bechamel> yangoon: my idea is to rename and improve the current "customer shipment" report and to add a new "picking list" report
2009-03-26 11:59 <yangoon> AFAIS our current model packing list is per shipment
2009-03-26 11:59 <cedk> yangoon: why on package?
2009-03-26 11:59 <cedk> yangoon: why one package?
2009-03-26 11:59 <yangoon> but a delivery note is for all packages of a delivery
2009-03-26 12:01 <yangoon> cedk: sorry, cannot look at the moment, but is rrport packing list by packing|shipment or always for all goods of the order?
2009-03-26 12:01 <bechamel> yangoon: by shipment
2009-03-26 12:01 <yangoon> bechamel: that is my point
2009-03-26 12:02 <yangoon> a delivery note can contain several shipments (aka pack lists)
2009-03-26 12:02 <bechamel> yangoon: so you talk about a "by order" shipment report ?
2009-03-26 12:02 <yangoon> bechamel: exact
2009-03-26 12:02 <bechamel> yangoon: so it's another report
2009-03-26 12:03 <yangoon> bechamel: if it can be done on the current model it is just another report, yes
2009-03-26 12:03 <bechamel> yangoon: for me it's a report on the sale order
2009-03-26 12:04 <cedk> yangoon: no, there will be not more than one shipment by delivery
2009-03-26 12:05 <bechamel> yangoon: so the current customer shipment should be "pack list"
2009-03-26 12:05 <cedk> yangoon: shipment != pack
2009-03-26 12:05 <yangoon> bechamel: the examples I have here from practice show a delivery note subdivided by packages
2009-03-26 12:05 <bechamel> cedk: but there can be several shipment by sale order
2009-03-26 12:07 <cedk> bechamel: but not on the same day, the delivery note is per delivery
2009-03-26 12:07 <yangoon> cedk: you make a first partial delivery, later the second...
2009-03-26 12:07 <cedk> yangoon: yes, but there is two shipments
2009-03-26 12:07 <cristi_an> here soem stat disgrams will be very helpful
2009-03-26 12:07 <cristi_an> state diagrams
2009-03-26 12:08 <yangoon> cedk: or you have some goods of a delivery spread over more than one package
2009-03-26 12:09 <cedk> yangoon: and?
2009-03-26 12:10 <yangoon> cedk: you need a document for each package and you need a delivery note, that states in which package are which goods
2009-03-26 12:10 <cedk> yangoon: so we don't have a package model
2009-03-26 12:11 <yangoon> cedk: I would think, that shipment is near to a package model
2009-03-26 12:12 <cedk> yangoon: why?
2009-03-26 12:12 <yangoon> but that we don't have the model delivery note containing several shipments
2009-03-26 12:13 <yangoon> cedk: becuse it is oriented to the number of goods to be delivered, not to the total of goods in an order
2009-03-26 12:13 <cedk> yangoon: don't understand
2009-03-26 12:17 <bechamel> yangoon: the links between model are : sale - sale line - move - shipment: so the current modelisation allow to create a report giving a list of what have been already shipped and what has to be shipped
2009-03-26 12:17 <cristi_an> bechamel: this is something related to waht i asked this mornign right ?
2009-03-26 12:17 <cedk> yangoon: and order create a shipment with all the goods and you modify the shipment when assign to reflect the qunatity available
2009-03-26 12:18 <bechamel> cristi_an: yes except that you were talking about purchases
2009-03-26 12:18 <cristi_an> the ideea is the same...
2009-03-26 12:18 <cedk> bechamel: but I don't see why you want to have such report
2009-03-26 12:19 <carlos> cedk: I have the diff for vatnumber ready
2009-03-26 12:19 <cedk> bechamel: it is not a delivery note, because delivery note is what is send on a specific date to the customer
2009-03-26 12:19 <bechamel> cedk: it's yangoon who talked about this, i just says that it's possible
2009-03-26 12:19 <carlos> cedk: How do you prefer it? mail, roundup, hg repository?
