IRC logs of #tryton for Wednesday, 2009-01-21 #tryton log beginning Wed Jan 21 00:00:01 CET 2009
2009-01-21 00:21 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 00:56 <CIA-51> tryton: matb roundup * #755/Inventories: moving with keyboard: Attached screenshot shows the search box. It is impossible to navigate by any mean with the keyboard, neither to records nor to buttons.
2009-01-21 01:02 <CIA-51> tryton: matb roundup * #756/Stock: calculation of assignable products: Yes, sure, screenshots attached.
2009-01-21 01:07 -!- bechamel(n=user@ has left #tryton
2009-01-21 01:44 <CIA-51> tryton: ced roundup * #756/Stock: calculation of assignable products: This doesn't say that the products are not assigned somewhere else.
2009-01-21 01:49 <CIA-51> tryton: ced roundup * #755/Inventories: moving with keyboard: [resolved] Fix with changeset ede0dd561f0f
2009-01-21 01:50 <CIA-51> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 434:ede0dd561f0f stock/product.xml: Add priority to tree view of stock.location for product stock for issue755
2009-01-21 01:50 <CIA-51> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 435:19568e8d5cb8 stock/: merge
2009-01-21 02:55 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 05:19 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 07:37 -!- Timitos(n=Timitos@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 07:41 -!- sharkcz( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 08:20 <saxa> morning ppl
2009-01-21 08:21 <saxa> I would like to understand if this is possible in tryton,
2009-01-21 08:21 <saxa> I have a company and my workflow is as follows
2009-01-21 08:22 <saxa> 1) receive an inquiry from my customer with part numbers and quantities for spare parts
2009-01-21 08:22 <saxa> 2) I send it to my supplier/suppliers
2009-01-21 08:23 <saxa> 3) receive the quote from suppliers with replacement part numbers and prices,
2009-01-21 08:23 <saxa> 4) calculate my comission, add my costs
2009-01-21 08:23 <saxa> 5) if customer accepts the price
2009-01-21 08:24 <saxa> I send the order to my supplier
2009-01-21 08:24 <saxa> and from there when goods are ready I prepare the packing list, transport document and invoice
2009-01-21 08:25 <saxa> is that workflow possible ?
2009-01-21 08:25 <saxa> this is a trading company, so I think the most difficult part is to do in steps 2) and 3) which I want to automate
2009-01-21 08:26 <saxa> sometimes in step 3) I also need to choose the cheapest price for single items, because there can be many producers/suppliers for the same product
2009-01-21 08:26 <saxa> I would really like to see this kind of workflow possible in tryton
2009-01-21 08:27 <saxa> that would for sure make me adopt it for my full time use in my company
2009-01-21 08:28 -!- nicoe( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 08:31 -!- vengfulsquirrel( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 08:46 <Timitos> saxa: i would recommend to ask this question also an the mailing list.
2009-01-21 08:47 <Timitos> saxa: possible is this for sure. but there are many customizations needed i think. especially if the solution should be easy to handle
2009-01-21 08:49 <Timitos> saxa: the challenge i see is to handle this workflow with only a view views.
2009-01-21 08:50 <Timitos> saxa: which way do you get the quote from the supplier? is this a paper or a digital document which can be parsed?
2009-01-21 08:56 <saxa> Timitos: I will ask that on the ML also
2009-01-21 08:56 <saxa> I get the original inquiry by fax, or by e-mail
2009-01-21 08:57 <saxa> but this is not much important because I need to imput it by hand
2009-01-21 08:57 <saxa> as I need to check the correctness of the part numbers and sometimes check the parts they are asking itself
2009-01-21 08:58 <saxa> the thing is that when I have checked it and I input it, then I want to automate it
2009-01-21 08:59 <Timitos> saxa: so in detail the process looks for me something like this:
2009-01-21 08:59 <Timitos> you get the inquiry from your customer and enter it into tryton
2009-01-21 09:00 <Timitos> then you answers the supplier for a quote. this should be also done with tryton
2009-01-21 09:00 <Timitos> this could be a step in your workflow
2009-01-21 09:00 <Timitos> the you receive the quote from the supplier
2009-01-21 09:01 <Timitos> so you can enter the prices for the quotation to the customer
2009-01-21 09:01 <Timitos> after that i think everything is standard to tryton
2009-01-21 09:02 <Timitos> the only thing is to decide where to put the inquiry from the customer first. sale module?
