IRC logs of #tryton for Saturday, 2009-01-17 #tryton log beginning Sat Jan 17 00:00:01 CET 2009
2009-01-17 00:00 <vengfulsquirrel> X0d_of_N0d: You could remove a 80GB drive and that would invalidate like 64 products. (assuming all of them existed)
2009-01-17 00:00 <vengfulsquirrel> This definately is going to take some careful navigation and running the numbers.
2009-01-17 00:00 <X0d_of_N0d> right, I was just wanting ot make sure that you're not suggesting that we don't propigate changes
2009-01-17 00:01 -!- tekknokrat( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 00:01 -!- tekknokrat( has left #tryton
2009-01-17 00:01 <vengfulsquirrel> Yeah I'm a little concerned about changes to nested subassembly's revisions that alter the parent product but the revision does not reflect this.
2009-01-17 00:01 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: right
2009-01-17 00:02 <vengfulsquirrel> Anytime we need to refer to a bom for a long period we need to store the parent revision and all nested revisions.
2009-01-17 00:02 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: right
2009-01-17 00:03 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: I think a bom should always just by default refer to the latest version of the bom. We'd know based on active dates which previous revisions people have.
2009-01-17 00:03 <vengfulsquirrel> By forcing the configurator to live and work in the production management section we could just add a produceable flag and a bom link to products and that's the only change to the entire system.
2009-01-17 00:04 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: producable flag and bom_id field
2009-01-17 00:05 <bechamel> maybe it should be usefull to introduce something like bom role : several permutale boms will share the same role, and a bom is not a list of product/qty but a list of role, if I have a new product I only add another bom to the existing role
2009-01-17 00:06 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: you're talking about configurable boms?
2009-01-17 00:06 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 00:07 <bechamel> yes, my point of view is that all boms should be configurable (so configurable is implicit)
2009-01-17 00:08 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: I think we're running into another terminology problem
2009-01-17 00:08 <bechamel> and it's not the bom which is configurable it's the production order
2009-01-17 00:08 <bechamel> X0d_of_N0d: yes maybe
2009-01-17 00:09 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: when something is produced we need to be able to trace back and figure out exactly what bom was used to build it
2009-01-17 00:09 <bechamel> I will wait for the relational schema before disturbing you further :)
2009-01-17 00:09 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: how would that be stored
2009-01-17 00:09 <bechamel> X0d_of_N0d: on the production order
2009-01-17 00:09 <X0d_of_N0d> yeah.. pictures would probably help
2009-01-17 00:10 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: right, but how on the production order? do we store a part number that has a static bom attached to it? if so do we generate new part numbers for every revision (I don't like that)?
2009-01-17 00:10 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: do we store bom+config?
2009-01-17 00:11 <bechamel> for me a bom is like a recipe but you can shop some ingredient instead of cocking them, and you decide this when you create the meal and i will change from day to day. but the recipe on the book is always the same
2009-01-17 00:13 <bechamel> the productio order store the boms that have been chosen accross all the available boms
2009-01-17 00:14 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: so there'd be a bom for each production order???
2009-01-17 00:15 <bechamel> X0d_of_N0d: a link/reference to the existing bom
2009-01-17 00:16 <bechamel> X0d_of_N0d: or several links to existing boms
2009-01-17 00:19 -!- X0d_of_N0d(i=user@gateway/tor/x-3c74c31efd89a152) has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 00:20 <X0d_of_N0d> hum...
2009-01-17 00:20 <X0d_of_N0d> ok
2009-01-17 00:20 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: the last thing I got from you was "the productio order store..."
2009-01-17 00:21 <bechamel> X0d_of_N0d: I said that the product order will store a link/reference to the existing bom
2009-01-17 00:21 <bechamel> or several links to existing boms
2009-01-17 00:22 <X0d_of_N0d> ok
2009-01-17 00:23 <X0d_of_N0d> and if you configure a bom it checks for an existing bom with that configuration or creates a new one?
2009-01-17 00:23 <X0d_of_N0d> or do you create a new bom for each configuration?