2009-03-26 12:19 <cedk> bechamel: but it is not delivery note
2009-03-26 12:19 <cedk> carlos: you can post it on vatnumber bugtracker
2009-03-26 12:19 <bechamel> cedk: it's an extended delivery note :)
2009-03-26 12:19 <carlos> cedk: ok
2009-03-26 12:20 <yangoon> cedk: bechamel the problem is, that there is no overall consense and use for these documents
2009-03-26 12:20 <yangoon> but surely in a real enterprise you need this:
2009-03-26 12:21 <yangoon> a pick list for the worker to fetch the stuff
2009-03-26 12:21 <yangoon> a pack list for each package sent out
2009-03-26 12:21 <yangoon> a delivery note for a bunch of packages
2009-03-26 12:22 <yangoon> delivery notes are sometimes used to be signed at once by the customer, if comes fetching the products directly in your store
2009-03-26 12:23 <yangoon> and delivery note has legal status, because it marks the change of ownership of goods
2009-03-26 12:24 <cedk> yangoon: yes and we have all of this except the pack list because we don't have pack model and it is not really mandatory
2009-03-26 12:24 <cedk> yangoon: and pick list is on the screen
2009-03-26 12:24 <yangoon> cedk: where do we have a delivery note?
2009-03-26 12:25 <bechamel> yangoon: to be sure: a pack(ing) is a box wrapping several goods and one shipment is made of several pack(ing) ?
2009-03-26 12:25 <cedk> yangoon: it is the report with the wrong name "Customer Shipment"
2009-03-26 12:25 <yangoon> bechamel: normally yes
2009-03-26 12:25 <yangoon> bechamel: but shipment in tryton so far means an assembly of products
2009-03-26 12:26 <cristi_an> shippment is dependant on the entity that transport that...(consider it linked to the transporter)
2009-03-26 12:28 <cedk> yangoon: we made some thing simple but extentable
2009-03-26 12:28 <cedk> yangoon: adding a many2one to a pack model on shipment will be quite easy to do
2009-03-26 12:30 <yangoon> sorry always phone in between
2009-03-26 12:31 <yangoon> cedk: then indeed current model is nearer to delivery (note)
2009-03-26 12:32 <cristi_an> yangoon: what if you pack some goods but phisically you put like other goods there by mistake ==> phisical stock != stock on this things are correct later ? (inventory) ?
2009-03-26 12:32 <yangoon> cristi_an: yes
2009-03-26 12:33 <yangoon> cristi_an: this has nothing to do with the model, but with correction of errors ot the staff
2009-03-26 12:33 <yangoon> cristi_an: so if you send out some wong stuff you can make a credit note or whatever to correct it
2009-03-26 12:34 <cristi_an> yangoon: and that is linked with accounting moduel to adjust the value of the stock
2009-03-26 12:34 <yangoon> cristi_an: AFAIS yes
2009-03-26 12:34 <yangoon> cristi_an: iy of course you take the correct steps
2009-03-26 12:35 <cristi_an> yangoon: i noticed that sales with minus do not genereate invoices...
2009-03-26 12:35 <cristi_an> yangoon: you do not have such things ?
2009-03-26 12:35 <cristi_an> for returns ?
2009-03-26 12:36 <yangoon> sales with minus? -> are credit notes
2009-03-26 12:36 <yangoon> cristi_an: did you see return shipments in invent. management?
2009-03-26 12:36 <cristi_an> ahaaa
2009-03-26 12:37 <cristi_an> no...i just try to discover all functionalities
2009-03-26 12:37 <cristi_an> in paralel with tranlations
2009-03-26 12:37 <cristi_an> and ...coding...:)
2009-03-26 12:37 <cristi_an> in my freee time
2009-03-26 12:38 <cristi_an> i was thinking to wirte a manual
2009-03-26 12:39 <carlos> cristi_an: that would be wonderful
2009-03-26 12:40 <cristi_an> i ask cedk help for this ... he agrees.
