IRC logs of #tryton for Wednesday, 2008-08-27 #tryton log beginning Wed Aug 27 00:00:01 CEST 2008
2008-08-27 02:32 -!- b52laptop(n=b52lapto@ has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 02:36 -!- b52laptop(n=b52lapto@ has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 05:19 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 07:38 -!- Timitos(n=Timitos@ has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 09:13 -!- nicoe( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 09:48 -!- cedk(n=ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 09:53 -!- cedk_( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 09:59 -!- bechamel( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 11:03 -!- Gedd( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 11:20 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 878:9511a700a0ef trytond/ (5 files in 3 dirs): Rename trytond into server to avoid duplicate trytond module name
2008-08-27 11:20 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 179:29329b6fc817 account/ Rename trytond into server
2008-08-27 11:20 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 709:b6f09b515662 tryton/tryton/gui/window/ Remove window from action datas
2008-08-27 11:20 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 710:a5d967e209b8 tryton/ (5 files in 2 dirs): Rename tryton in client to avoid double tryton module name
2008-08-27 11:21 <cedk> nicoe, Gedd: you told us that you want to use locale for translation
2008-08-27 11:21 <cedk> did you make some test with locale and threading?
2008-08-27 11:22 <cedk> I think it is not really thread safe
2008-08-27 11:24 <nicoe> 'locale' is a builtin python ...
2008-08-27 11:24 <nicoe> did you meant gettext ?
2008-08-27 11:25 <cedk> nicoe: I mean when you call locale.set_locale()
2008-08-27 11:25 <cedk> nicoe: I think that it changes the locale for all the process and not only for the thread
2008-08-27 11:27 <nicoe> yep you're probably right about that ...
2008-08-27 11:28 <nicoe> quoting "setlocale() is not thread safe on most systems"
2008-08-27 11:29 <cedk> nicoe: ok
2008-08-27 11:29 <cedk> nicoe: it is because I just have to fix an issue
2008-08-27 11:29 <cedk> nicoe: and now I need to have a global lock when modify the locale
2008-08-27 11:30 <nicoe> ouch ...
2008-08-27 11:31 <cedk> nicoe: we call only in reports and once for one specific view (not often called)
2008-08-27 11:31 <nicoe> where do you use that ?
2008-08-27 11:33 <cedk> nicoe: in report to format date and numbers
2008-08-27 11:33 <nicoe> ok just like in the exemple I gave you some time ago
2008-08-27 11:33 <cedk> I use locale.format
2008-08-27 11:34 <nicoe> this is indeed nice but I did not realized it was not threadsafe
2008-08-27 11:35 <cedk> nicoe: yes of course, it is the only way, I find to have numbers formated correctly
2008-08-27 11:37 <nicoe> indeed, otherwise you would have to use your own implemantation (and it's ugly) but the lock is not so fine either.
2008-08-27 11:39 <cedk> nicoe: yes, we can add the number and date formating in the ir.lang object
2008-08-27 11:39 <cedk> bechamel: ping
2008-08-27 11:40 -!- b52laptop(n=b52lapto@ has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 11:41 <cedk> and we must send it to the client also to have the same formatting
2008-08-27 11:43 <bechamel> cedk: the lock will only block other reports or it may lock other queries ?
2008-08-27 11:43 <cedk> bechamel: other call to the function formatLang
2008-08-27 11:43 <cedk> bechamel: so only other reports
2008-08-27 11:44 <cedk> but I'm not sure that it is the only function that use locale
2008-08-27 11:44 <cedk> because logging message are localized
2008-08-27 11:44 <cedk> so it doesn't fix all
2008-08-27 11:44 <bechamel> cedk: you python himself as the gil
2008-08-27 11:45 <bechamel> cedk: it should be nice if we could define atomic section of code
2008-08-27 11:46 <bechamel> cedk: what happen when a thread can't acquire the lock ?
2008-08-27 11:47 <cedk> bechamel: it waits
2008-08-27 11:48 <cedk> but I think that a solution where we define formating on the ir.lang object is good
2008-08-27 11:48 <cedk> because I have already seen in Tiny some French that didn't want the french formatting
2008-08-27 11:51 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 879:0aa75c0df6d4 trytond/trytond/ir/module/ Don't restart pooler if there is no module to update
2008-08-27 11:51 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 880:1c8a8897e8f6 trytond/trytond/tests/
2008-08-27 11:51 <CIA-56> tryton: Don't force to install modules already installed
2008-08-27 11:51 <CIA-56> tryton: Fix delete of wizard
2008-08-27 11:51 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 180:db2a27ea17e9 account/tests/ ( Initial tests module
2008-08-27 11:51 <cedk> and others people, what do you think about this issue?
2008-08-27 11:52 <bechamel> cedk: the solution with ir.lang will allow to avoid the lock ?