2009-01-17 00:24 <bechamel> the idea is to avoid to create a new bom for a new configuration
2009-01-17 00:26 <X0d_of_N0d> brb
2009-01-17 00:28 <bechamel> example for the pizza, if i want to manage 3 solution: 1) buy the pizza 2) buy some pizza bread and tomato 3) create the pizza bread from flour etc and buy the tomato. (yeah very simple pizza with only tomato). so the pizza role will contains two boms: one with one product (finished pizza) one with two product (tomato, and bread), the bread role will contains two bom: one who will contains flour, water, etc and the other with only the
2009-01-17 00:28 <bechamel> finished bead product
2009-01-17 00:29 <bechamel> but there is still a problem because this mix products and bom
2009-01-17 00:33 <vengfulsquirrel> hmm yeah i'm confused
2009-01-17 00:34 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: bread is the correct word ?
2009-01-17 00:34 <bechamel> better: is bread the correct word ?
2009-01-17 00:35 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: s/bread/crust/
2009-01-17 00:37 <bechamel> X0d_of_N0d: yes of course, like "cheesy crust" at pizza hut :D
2009-01-17 00:37 <vengfulsquirrel> ha
2009-01-17 00:37 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: so a pizza bom would contain two lines toppings & crust (since it's all made at the same time in a simple process it would be shrunk into one, but for our uses we'll continue anyway)...
2009-01-17 00:38 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: then crust would contain a bm for flower,water, ,egg, salt, etc..
2009-01-17 00:39 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: or cheese, flour, egg, water, etc
2009-01-17 00:41 <bechamel> the idea is not to use bom has lines but roles, so a pizza bom contain two role toppings and crust
2009-01-17 00:41 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: that's a bom
2009-01-17 00:42 <bechamel> and there would be two bom for the crust role one with flour, egg, water and one with a ready crust from the supplier
2009-01-17 00:43 <bechamel> ... and one with flour, egg, water and cheese (as long a one consider that a crust with cheese and crust without are permutale)
2009-01-17 00:44 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: but that's what a bom would be, a list of other boms or products
2009-01-17 00:44 <X0d_of_N0d> which is why it makes sense to link boms to products and use products...
2009-01-17 00:44 <vengfulsquirrel> Hey I don't think this really is a ER diagram but its a diagram, it also is pretty confusing at first glance:
2009-01-17 00:44 <bechamel> a bom is list of role or product
2009-01-17 00:44 <X0d_of_N0d> hum...
2009-01-17 00:45 <X0d_of_N0d> bechamel: that's what a bom is
2009-01-17 00:45 <vengfulsquirrel> crows feet kind of come out weird in Dia
2009-01-17 00:47 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: shouldn't the link between bom line and product be reversed ?
2009-01-17 00:47 <vengfulsquirrel> but what i was saying earlier is that a configurable bom doesn't actually report to a specific product, it only produces boms for products
2009-01-17 00:48 <vengfulsquirrel> bechamel: No because a BOM Line only refers to a single product. But many BOM Lines can refer to the same product.
2009-01-17 00:48 <vengfulsquirrel> As far as I know.
2009-01-17 00:48 <bechamel> no sorry, I'm wrong
2009-01-17 00:49 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: so bom's would know which product they're linked to, or would products know which bom they're linked to?
2009-01-17 00:53 <vengfulsquirrel> Probably the bom would hold the link
2009-01-17 00:54 <vengfulsquirrel> The bom could have for_product_id or whatever, and a product would have a produceable flag.
2009-01-17 00:55 <cedk> I don't understand how the configurable stuff must work ?
2009-01-17 00:57 <cedk> and I think that what you try to do by being able to switch one product in a BOM, can be done by phatom BOM
2009-01-17 00:58 <vengfulsquirrel> Well we are still working that out. I'm proposing to just make configurations and propagate them into products using the configurable BOM as a template.
2009-01-17 00:58 <vengfulsquirrel> cedk: Phantom BOM has multiple definitions. From what I've read it merely means a subassembly that is used on the production line but cannot be stocked.
2009-01-17 00:59 <vengfulsquirrel> So its more used to communicate between workcenters via workorders.
2009-01-17 00:59 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: yes, so for the disk example, you create as many phatom BOMs as you have different disk
2009-01-17 01:00 <cedk> so the system will choose one depending of the availability of the product
2009-01-17 01:00 <vengfulsquirrel> Except disks are stocked and a customer doesn't want different sized disks, they want a specific sized disk.