2009-03-26 12:42 <CIA-10> tryton: ced roundup * #143/add VAT number validation: I added check_vies function to vatnumber that uses the SOAP service of EU. I just need know to add a button on party form to call it.
2009-03-26 12:43 <yangoon> cedk: bechamel finally it looks indeed, that current model shipment is nearest to the entity delivery (thought as orientated like a combination of products handed over to the customer or transporter, like cristi_an says:) and that the fragmentation into packages is another model.
2009-03-26 12:44 <carlos> cedk: btw, would be possible to include a link to the issue from the CIA bot?
2009-03-26 12:44 <cedk> carlos: I don't know
2009-03-26 12:45 <carlos> ok, I will try to find it
2009-03-26 12:46 <cedk> carlos: on the CIA page the link is there:
2009-03-26 12:47 <carlos> ok, thanks
2009-03-26 12:49 <cedk> carlos: so we send the right information to CIA
2009-03-26 12:50 <carlos> the problem is how it shows it on IRC
2009-03-26 12:52 <cedk> carlos: the code is there:
2009-03-26 13:11 <carlos> I don't find any obvious way to change it. I will add it to my TODO list...
2009-03-26 13:11 <carlos> to check it deeply
2009-03-26 13:19 <CIA-10> tryton: carlos roundup * #143/add VAT number validation: Instead of a button, shouldn't it be done on invoice or sales order generation? As far as I know, the company vat number should be valid in that ...
2009-03-26 13:23 <CIA-10> tryton: ced roundup * #143/add VAT number validation: You can not be restrictive there because you must be able to make invoice, sales etc. even if your Internet connection failed, the EU service is d ...
2009-03-26 13:24 <CIA-10> tryton: matb roundup * #143/add VAT number validation: @carlos: ack Problem: you always have to be online for that, so it should be optional.
2009-03-26 14:25 <CIA-10> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 252:7c90d7100f10 party/ (CHANGELOG party.xml): Add CheckVIES wizard (VAT Information Exchange System) for issue143
2009-03-26 14:26 <CIA-10> tryton: ced roundup * #143/add VAT number validation: [resolved] Fix with changeset 7c90d7100f10. For a warning on sale, invoice, etc. Please open a new issue.
2009-03-26 14:29 -!- juanfer(n=juanfer@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 14:34 <juanfer> ping udono
2009-03-26 14:35 <juanfer> I have problems with the compilation of my file .po I'm trying with: pybabel compile tryton.po
2009-03-26 14:35 <juanfer> and appearme pybabel: error: you must specify either the input file or the base directory
2009-03-26 14:43 <udono> juanfer:
2009-03-26 14:46 <juanfer> thx
2009-03-26 15:15 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:21 -!- Gedd(n=ged@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:21 -!- panthera( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:22 -!- juanfer(n=juanfer@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:22 -!- udono( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:22 -!- ChanServ(ChanServ@services.) has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:22 -!- cristi_an(i=5bbf82c4@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:29 -!- DerGuteMoritz(n=syn@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:29 -!- rack1( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:29 -!- cedk(n=ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:29 -!- bechamel(n=user@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:35 -!- _sasa_( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:35 -!- CIA-10(n=CIA@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:41 -!- _sasa_( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:41 -!- CIA-10(n=CIA@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:41 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:47 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:54 -!- _sasa_( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 15:56 -!- CIA-81( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 16:03 <udono> cedk: Hi, thanks a lot for the inspirations last night with the mighty __init__
2009-03-26 16:04 <udono> cedk: All you said works very nice, but I cannot distinguish the readonly attribute for different models... I created a small mockup
2009-03-26 16:04 <udono> cedk: Upper part ist the base Module, lower part the extenstion
2009-03-26 16:07 <udono> cedk: In the extension module in __init__ I can successful set the type-field to readonly. Bud I didn't find a way to have it readonly only in views for product.product AND to have it readwrite in views of model product.template.
2009-03-26 16:07 <udono> cedk: Any idea if it will be possible?