2009-01-21 09:05 <saxa> Timitos: correct
2009-01-21 09:06 <saxa> I think that when I receive the inquiry from a customer I can prepare a kind of quote for my customer with price 0,00 for all items
2009-01-21 09:06 <saxa> this quote basicaly would have my custoers namne and details
2009-01-21 09:06 <saxa> all part numbers
2009-01-21 09:06 <saxa> all quantities
2009-01-21 09:06 <saxa> but no price
2009-01-21 09:07 <saxa> then I would need to create an inquiry to my supplier/suppliers
2009-01-21 09:07 <saxa> after that I can manually add the prices into that quote
2009-01-21 09:07 <saxa> which I initially created
2009-01-21 09:08 <saxa> I see it that way, but I dont know if its correct
2009-01-21 09:09 <saxa> ok, I need to go now, l8r I'm back here
2009-01-21 09:09 <saxa> see you
2009-01-21 09:17 <Timitos> saxa: ping me when you are back
2009-01-21 09:17 <Timitos> cu
2009-01-21 09:17 -!- gremly(n=oscar@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 10:07 -!- bechamel(n=user@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 10:52 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 10:54 -!- simahawk(n=simao@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 10:54 -!- simao_(n=simao@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 10:58 -!- Gedd(n=ged@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 11:29 -!- tekknokrat( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 11:37 -!- markusleist( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 11:59 -!- tapwag( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 12:45 -!- tekknokrat( has left #tryton
2009-01-21 13:13 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 13:21 -!- cedk(n=ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 13:31 -!- tekknokrat( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 14:31 -!- simahawk(n=simao@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 14:31 -!- simao_(n=simao@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 14:53 -!- enlightx( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 14:54 -!- ikks_(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 14:54 -!- paola( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 15:08 -!- CIA-52(n=CIA@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 15:50 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #tryton
2009-01-21 15:50 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 15:54 <yangoon> saxa: Timitos. what you discussed this morning seems to me, what is solved in other ERPs by "make purchase order (quotation) from sales quotation"
2009-01-21 15:55 <yangoon> that is, principally, copy the sale to a purchase
2009-01-21 15:55 <yangoon> all things you have to check with suppliers is then possible in purchase
2009-01-21 15:57 -!- paola( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 15:59 <yangoon> if you order/receive the parts from the suppliers, you can adapt the sales quotation/order in respect of your calculation and according for the client (for what you mention by your commission and costs...)
2009-01-21 16:00 <yangoon> so those things can all be done on client side
2009-01-21 16:00 <yangoon> and perhaps/probably on pricelists
2009-01-21 16:00 <cedk> yangoon: I think that it is better if you see the first sale step as a project
2009-01-21 16:01 <cedk> and then after purchase order (or packing receive), you create (automaticly?) the real sale
2009-01-21 16:02 <cedk> I say project but it can be an other model
2009-01-21 16:02 <yangoon> cedk: in Germany this is often called "lead" (very german word;)
2009-01-21 16:03 <yangoon> cedk: but I don't think, this is needed really in this case
2009-01-21 16:03 <yangoon> because what I call leads is the slight possibilty to get in contact for a deal
2009-01-21 16:04 <cedk> yangoon: It looks like what saxa describes
2009-01-21 16:04 <yangoon> what saxa described are real sales quotations in my eyes
2009-01-21 16:04 <cedk> yangoon: I don't think so because he don't know the price before asking to his suppliers
2009-01-21 16:05 <cedk> so for me it is wrong to create a sale order for that
2009-01-21 16:05 <yangoon> cedk: AFAIS he is selling spare parts
2009-01-21 16:06 <yangoon> it depends on how his customers get in contact with him
2009-01-21 16:07 -!- tekknokrat( has left #tryton
2009-01-21 16:09 <CIA-52> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 1474:63ff084b0901 trytond/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Add active field on ir.action to allow better override of reports for issue657
2009-01-21 16:10 <CIA-52> tryton: ced roundup * #657/Additional fields of inherited report also created for parent module: [resolved] Fix with changeset 63ff084b0901 Now there is an active field on ir.action, so when you want to override a report, just create a new ir. ...