2009-01-17 01:00 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: but one bom could be used for multiple products, so the link needs to go the other way
2009-01-17 01:01 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: it is just a matter of configuration, you create a phatom BOMs for disk of 250Go
2009-01-17 01:01 <vengfulsquirrel> X0d_of_N0d: No one bom cannot be used for multiple products, the bom is fixed to that specific product.
2009-01-17 01:01 <vengfulsquirrel> X0d_of_N0d: One configurable bom can be used to configure the bom of multiple products.
2009-01-17 01:02 <cedk> I still don't understand the configurable BOM
2009-01-17 01:04 <cedk> for me a phatom BOM is just a BOM that is not linked to any product
2009-01-17 01:04 <cedk> and the BOM lines can be linked to a product or a phatom BOM
2009-01-17 01:04 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: that's not the definition of it
2009-01-17 01:04 <cedk> like that we introduced choice in BOM lines
2009-01-17 01:05 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: I think it is the right things
2009-01-17 01:06 <X0d_of_N0d> a phantom bom is an item that is used immediately, shared between multiple boms, or impossible to stock
2009-01-17 01:06 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: but that's not the correct use of the terminology
2009-01-17 01:07 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: that is what I say, and here I explain how to use it to introduce choice in BOM, but it can be also used to shared some common part between different BOMs
2009-01-17 01:07 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: if we want to create a bom that's like you describe then it's called a configurable bom
2009-01-17 01:07 <X0d_of_N0d> actually it'd be a configurator
2009-01-17 01:07 <X0d_of_N0d> I think
2009-01-17 01:07 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: I don't care about the name, but for me the both are the same
2009-01-17 01:07 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: ok...yeah, sorry, the terminology thing has been kind of a pain
2009-01-17 01:08 <cedk> or at least must be the same, because it will be more powerfull
2009-01-17 01:08 <X0d_of_N0d> I was saying that all the boms should be structured the same in the database, but called different things depending on their function
2009-01-17 01:08 <X0d_of_N0d> and the name determines how they are used
2009-01-17 01:09 <X0d_of_N0d> err type
2009-01-17 01:09 <X0d_of_N0d> s/name/type/
2009-01-17 01:09 <cedk> if you think that it is your configurable BOM, so I think that yo must merge the configurable BOM with BOM
2009-01-17 01:09 <vengfulsquirrel> a phantom bom will just move the logic somewhere else.. and then THAT will need to be configured
2009-01-17 01:10 <cedk> it is simple, BOM linked to output products are normal BOM, otherwise it is phantom
2009-01-17 01:10 <vengfulsquirrel> output products?
2009-01-17 01:11 <cedk> as bechamel said a BOM must be able to produce more than one product
2009-01-17 01:11 <cedk> it will be more generic and more powerfull
2009-01-17 01:13 <cedk> like that you can handle trash product or having a production that split one product into two, etc...
2009-01-17 01:14 <cedk> one thing that I don't how to handle it, it is when there is choice in the BOM
2009-01-17 01:14 <vengfulsquirrel> okay but i think you'll need a dominate product
2009-01-17 01:15 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: simply a list of product that are sorted
2009-01-17 01:15 <vengfulsquirrel> and the other outputs will be of less importance than the dominant product
2009-01-17 01:15 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: if you have that then you might as well have a product and a list of side-effects or something
2009-01-17 01:15 <vengfulsquirrel> yeah that's what i mean
2009-01-17 01:15 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: that have a tag, that says it is a principal product or a trash
2009-01-17 01:15 <vengfulsquirrel> if you split you have to just make two boms i think that's not common enough to create a system to handle
2009-01-17 01:16 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: it is better to make a generic system that allow n inputs and m outputs
2009-01-17 01:17 <X0d_of_N0d> ok, I'm gonna go take a walk and get some soda
2009-01-17 01:17 <vengfulsquirrel> Its adding complexity I think that is unnecessary
2009-01-17 01:17 <cedk> and not separate output, just flag principals
2009-01-17 01:17 <vengfulsquirrel> but then multiple products have to share boms
2009-01-17 01:18 <vengfulsquirrel> and planning is more complex
2009-01-17 01:18 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: this one of the principal critism of the OpenERP modelisation
2009-01-17 01:18 <bechamel> vengfulsquirrel: if we don't plan this now it will be impossible to do later
2009-01-17 01:19 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: you can have any way, many BOM for the same product
2009-01-17 01:19 <bechamel> cedk: did you see wait I said about bom role ?