2009-03-26 16:12 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 16:17 <CIA-81> tryton: * r474 /wiki/ Add Liberation fonts
2009-03-26 16:21 <cedk> udono: first, you must not change product.template in the __init__ of product.product
2009-03-26 16:22 <cedk> udono: you must do this in the __init__ of product.template
2009-03-26 16:22 <cedk> udono: instead of using readonly attributes, I will use states
2009-03-26 16:22 <udono> cedk: state ... hmm
2009-03-26 16:23 <cedk> udono: and test on a field that is only on product.product
2009-03-26 16:23 <cedk> udono: with locals()
2009-03-26 16:23 <cedk> udono: like in
2009-03-26 16:33 <udono> cedk: yes, I think I understand. This looks very interesting... thanks a lot!
2009-03-26 16:36 <cedk> udono: I think to be very userfriendly, you should add on product.product a Function field that return the number of product that use the same template
2009-03-26 16:36 <cedk> udono: like that you could put in readonly only those who has the value > 1
2009-03-26 16:44 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 17:01 <juanfer> cedk: the client doesn't make the change of the menu whe I select other language, ikks told me that it is an error in Linux, but no in Windows, it is error of GTK, or of Tryton?
2009-03-26 17:02 <cedk> juanfer: which version do you use?
2009-03-26 17:03 <juanfer> version of what?
2009-03-26 17:03 <juanfer> Tryton?
2009-03-26 17:04 <cedk> juanfer: yes
2009-03-26 17:04 <juanfer> Tryton 1.1.0
2009-03-26 17:04 <juanfer> It come from the repository.
2009-03-26 17:05 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 17:05 <cedk> juanfer: which changeset?
2009-03-26 17:07 <juanfer> 12c5b893cf13
2009-03-26 17:09 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 17:09 <cedk> juanfer: and if you refresh the view
2009-03-26 17:10 <juanfer> how?
2009-03-26 17:11 <cedk> juanfer: CTRL+R
2009-03-26 17:11 <juanfer> doesn't work
2009-03-26 17:11 <cedk> juanfer: do you have the translation loaded for the selected language?
2009-03-26 17:13 <juanfer> No, how I do that, with the menu plugin->exec plugin->
2009-03-26 17:13 <juanfer> Translate view?
2009-03-26 17:13 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 17:15 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 17:17 <cedk> juanfer: which language do you want?
2009-03-26 17:18 <juanfer> My language is spanish, and I have database, one in english and one in spanish, and if I come back to english it keep the menu in spanish
2009-03-26 17:19 <cedk> juanfer: ok, can you submit an issue
2009-03-26 17:21 <juanfer> issue of what? in the program?
2009-03-26 17:21 <cedk> juanfer: and you talk about the menubar ?
2009-03-26 17:21 <juanfer> Yes
2009-03-26 17:21 <cedk> juanfer: on roundup,
2009-03-26 17:21 <juanfer> Ah, ok
2009-03-26 17:23 -!- ikks_(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 17:25 <carlos> ikks_: hi, around?
2009-03-26 17:28 <ikks_> carlos, yep
2009-03-26 17:28 <CIA-81> tryton: juanfer roundup * #902/Problem in the menu bar at swicth from language: [new] When close the database that is in english, and File->Connect, and select an database that is in other language it, keep the menu bar in eng ...
2009-03-26 17:29 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 17:31 <CIA-81> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 1241:dfa07b6407d4 tryton/tryton/gui/ Update menubar labels for new language at login for issue902
2009-03-26 17:31 <CIA-81> tryton: ced roundup * #902/Problem in the menu bar at swicth from language: [resolved] Fix with changeset dfa07b6407d4
2009-03-26 17:40 -!- FWiesing( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 17:52 -!- ctp_( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 18:05 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 18:19 -!- carlos(n=carlos@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 18:38 <carlos> how is handled in Tryton the fact that some companies have an official name but they use a different commercial name ?