2009-01-21 16:10 <yangoon> cedk: thx, great (for 657)
2009-01-21 16:11 <cedk> yangoon: yes perhaps, but I think it can be generic to see the sale quotation like a mini-project
2009-01-21 16:11 <yangoon> cedk: yes, that's exactly what I wanted to say
2009-01-21 16:11 <cedk> yangoon: I think it is great new feature, it allows to make some funny stuff :-)
2009-01-21 16:12 <yangoon> sale quotation/order, from what I understood from projects so far, can be part of the project, but it can be much more
2009-01-21 16:13 <cedk> Timitos: ping
2009-01-21 16:16 <Timitos> cedk: yangoon: i am still a little bit busy here.
2009-01-21 16:22 <cedk> Timitos: it was just to ask you where is udono? There is an issue from him, but I don't have any answer from him
2009-01-21 16:23 <Timitos> cedk: udono will be back on monday
2009-01-21 16:24 <cedk> Timitos: ok, thx
2009-01-21 17:32 -!- cristi_an(n=cristi@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 17:33 -!- marius__(n=cristi@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 17:34 -!- marius__(n=cristi@ has left #tryton
2009-01-21 17:50 <CIA-52> tryton: matb roundup * #756/Stock: calculation of assignable products: There are in this database currently only unassigned or done packings (no assigned and no ready for shipping) (customer_packings.png). All invento ...
2009-01-21 17:56 <yangoon> cedk: just looking at the patch for 657, there is a typo:
2009-01-21 17:56 <yangoon> cedk: report_ids =, user, [], context=ctxt)
2009-01-21 17:57 <yangoon> cedk: in trytond/ir/
2009-01-21 18:02 -!- sharkcz( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 18:26 <cedk> yangoon: fixed
2009-01-21 18:26 <CIA-52> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 1475:1816b82f430d trytond/trytond/ir/ Fix typo
2009-01-21 18:28 <CIA-52> tryton: ced roundup * #756/Stock: calculation of assignable products: This is not enough. To check, I need all the moves and the records of UOM.
2009-01-21 18:40 <cedk> hey guys, did you see this commit from OpenERP:
2009-01-21 18:41 <cedk> I think this is a GPL infringement
2009-01-21 18:41 <cedk> because it link GPL code with BSD
2009-01-21 18:42 <cedk> what do you think?
2009-01-21 18:49 <yangoon> cedk: probably not, see
2009-01-21 18:50 <yangoon> cedk: but it depends what "modified BSD license" means exactly...
2009-01-21 18:53 <cedk> yangoon: I know that there was a issue when linux dev grab some BSD code
2009-01-21 18:59 <cedk> yangoon: so it seems to be right
2009-01-21 19:01 <yangoon> cedk: I think, one has to look very close to the license, it will be a very tedious question
2009-01-21 19:03 <yangoon> cedk:
2009-01-21 19:04 <cedk> yangoon: the license of pyPDF is the BSD (3-clause form)
2009-01-21 19:04 <yangoon> cedk: in my eyes it is possible as long as it is under GPL then
2009-01-21 19:04 <yangoon> but I am really not a lawyer
2009-01-21 19:06 <yangoon> cedk: but you are right in that they don't cite Copyright
2009-01-21 19:06 <yangoon> cedk: at least I don't see this
2009-01-21 19:07 <yangoon> cedk: Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer...