2009-01-17 01:19 <cedk> bechamel: I did not understand
2009-01-17 01:21 <vengfulsquirrel> okay well i'll have to keep thinking about the multiple outputs maybe you are right
2009-01-17 01:21 <cedk> for me there is still: how to handle choice in production?
2009-01-17 01:21 <vengfulsquirrel> you are both probably more experienced than me with that regard
2009-01-17 01:21 <vengfulsquirrel> cedk: configurable boms
2009-01-17 01:21 <bechamel> cedk: role is to handle choice actualy
2009-01-17 01:21 <cedk> is the system make the best choice or let the user choice
2009-01-17 01:22 <vengfulsquirrel> There will be no choice, you will have to create a product for every configuration that you need to make.
2009-01-17 01:22 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: not with phatom BOMs
2009-01-17 01:22 <vengfulsquirrel> A user orders a specific product so configuration is only done to create products.
2009-01-17 01:23 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: except if you have similar product that you can choice in the production
2009-01-17 01:23 <vengfulsquirrel> I do not understand your interpretation of phantom BOMs, is it the same as configurable bom lines except with a product ?
2009-01-17 01:23 <vengfulsquirrel> You mean product substitutes?
2009-01-17 01:23 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: like many harddisk of 200Go
2009-01-17 01:23 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: yes
2009-01-17 01:24 <vengfulsquirrel> That's something different than a phantom BOM.
2009-01-17 01:24 <cedk> but I don't make different model for BOM and phantom BOM
2009-01-17 01:24 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: no, it is the same
2009-01-17 01:24 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: it is just a step in the production
2009-01-17 01:24 <bechamel> it's a generalisation of phantom bom
2009-01-17 01:24 <vengfulsquirrel> No because a phantom bom cannot be stocked.
2009-01-17 01:25 <vengfulsquirrel> You are saying substitute a stockable product with another stockable product.
2009-01-17 01:25 <cedk> phantom means, it doesn't produce a real product
2009-01-17 01:25 <vengfulsquirrel> Then start production.
2009-01-17 01:25 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: a phantom bom could potentially be stocked, it just isn't usually
2009-01-17 01:25 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: it doesn't produce a sellable product
2009-01-17 01:25 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: if you want
2009-01-17 01:25 <vengfulsquirrel> Okay ha can we call it product substitutes though. Its really you have 1 slot put anything in it.
2009-01-17 01:26 <cedk> for me, it is a meta information
2009-01-17 01:26 <X0d_of_N0d> the term phantom bom is used in a bunch of different ways meaning lots of things, perhaps we need to define some other terms so we can all be on the same page?
2009-01-17 01:26 <vengfulsquirrel> A configurable bom could say choose 2 of there 10 or choose 0 or more of these 10.
2009-01-17 01:26 <vengfulsquirrel> *of these 10
2009-01-17 01:26 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: for me it is too complicate
2009-01-17 01:27 <vengfulsquirrel> Not if its pre-product creation.
2009-01-17 01:27 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: did you have an example of a product that in which you can substitue a product by two others ?
2009-01-17 01:27 <cedk> and for me the name phantom is the right name
2009-01-17 01:28 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: I have an example
2009-01-17 01:28 <vengfulsquirrel> When assembling a computer system: Choose 0 or more drives: CDROM, 80 GB Drive, 160 GB Drive, DVD Drive
2009-01-17 01:28 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: say you build computers. A computer could have multiple processors, multiple different sizes and quantities of ram, multiple harddrive options, etc
2009-01-17 01:28 <vengfulsquirrel> Your product substitute idea would be there are 10 brands of 80 GB Drive and that is chosen at production time.
2009-01-17 01:29 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: this will not produce the same product
2009-01-17 01:29 <vengfulsquirrel> So we are talking about two different problems.
2009-01-17 01:29 <vengfulsquirrel> Yeah it won't produce the same product.
2009-01-17 01:29 <vengfulsquirrel> But its BOM will be created from a configurable BOM
2009-01-17 01:29 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: you will not sell a computer without CDROM at the same price than with one
2009-01-17 01:29 <vengfulsquirrel> Yes I agree
2009-01-17 01:30 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: how to encode this in the sale order ?