2009-03-26 18:39 <carlos> well, I think it's not handled in any way, that's why I ask ;-) just in case I'm missing something
2009-03-26 18:40 <bechamel> carlos: you are right: it's not handled :)
2009-03-26 18:40 <carlos> ok
2009-03-26 18:40 <carlos> bechamel: thanks for confirm it ;-)
2009-03-26 18:41 <cedk> carlos: I don't understand how you want to handle?
2009-03-26 18:41 <carlos> cedk: in TinyERP, the spanish guys added a new field to store such information
2009-03-26 18:41 <carlos> I just checked and saw that it's a customisation
2009-03-26 18:41 <cedk> carlos: when do you use it?
2009-03-26 18:42 <carlos> for instance, we have a customer that it's company name is: 'Brinmar hosteleros, S.L.' but they commercial name is 'Cava Siglos'
2009-03-26 18:42 <carlos> cedk: so for us is easier to find them by their commercial name
2009-03-26 18:42 <ikks> cedk, is usual to have here at my contry too.
2009-03-26 18:42 <carlos> because is the one used all over the place, except for invoices
2009-03-26 18:42 <ikks> that sort of things.
2009-03-26 18:43 <ikks> On taxes they are presented with one name, and people knows the trademark with another...
2009-03-26 18:45 -!- sharkcz( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 18:45 <cedk> that is uggly to have it with different name all over the system
2009-03-26 18:46 <bechamel> carlos: so it's just a field that is a reminder/shortcut and it's not used in reports ?
2009-03-26 18:46 <carlos> bechamel: right
2009-03-26 18:47 <carlos> but is useful if you are able to use it as a way to search a party
2009-03-26 18:47 <bechamel> carlos: so it would be easy to do with a custom module
2009-03-26 18:47 <carlos> ok, it's a quite simple functionality so it's ok for me to do it that way
2009-03-26 18:47 <carlos> unless ikks has a more important use case for it...
2009-03-26 18:52 -!- vengfulsquirrel( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 19:03 <CIA-81> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 525:f1fd92730a2e stock/ (delivery_note.odt packing.xml packing_out.odt): Rename "Customer packing" report into "Delivery Note"
2009-03-26 19:03 <CIA-81> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 526:8ac8d2184521 stock/ ( packing.xml picking_list.odt): Added Picking List report
2009-03-26 19:08 <bechamel> hi everyone, i plan to create reports for supplier shipment which will be the counterparts of the Delivery Note and the Picking List (ie a report for good reception and a report for putting just received goods in the right place in the warehouse), is there any standard/usual name for those reports ?
2009-03-26 19:11 -!- panthera( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 19:13 <ikks> bechamel, I think it's just the same case in Spain and in Colombia. Thanks :)
2009-03-26 19:14 <cedk> bechamel: no needs of report like "Delivery Note"
2009-03-26 19:15 <cedk> and for me, it can be named "Picking List" even for reception
2009-03-26 19:15 <bechamel> cedk: ok, so just "put those product there" report
2009-03-26 19:16 <cedk> it is simply a picking in the other way
2009-03-26 19:17 <vengfulsquirrel> Does a picking list exist now ?
2009-03-26 19:18 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: yes since 14min :)
2009-03-26 19:18 -!- paola( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 19:27 <vengfulsquirrel> bechamel: Awesome
2009-03-26 19:36 <vengfulsquirrel> Is it possible to give the incoming picking list a different name ?
2009-03-26 19:37 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: which one?
2009-03-26 19:42 <vengfulsquirrel> Well he said he made a picking list for fulfulling orders. That name is fine. But for receiving shipments from suppliers you might want to call the list of where to put things something else. Maybe Restocking List ?
2009-03-26 19:48 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: I don't know, for me picking list is good
2009-03-26 19:48 <vengfulsquirrel> Is the name change hard?
2009-03-26 19:49 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: no, but we must choose one now
2009-03-26 19:50 <vengfulsquirrel> Well I guess its weird because you aren't picking anything
2009-03-26 19:51 <vengfulsquirrel> I guess when I think picking list I think like going to locations and picking out the products. When restocking you have the products and you are just taking them to the location.