2009-01-21 19:08 <yangoon> cedk: so I think they are probably allowed to use it in GPL code, but since they don't cite the copyright, it is an infringement here
2009-01-21 19:09 <cedk> yangoon: and is the wiki page up to date with the GPL-3 ?
2009-01-21 19:11 -!- mib_7hpkkcw1(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 19:12 -!- vengfulsquirrel( has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 19:12 -!- mib_7hpkkcw1(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #tryton
2009-01-21 19:12 -!- mib_7hpkkcw1(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 19:13 -!- mib_7hpkkcw1(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has left #tryton
2009-01-21 19:13 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 19:13 <cedk> yangoon: where do you think they must put the copyright?
2009-01-21 19:13 <yangoon> cedk: I think it is the Modified BSD License from
2009-01-21 19:13 <yangoon> cedk: and thus it would be compatible
2009-01-21 19:14 <yangoon> cedk: just as in every GPL project
2009-01-21 19:15 <yangoon> cedk: in obe file they point to or in each file at the beginning
2009-01-21 19:15 <yangoon> s/obe/one/
2009-01-21 19:15 <yangoon> have to leave, see you
2009-01-21 19:36 -!- Gedd(n=ged@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 21:12 <saxa> Timitos , yangoon , cedk ok thx for the comments
2009-01-21 21:12 <saxa> what I want is as follows
2009-01-21 21:12 <saxa> for my company if I have the price list of the products I answer immediately to my customer
2009-01-21 21:13 <saxa> this can be easily done as its just as issue a normal quote
2009-01-21 21:13 <saxa> but what I want is that if I dont have a product registered, or the price list for the products, then that I can create an single list of items
2009-01-21 21:14 <saxa> which is then copied and distributed to various suppliers of same parts
2009-01-21 21:15 <saxa> I'm saying that this would be good to be made as an prequotation because this list would have just the part numbers , descriptions and quantities
2009-01-21 21:15 <saxa> its a kind of RFQ which is already tagged for a ceartain customer
2009-01-21 21:16 <saxa> this just because i connect all the inquiries to my suppliers with one single customer
2009-01-21 21:17 <saxa> in my work happens that a customer is asking me for some engine parts produced by company A and some undercarriage parts produced by company B,C and D
2009-01-21 21:18 <saxa> so when I create that pre-quotation, by selecting categories, the machine should be able to split it also and send the part of products produced by company A to company A and the other part of products been inquired to companies B,C and D
2009-01-21 21:19 <saxa> of course people is answering in many different formats, so I dont want to parse the whole world :)
2009-01-21 21:19 <saxa> I can put that info in manually
2009-01-21 21:19 <saxa> but then if I receive an confirmation from my customer I need to have that info handy
2009-01-21 21:20 <saxa> as I need to create the whole bunch of documents out of it
2009-01-21 21:20 <saxa> from the suppliers quote I need to be able to take out just some items or confirm the full quote
2009-01-21 21:21 <saxa> the program moust keep track then of what was shipped to me and delivered to the customer and what has been not
2009-01-21 21:21 <saxa> this is another thing I'm not sure if tryton does
2009-01-21 21:22 <saxa> maybe now its more clear
2009-01-21 21:22 <saxa> anyway I'm here if somebody wants to ask something
2009-01-21 21:22 <saxa> I will try to describe the first part of this thing in a mail to the mailing list.
2009-01-21 21:23 <saxa> maybe its better than here ?
2009-01-21 21:25 <bechamel> saxa: I think you will have more answers with the mailing list :)
2009-01-21 21:29 -!- oversize(n=manuel@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 21:29 <bechamel> saxa: if you want the system to create a list by supplier (with only products available on a supplier) then those products must exist in the system, and what should be done with the lists, send an email ?