2009-01-17 01:30 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: right, but if you change the motherboard that you sell for one computer, you'd want to change it on all the computers that are similar
2009-01-17 01:31 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: i talk about substitution, because you are out of stock for one by example
2009-01-17 01:31 <vengfulsquirrel> Yeah that is a different use-case though which we haven't addressed but apparently is needed.
2009-01-17 01:31 <vengfulsquirrel> So that feature needs to be added.
2009-01-17 01:31 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: substitution will not change the price of the product because you consider the products as the same
2009-01-17 01:32 <vengfulsquirrel> Yeah we might need another Production Order State and some more relations to handle that situation.
2009-01-17 01:33 <cedk> for you computer "on demand", I think what you need is a computer configuration, that will create the product and the associated BOM
2009-01-17 01:33 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: no, that's why I was suggesting connecting the bom to the product template and the configuration to the product
2009-01-17 01:33 <vengfulsquirrel> So that substitutes can be selected before the production order changed to assigned.
2009-01-17 01:33 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: but if the master bom changes you have to change anyhting that shares that bom
2009-01-17 01:34 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: yes
2009-01-17 01:34 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: don't understand
2009-01-17 01:34 <vengfulsquirrel> cedk: Yeah that's what I am saying a Configurator uses a Configurable BOM to create many products and their associated BOMs.
2009-01-17 01:35 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: I don't think it must be part of the base production
2009-01-17 01:35 <vengfulsquirrel> Yeah that is also fine we can do production_bom_configurable as a sub module.
2009-01-17 01:35 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: because it will be used by salers
2009-01-17 01:36 <vengfulsquirrel> and production_bom_substitutes
2009-01-17 01:36 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: s/salers/sellers/
2009-01-17 01:36 <vengfulsquirrel> etc.
2009-01-17 01:36 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: this object must be able to find if there is not already the same product
2009-01-17 01:36 <vengfulsquirrel> The configurator ?
2009-01-17 01:36 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: yes
2009-01-17 01:37 <vengfulsquirrel> Yeah it will be very complex, I'm not sure if we could put it in New Sale Line to help select a product but that would be nic.e
2009-01-17 01:37 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: or it can be a object that create all the possibilities
2009-01-17 01:37 <vengfulsquirrel> Yeah people might not want that because it will pollute their product db
2009-01-17 01:37 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: the only problem will be to create a product name that is still meanful
2009-01-17 01:38 <vengfulsquirrel> I have to take a break for a bit though, and its probably pretty late there so maybe we could continue this discussion this weekend. I might try to whip up some better flows and diagrams.
2009-01-17 01:38 <vengfulsquirrel> cedk: Yeah it might have to nest the configuration options
2009-01-17 01:38 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: when a product is configured the user would put in a product name unless otherwise configured
2009-01-17 01:39 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: yes, or it can be just a wizard. I think it depends of the kind of business
2009-01-17 01:39 <vengfulsquirrel> Home Computer, Power User Computer
2009-01-17 01:39 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: well things would be configured at each level of the bom...
2009-01-17 01:39 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: yes because there will be the computer
2009-01-17 01:40 <vengfulsquirrel> X0d_of_N0d: Yeah we still have to think about the multiple levels I'm worried about how that will work.
2009-01-17 01:40 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: especially when there is choice
2009-01-17 01:40 <vengfulsquirrel> X0d_of_N0d: The current plan would be that you would start configuring at the lowest level and configure to the top fixed each BOM.
2009-01-17 01:40 <vengfulsquirrel> And the revisions, also worried about that.
2009-01-17 01:40 <vengfulsquirrel> I just want to make sure we at least know what we need and where it will go ... 'eventually'.
2009-01-17 01:41 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: revision is just for history ?
2009-01-17 01:41 <vengfulsquirrel> cedk: Sometimes an older bom might be in use until the newer version gets approved. Additionally you might want to use a fixed revision during production so that changes don't confuse the crap out of the system.
2009-01-17 01:42 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: yeah, that's really a mess
2009-01-17 01:42 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: it will be not to difficult to handle this
2009-01-17 01:42 <vengfulsquirrel> X0d_of_N0d: So if you could determine you most complicated configurations and maybe remove any company stuff we could use those as examples.