2009-03-26 19:52 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: is it restocking list the right term?
2009-03-26 19:57 <vengfulsquirrel> No I just made that up I'm not familiar with a term for that list.
2009-03-26 19:59 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: at least it makes sense
2009-03-26 20:04 <vengfulsquirrel> Will there be way to modify either of those before the report is printed?
2009-03-26 20:05 <vengfulsquirrel> Actually nevermind that doesn't make sense if the moves already exist.
2009-03-26 20:23 <vengfulsquirrel> cedk: On a different note, the admin password in the configuration file is different than the admin password given to trytond --init=all -ddbname on the first run right ?
2009-03-26 20:25 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: yes, the password in configuration is for db creation, the other is for admin auth inside the created db
2009-03-26 20:26 <vengfulsquirrel> Weird
2009-03-26 20:27 <vengfulsquirrel> db_user, db_password is for database stuff right ? so admin_passwd is that for using the create database tools in the client ?
2009-03-26 20:28 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: yes
2009-03-26 20:50 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 20:52 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 20:59 <cristi_an> i study all modules nowdays...
2009-03-26 20:59 <cristi_an> and i have a question about taxes on party
2009-03-26 21:00 <cristi_an> how is this ?
2009-03-26 21:00 <cristi_an> since .a party ...may be a vat tax payer or not... and usualy vat is something appliect to products
2009-03-26 21:02 <carlos> cristi_an: some taxes depend on the party too
2009-03-26 21:03 <cristi_an> like what ?
2009-03-26 21:03 <carlos> and other depend on the party and the product
2009-03-26 21:04 <carlos> for instance, in Spain, freelance people should add a negative tax if the party is a company or other freelance, but they don't add it if it's a regular person
2009-03-26 21:05 <cristi_an> negative tax ? interestin
2009-03-26 21:05 <carlos> so the party geting that negative tax pay that freelance less money, because they give that amount to the government directly
2009-03-26 21:05 <carlos> cristi_an: I'm not sure whether that's the correct term in English
2009-03-26 21:05 <cristi_an> i did not know that...
2009-03-26 21:06 <carlos> is a way to be sure that you will pay them if you are a freelance ;-)
2009-03-26 21:06 <cristi_an> but what is interesting is that you may have different taxes as customer and as a supllier...
2009-03-26 21:06 <carlos> from that I understand that you could sell goods to someone using one tax, but you will pay a different tax to that same party if they sell you something
2009-03-26 21:07 <cristi_an> it is flexible...,despinte not used at least here...
2009-03-26 21:07 <cristi_an> despite...
2009-03-26 21:08 <cristi_an> do you know by change what is ...Code ..on taxes...?
2009-03-26 21:10 <cristi_an> cedk: for thsi new version...1.2 is not possible to create some defautl data for demo
2009-03-26 21:10 <cristi_an> to exeplify ..some cases
2009-03-26 21:10 <cristi_an> like different types of taxes...
2009-03-26 21:10 <carlos> tax code?
2009-03-26 21:10 <cristi_an> all kinds of situations...exceptions...
2009-03-26 21:11 <cristi_an> carlos: on taxes if you define a new one..there is a tab called code.
2009-03-26 21:11 <carlos> cristi_an: it's used to store the amount used to calculate the tax and also to store the amount of taxes paid
2009-03-26 21:12 <carlos> cristi_an: it's useful to know how much taxes you paid or you should paid at the end of the tax cycle
2009-03-26 21:12 <carlos> and it may help you to generate the reports automatically so the customer only needs to send it to the tax agency
2009-03-26 21:12 <carlos> without having to look for all that information themselves
2009-03-26 21:13 <cristi_an> if i had an example maybe i woud undestood better...
2009-03-26 21:13 <cristi_an> carlos: there you suply some base codes....