2009-01-21 21:39 <saxa> bechamel: yes, the inquiries should be sent by e-mail to the suppliers
2009-01-21 21:40 <saxa> after receiving back the answers from the suppliers I can enter the prices and then create an quote for the customer
2009-01-21 21:42 <bechamel> saxa: so a wizard on the sale order that read the products, and send email should do the trick.
2009-01-21 21:42 <bechamel> saxa: the only missing step should be to auto update prices on products forms
2009-01-21 21:45 <saxa> bechamel: a wizard is ok also
2009-01-21 21:46 <cedk> saxa: I think like bechamel, a status on product that says it must be priced by suppliers, a wizard to send requests for prices to suppliers and a dev to update sale order line price when you set the real price on the product
2009-01-21 21:47 <cedk> saxa: and the purchase creation will be created by the scheduler from stock_supply
2009-01-21 21:47 <bechamel> saxa: yes but i don't see how this wizard will be aware for which supplier the price should be updated
2009-01-21 21:48 <cedk> bechamel: just add a list of potential supplier on the product
2009-01-21 21:49 <saxa> cedk: the purchase supply can should be also created if there is no parts in stock
2009-01-21 21:49 <bechamel> cedk: there is already a list of supplier on the product
2009-01-21 21:49 <saxa> cedk: maybe using a wirtual stock
2009-01-21 21:50 <saxa> when I was trying to use tiny, what was missing was a step how to connect this first step, creating a quote to my customer from the suppliers RFQ
2009-01-21 21:51 <saxa> or creating a pre-sale-quote and then create the inquiry to the supplier
2009-01-21 21:51 <saxa> from it
2009-01-21 21:52 <saxa> the connection between sales and purchases workflows has been missing something
2009-01-21 21:56 <bechamel> it's difficult to handle a link between the sale and the purchase, sometimes product are availables in stock, sometimes they must be produced. sometimes there is nothing in stock but the time between the creation of the sale order end the requested date is important etc ..
2009-01-21 21:57 <saxa> bechamel: I know
2009-01-21 21:58 <cedk> saxa: I don't think you must create a purchase order to ask price to suppliers
2009-01-21 21:58 <saxa> the only thing really important for my work is to see how to create this sale order from the suppliers qotations
2009-01-21 21:58 <cedk> saxa: I think it is an other document
2009-01-21 21:59 <saxa> cedk: I create a RFQ
2009-01-21 21:59 <saxa> request for quotation
2009-01-21 21:59 <saxa> which is ok
2009-01-21 21:59 <cedk> saxa: if you want but it is not a purchase in Tryton, it is a new model
2009-01-21 22:00 <cedk> saxa: because as you said previously, you only ask for price
2009-01-21 22:00 <cedk> saxa: and it is later when your customer agree to the price that you create a purchase order
2009-01-21 22:01 <cedk> saxa: so this last purchase order will be created by the stock_supply depending of the stock level
2009-01-21 22:01 <bechamel> cedk: saxa: a rfq could do the trick: it will containt a list of (product, supplier, qty) and will provide: creation of purchase, update of prices and creation of sale order (and keep the relation between the sale and the purchases)
2009-01-21 22:02 <cedk> bechamel: I don't think you must create a purchase from there
2009-01-21 22:02 <cedk> bechamel: and you don't create sale order from this
2009-01-21 22:03 <cedk> for me you create sale order and new product if needed and once per day, a wizard create RFQ for all new products
2009-01-21 22:04 <cedk> like that you ask only once per day to the supplier
2009-01-21 22:04 <cedk> the RFQ has no link to the sales
2009-01-21 22:05 <bechamel> when i say rfq i talk about a new model
2009-01-21 22:05 <bechamel> which will link sale and purchases
2009-01-21 22:05 <cedk> yes, but you must let the scheduler creating the purchase orders
2009-01-21 22:06 <cedk> for me a rfq will be only a question to supplier to know his price for the products
2009-01-21 22:07 <cedk> it can be a real model or just a report on product that need to be priced