2009-01-17 01:43 <cedk> there is a plan to have the same kind of mecanism for account (with history)
2009-01-17 01:43 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: amd (on bom revs) you might also need to know how a historical item was built
2009-01-17 01:43 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: this will be handle with the moves
2009-01-17 01:44 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: how?
2009-01-17 01:44 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: you will see by production which products was used
2009-01-17 01:44 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: and by the way, you can store the BOM id on the production order
2009-01-17 01:44 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: bom_id and rev
2009-01-17 01:45 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: yes
2009-01-17 01:45 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: and perhaps a list of bom id and rev
2009-01-17 01:46 <vengfulsquirrel> Whew ha okay now I really gotta go, but I'll try to document what we discussed, product substitutes, configurator and multiple principal/non-principal outputs
2009-01-17 01:46 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: because if the production use sub-BOM or phantom BOM, you need to have all
2009-01-17 01:46 <vengfulsquirrel> yeah the list
2009-01-17 01:46 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: good
2009-01-17 01:46 <X0d_of_N0d> vengfulsquirrel: catch you later man
2009-01-17 01:46 <vengfulsquirrel> gotta go, be back later, thanks for everyone's time
2009-01-17 01:46 <bechamel> bye
2009-01-17 01:47 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: you know that there is a log bot on the irc ?
2009-01-17 01:47 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel:
2009-01-17 01:47 <cedk> vengfulsquirrel: if you lost something :-)
2009-01-17 01:47 <cedk> bechamel: bye
2009-01-17 01:48 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: parent boms should store child bom_ids and revs
2009-01-17 01:48 <bechamel> cedk: i was talking to vengfulsquirrel actualy :)
2009-01-17 01:48 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: so if you change a subassembly's rev you'd have to change the parent assembly's rev
2009-01-17 01:48 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: no, BOM doesn't store any information about the current production
2009-01-17 01:49 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: otherwise, it is not possible to introduce choice
2009-01-17 01:50 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: and I don't think that if a child BOM change is rev, you must change the rev of all others
2009-01-17 01:51 <cedk> but for me, it is not yet clear who make the choice: the system or the user or (the system and the user can modify it)
2009-01-17 01:52 <X0d_of_N0d> but if a subassembly changes then the parent needs to change to because the whole thing has to change at ocne
2009-01-17 01:53 <X0d_of_N0d> that's a document control thing....
2009-01-17 01:53 <X0d_of_N0d> hum
2009-01-17 01:54 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: what ?
2009-01-17 01:54 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: I don't understand, what is the need to change the parent ?
2009-01-17 01:55 <X0d_of_N0d> an assembly is something that all works together, so if a subassembly changes you need to verify that everything still works together
2009-01-17 01:56 <X0d_of_N0d> hum... yeah, I dunno
2009-01-17 01:56 <X0d_of_N0d> I need a break
2009-01-17 01:56 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: and me I need to sleep :-)
2009-01-17 01:56 <X0d_of_N0d> s/break/drink/
2009-01-17 01:56 <X0d_of_N0d> s/sleep/drink/
2009-01-17 01:56 <X0d_of_N0d> hehe
2009-01-17 01:58 <cedk> X0d_of_N0d: we will continue this later
2009-01-17 01:58 <cedk> bye
2009-01-17 01:58 <X0d_of_N0d> cedk: later man
2009-01-17 02:21 -!- bechamel(n=user@ has left #tryton
2009-01-17 03:51 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 05:07 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
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2009-01-17 08:37 -!- paola( has joined #tryton
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2009-01-17 12:03 -!- cedk(n=ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 12:27 -!- Gedd( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 13:35 -!- sharkcz( has joined #tryton
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2009-01-17 14:57 -!- mwagner_( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 14:57 <mwagner_> Hello
2009-01-17 14:59 <Timitos> mwagner_: hi
2009-01-17 15:02 <mwagner_> Timitos: Do you speak German?
2009-01-17 15:03 <Timitos> mwagner_: ja. es gibt auch einen deutschen tryton channel
2009-01-17 15:03 <mwagner_> Ah okay verstehe..
2009-01-17 15:04 <mwagner_> Ich probiere gerade Tryton auf dem Demoserver aus. Ich finde es ist ein sehr gutes Produkt
2009-01-17 15:04 <Timitos> schön das zu hören.