2009-03-26 21:14 <carlos> cristi_an:
2009-03-26 21:14 <carlos> cristi_an: my chart of accounts define the codes
2009-03-26 21:14 <carlos> so every time I issue an invoice
2009-03-26 21:15 <carlos> the invoice base amount and the invoice vat amount is stored in a tax.code
2009-03-26 21:15 <carlos> well, different tax.code entries
2009-03-26 21:15 <carlos> depending on the information I want to store
2009-03-26 21:15 <cristi_an> i see
2009-03-26 21:16 <carlos> and then, for instance, I could get at the end of the month how much VAT did I get from customers
2009-03-26 21:16 <cristi_an> but that you may find without code since the vat account is used...
2009-03-26 21:16 <carlos> and also how much VAT did I paid to suppliers
2009-03-26 21:16 <cristi_an> so from accounting module you may find ..exaclty what is the tax neede to be declared
2009-03-26 21:16 <carlos> the vat account is a different thing
2009-03-26 21:17 <cristi_an> you have vat account for purchase and vat account for sales no ?
2009-03-26 21:17 <carlos> and also, tax.code allows you to split it between different vat values (0%, 4%, 7%, 16%, etc...)
2009-03-26 21:17 <cristi_an> the diff if positive you pay as taxes
2009-03-26 21:17 <cristi_an> that is the differnce then ....
2009-03-26 21:18 <carlos> also you need to split how much vat is for intra EU selling/buying
2009-03-26 21:18 <carlos> the tax accounts give you the total
2009-03-26 21:18 <cristi_an> indeed...
2009-03-26 21:18 <carlos> with tax.code you can split that information
2009-03-26 21:18 <cristi_an> but you ahve to report ...that infomation split
2009-03-26 21:18 <cristi_an> this is the same here...
2009-03-26 21:19 <carlos> also, the vat account doesn't store the base amount used to get that vat, and you also need that information for reports
2009-03-26 21:19 <carlos> right, so tax.code stores all that information
2009-03-26 21:19 <cristi_an> yes i need base as well
2009-03-26 21:19 <carlos> so you can generate such reports
2009-03-26 21:19 <cristi_an> i go it....
2009-03-26 21:19 <cristi_an> who teach you this ?
2009-03-26 21:19 <cristi_an> in tryton ?
2009-03-26 21:19 <carlos> without having to parse/read all moves
2009-03-26 21:20 <carlos> cristi_an: I got it from the German chart of accounts and my own knowledge
2009-03-26 21:21 <cristi_an> carlos: how can i import you char of account into tryton
2009-03-26 21:21 <cristi_an> ?
2009-03-26 21:21 <carlos> cristi_an: clone my repository with mercurial and put it inside the trytond/modules directory
2009-03-26 21:21 <carlos> cristi_an: restart tryton and you will get it in the list of modules available
2009-03-26 21:22 <carlos> then is just a matter of select it for installation and that's it
2009-03-26 21:22 <carlos> cristi_an: however, all text is in Spanish, so I'm not sure how useful will be it for you
2009-03-26 21:23 <carlos> cristi_an: also, I think you should trust more the German one, I'm still testing mine with my company before considering it as ready to be used/trusted
2009-03-26 21:24 <ctp_> hi folks. would you recommend the recent developer version for daily work? how stable is the dev code?
2009-03-26 21:24 <carlos> ctp_: I don't think you should use it on production
2009-03-26 21:24 <cristi_an> carlos: ok i will take the german one...
2009-03-26 21:25 <carlos> ctp_: I didn't have any issue yet with it, but it's still in development
2009-03-26 21:25 <cristi_an> do you know where is the german one ?
2009-03-26 21:26 <ctp_> carlos: ok. do you know the main diffs between the stable and the dev version. which features are included in the dev branch?