2009-01-21 22:07 <bechamel> this is the problem for company that work "on demand" they just relay orders from customers to suppliers, it's a big overhead to handle an inventory just for that
2009-01-21 22:08 <bechamel> like some bookshop for example :)
2009-01-21 22:08 -!- cristi_an(i=5978d3ce@gateway/web/ajax/ has joined #tryton
2009-01-21 22:09 <cristi_an> cedk: is possible on gtk client to control the behaviour of an editalbe table
2009-01-21 22:11 <cedk> bechamel: just run the scheduler more often
2009-01-21 22:11 <cristi_an> like when i enter something in a cell then to programatically edit else
2009-01-21 22:11 <cedk> cristi_an: there is the on_change functionality
2009-01-21 22:11 <cedk> ACTION go to lunch
2009-01-21 22:12 <bechamel> cedk: the problem is not to create the purchases, the problem is to know what to do when products comes from the supplier
2009-01-21 23:02 <vengfulsquirrel> Workflows are triggered via the gtk client right? For example will changing a sale from quotation to confirmed by calling write(...,{'state': 'confirmed'},...) trigger the creation of an invoice and a packing ?
2009-01-21 23:04 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: no, the client send a signal to the server, then workflow is processed wrt to this signal
2009-01-21 23:05 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: you can see which signal trigger which transition if you print the workflow
2009-01-21 23:05 <vengfulsquirrel> Yeah so I have to run the workflow manually from a programming perspective.
2009-01-21 23:05 <vengfulsquirrel> Print the workflow?
2009-01-21 23:06 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: plugin > execute plugin > print workflow on the sale form
2009-01-21 23:06 <saxa> bechamel: cedk: I had asked once Geoff Gardiner if somebody knows him, to create a wizard doing this thing in tiny
2009-01-21 23:07 <saxa> but of course the cost was too high fo rmy point of view
2009-01-21 23:07 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: instead of calling write(...) you will have to call something like wkf_trigger(...)
2009-01-21 23:07 <saxa> so if you want I can send to the mailing list the ideas and the conversations we had at the time
2009-01-21 23:08 <vengfulsquirrel> bechamel: Okay yeah that sounds easier than calling all the functions manually by reading the xml source. Is the long term plan to have all that open and fully documented?
2009-01-21 23:09 <bechamel> saxa: yes this may interest other somebody else
2009-01-21 23:09 <saxa> ok
2009-01-21 23:09 <saxa> tomorrow I will find out this stuff again and will post it
2009-01-21 23:10 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: yes i will try to provide more docs in the next months (at least before the nex trelease)
2009-01-21 23:10 <bechamel> saxa: ok
2009-01-21 23:10 <saxa> ACTION goes to sleep, good night
2009-01-21 23:10 <bechamel> saxa: bye
2009-01-21 23:11 <saxa> ;)
2009-01-21 23:13 <vengfulsquirrel> bechamel: Do you mean trg_trigger ?
2009-01-21 23:13 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: let me check
2009-01-21 23:15 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: trigger force the workflow to evaluate the condition on the transitions of the current activity
2009-01-21 23:16 <vengfulsquirrel> bechamel: I'm trying to import a sale from an external system and then run it's state from DRAFT to QUOTATION to CONFIRMED. Is that what I would use trigger for ?
2009-01-21 23:17 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: you need trg_validate, look in sale/ line 836
2009-01-21 23:18 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: this code force the workflow of the packing to do the draft->waiting transition
2009-01-21 23:22 <bechamel> /force/ask/
2009-01-21 23:30 <vengfulsquirrel> hmm ha that seemed to make it very angry
2009-01-21 23:31 <CIA-52> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 161:da102a316a84 stock_supply/ Use new stock_skip_warehouse on products_by_location
2009-01-21 23:31 <vengfulsquirrel> Oh wait I'm an idiot, nevermind.

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