2009-01-17 15:05 <mwagner_> Was ich fragen wollte: Wenn ich eine Rechnung drucke, wird die auf französisch in OpenOffice geöffnet. Kann man das irgendwie einstellen dass die Rechnungen auf Deutsch erscheinen?
2009-01-17 15:07 <Timitos> ja, du kannst bei der Party (Partei) die Sprache hinterlegen, in der die Rechnung gedruckt werden soll.
2009-01-17 15:07 <Timitos> mwagner_: aber es kann sein, dass du eine neue rechnung erstellen musst, weil die rechnung wenn sie fakturiert wird langfristig so gespeichert wird, wie sie erstellt worden ist.
2009-01-17 15:08 <mwagner_> Das probiere ich mal aus
2009-01-17 15:09 <mwagner_> Funktioniert ohne dass ich eine neue Rechnung erstellen musste. Tryton gefällt mir immer besser
2009-01-17 15:10 <Timitos> aber grundsätzlich sind alle reports ebenfalls bereits in deutsch übersetzt. die deutsche übersetzung von tryton ist vollständig und wird laufend aktualisiert.
2009-01-17 15:10 <cedk> is it possible to speak in english, like that everybody can participate to the talk
2009-01-17 15:11 <mwagner_> I was just asking on how to print invoices in German. I would also like to compliment you on the good work
2009-01-17 15:12 <cedk> mwagner_: you're welcome
2009-01-17 15:13 <cedk> and the printing language is choosen with the party language
2009-01-17 15:13 <mwagner_> I have tried that - works very well.
2009-01-17 15:13 <cedk> perhaps the fail back, if there is no language must be the language of the company and not en_US
2009-01-17 15:16 <Timitos> cedk: yes. but i am not sure if everybody will create an custom english report and then translate it to the companies language.
2009-01-17 15:18 <cedk> Timitos: it doesn't change anythings
2009-01-17 15:18 <Timitos> cedk: yes
2009-01-17 15:20 <cedk> and there is still the number formating
2009-01-17 15:21 <Timitos> yes. you are right.
2009-01-17 15:37 -!- tekknokrat( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 16:43 -!- FWiesing(n=Wiesinge@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 16:45 -!- FWiesing(n=Wiesinge@ has left #tryton
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2009-01-17 17:43 -!- kleinerdrache( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 18:13 -!- markusleist( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 18:28 <CIA-10> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 1469:7cc373504bf9 trytond/trytond/osv/ Handle join on the same table in order_calc
2009-01-17 18:28 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 19:26 -!- mib_kwh86oso( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 19:38 -!- mib_bjnbz9cg( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 19:39 <mib_bjnbz9cg> beside server improvements and client ones ,there is a change in how modules are coded compared to openerp ?
2009-01-17 19:41 <cedk> mib_bjnbz9cg: nothing fundamental, just a lot of little things (improvement)
2009-01-17 19:43 <mib_bjnbz9cg> cedk: look at columns ,this is not different from tryton ?
2009-01-17 19:43 <mib_bjnbz9cg>
2009-01-17 19:44 <cedk> mib_bjnbz9cg: there is new attributes, different default function, better definition of field Function, etc...
2009-01-17 19:45 <cedk> look at
2009-01-17 19:47 <mib_bjnbz9cg> cedk: i see _columns are missing in tryton
2009-01-17 19:54 <cedk> mib_bjnbz9cg: yes, we use class attributes instead
2009-01-17 20:11 -!- mib_bjnbz9cg( has left #tryton
2009-01-17 20:35 -!- cristi_an( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 20:37 <cristi_an> a balance sheet in Belgium is like the one is in tryton demo ?
2009-01-17 20:37 <cristi_an> i have one from Romania
2009-01-17 20:37 <cristi_an>
2009-01-17 20:37 <cristi_an> does this look like yours ?
2009-01-17 20:50 <cristi_an> brb :)
2009-01-17 21:17 -!- paola( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 21:23 -!- kleinerdrache_( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 21:59 -!- vengfulsquirrel( has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 22:30 -!- CIA-51(n=CIA@ has joined #tryton
2009-01-17 23:17 <CIA-51> tryton: vengfulsquirrel * r422 /wiki/ Wrote down feature for substitutable products, still need to work out the details.
2009-01-17 23:17 <CIA-51> tryton: vengfulsquirrel * r423 /wiki/ Refined explanation of configurable BOMs and Production Order re-stocking.

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