2009-03-26 21:52 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 22:00 <carlos> cristi_an:
2009-03-26 22:00 <cristi_an> thx
2009-03-26 22:02 <carlos> ctp_: many features, however we are near a new release (next month if nothing delays it)
2009-03-26 22:03 <carlos> ctp_:
2009-03-26 22:04 <ctp_> carlos: thx for the link ;-)
2009-03-26 22:05 <carlos> ctp_: anyway, many changes are internal ones that provide a better infrastructure for customisations
2009-03-26 22:08 <ctp_> carlos: i gave adempiere a try for some weeks but it's a really, really hard piece of code with enormous complexity. i think tryton is more usable for my purposes. adempiere uses jasperreports for _all_. jasper sucks ;-)
2009-03-26 22:09 <carlos> ctp_: be careful, cristi_an may hate you for that comment ;-)
2009-03-26 22:11 <cristi_an> ctp_: it does not suck at all
2009-03-26 22:11 <cristi_an> :)
2009-03-26 22:11 <cristi_an> it does all things .. you even imagine...
2009-03-26 22:12 <cristi_an> however...adempiere is huge and old base..despite..nice idea
2009-03-26 22:12 <cristi_an> you know that the creator of compiere is the grandfather of open erp and tryton as well
2009-03-26 22:12 <ctp_> cristi_an: i've some experiences in jasperreports (bi stuff) but it's absolutely hard to handle every report with it.
2009-03-26 22:13 <ctp_> cristi_an, you mean jörg janke?
2009-03-26 22:13 <cristi_an> Fabien ...was inspired by that ....from what i know..
2009-03-26 22:13 <cristi_an> ctp_: YES
2009-03-26 22:14 <ctp_> cristi_an: adempiere is great. definitely. but the complexity is too heavy for many smc's.
2009-03-26 22:15 <cristi_an> too complex...
2009-03-26 22:15 <cristi_an> agree
2009-03-26 22:17 <ctp_> cristi_an: i am writing some howtos for clear installation. this one i've written for the brand new adempiere 3.5.3a: and this one is dedicated to tryton (writing on ;-)):
2009-03-26 22:17 <ctp_> i like to help newbies in complex environments ;-)
2009-03-26 22:18 <cristi_an> nice thing...:)
2009-03-26 22:19 <cristi_an> i will try to write a manual for tryton
2009-03-26 22:19 <cristi_an> but i try to understand ti first :)
2009-03-26 22:19 <cristi_an> ctp_: tryton has already this...on his wiki but you did it veru nicely ...and in one place
2009-03-26 22:20 <ctp_> cristi_an, when the doc is ready, the content can be copied to project's docs
2009-03-26 22:22 <cristi_an> is your site ?
2009-03-26 22:22 <ctp_> cristi_an: yepp, same with, etc ;-) www.* is in progress ;-)
2009-03-26 22:23 <cristi_an> you are a ubuntu guru :)
2009-03-26 22:24 <cristi_an> pitty is in german :)
2009-03-26 22:24 <ctp_> cristi_an: no, i am freebsd guru. debian is the 2nd choice ;-)
2009-03-26 22:26 <cristi_an> for me ... all unix linux are the same :)
2009-03-26 22:26 <ctp_> cristi_an: i think, i'll translate the most requested articles into english next weeks ;-)
2009-03-26 22:27 <cristi_an> i saw you did soem ruby introductions
2009-03-26 22:27 <cristi_an> plz do that...:)
2009-03-26 22:27 <cristi_an> did you programmed in ruby ?
2009-03-26 22:28 <ctp_> cristi_an:
2009-03-26 22:28 <ctp_> hehe
2009-03-26 22:28 <ctp_> online translations are awesome ;-)
2009-03-26 22:29 <ctp_> cristi_an: yepp, i love RoR. decided to choose RoR instead of Django for many projects now
2009-03-26 22:29 <ctp_> cristi_an: where're you from?
2009-03-26 22:32 <cristi_an> really
2009-03-26 22:32 <cristi_an> ?
2009-03-26 22:33 -!- juanfer(n=juanfer@ has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 22:35 <cristi_an> ctp_: i contacted you on private...
2009-03-26 22:35 <cristi_an> for ROR ...:)
2009-03-26 23:03 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 23:06 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 23:23 -!- essich( has joined #tryton
2009-03-26 23:26 -!- vengfulsquirrel( has joined #tryton

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