2008-08-27 11:53 <cedk> bechamel: for now, I don't know how to make a function to format correctly a number without using locale
2008-08-27 11:53 <cedk> bechamel: but we will find :-)
2008-08-27 11:56 <nicoe> according to the "do it once" karma it would be better to use locale
2008-08-27 11:56 <cedk> we need to have a syntax to reprensented that 1000.25 into 1,000.25 or 1 000,25 etc...
2008-08-27 11:56 <cedk> nicoe: yes but if it is uggly
2008-08-27 11:57 <cedk> nicoe: and there is the issue when client want other formating than the standard
2008-08-27 11:57 <nicoe> hu ?
2008-08-27 11:57 <nicoe> if the client wants another formatting it should say so ... you can then use this information to correctly set the locale
2008-08-27 11:58 <nicoe> But I agree that the lock it impose on the reports is ugly
2008-08-27 11:58 <nicoe> (and not only on the report but everywhere else)
2008-08-27 11:58 <cedk> nicoe: but it doesn't necessary match with one standard locale
2008-08-27 11:59 <nicoe> do you have an example ?
2008-08-27 11:59 <nicoe> because french people that wants english number can use LC_NUMERIC
2008-08-27 12:00 <nicoe> thus for the user you have to keep some informations related to his prefered choices: LC_NUMERIC, LC_WHATEVER ...
2008-08-27 12:00 <cedk> nicoe: somes want '.' to separate thousand, someothers nothing and someothers just ' '
2008-08-27 12:01 <nicoe> that's precisly what LC_* are made for
2008-08-27 12:01 <cedk> nicoe: it doesn't depend of the user but of the configuration of the server
2008-08-27 12:01 <nicoe> not necessarly
2008-08-27 12:02 <nicoe> you could call set_locale with the preference of the user that way wherever he goes he finds the interface in its language with his formatting
2008-08-27 12:03 <cedk> nicoe: but in a company, you want that all is printed in a standard way
2008-08-27 12:03 <nicoe> Then you don't need locale ...
2008-08-27 12:03 <nicoe> or rather : a global locale is good enough
2008-08-27 12:05 <cedk> nicoe: no because we must handle multi-language
2008-08-27 12:05 <cedk> nicoe: or we can have 2 db for 2 company with different formatting policy
2008-08-27 12:06 <nicoe> just store the LC_NUMERIC/LC_MONETARY and stuff like that in the db
2008-08-27 12:07 <bechamel> cedk: one can fetch thousands separator, decimal point, etc at boot time for all the lang in the db (one can imagnie doing that one for all and put it in the xml) then it shouldnt be too difficult ot write a number fomating function
2008-08-27 12:08 <cedk> bechamel: you can not retreive the formating rule from locale
2008-08-27 12:08 <nicoe> bechamel you will never be as good to this kind of stuff as the locale module (that relies on the underlying C library I suppose)
2008-08-27 12:09 <bechamel> cedk: locale.localeconv()
2008-08-27 12:10 <cedk> bechamel: ok, but it doesn't allow to change it from the standard
2008-08-27 12:12 <bechamel> cedk: what do you want to change ?
2008-08-27 12:12 <cedk> bechamel: french people that want to have space as separator of thousand by example
2008-08-27 12:13 <nicoe> cedk just use this: locale.setlocal(locale.LC_ALL, ''); locale.setlocal(LC_MONETARY, 'en_GB.UTF-8')
2008-08-27 12:13 <nicoe> and then locale.localeconv() will return the correct data for them
2008-08-27 12:15 <cedk> nicoe: ok, and how do you explain to the user how to set up this ?
2008-08-27 12:16 <nicoe> you don't ... you store this information in the database and the user just have to specify in a form those information
2008-08-27 12:17 <cedk> nicoe: but there is thousand of locales
2008-08-27 12:18 <cedk> and this doesn't fix the non-threadsafe behavior of locale
2008-08-27 12:18 <cedk> for me if it is buggy, don't use it
2008-08-27 12:19 <cedk> I think we can handle the same functionnality of locale in 80lines of code
2008-08-27 12:19 <nicoe> There is hundreds of countries and you're shipping a list of them ... why not doing the same for the locale ?
2008-08-27 12:20 <nicoe> I do not say that you have to use locale but that you can use bechamel's proposal to get the data about how to create the function replacing locale.format
2008-08-27 12:20 <bechamel> cedk: if you put locales data in the db you dont need locales.format anymore of course
2008-08-27 12:21 <cedk> bechamel: yes and we can write thread safe code
2008-08-27 12:21 <nicoe> bechamel: I was quicker
2008-08-27 12:21 <nicoe> :)
2008-08-27 12:21 <cedk> of course we can take data from locale
2008-08-27 12:21 <bechamel> cedk: actualy the best would be to find this kind of list online, i don't want ot install all the locales on my laptop only to fetch some , vs . vs space convensions
2008-08-27 12:21 <cedk> but for now we only have 3 languages
2008-08-27 12:22 <bechamel> nicoe: i though that cedk would understand by himself :) so i was waiting before answering (coffee someone ?)
2008-08-27 12:22 <cedk> it is not necessary to format numbers in language for which we don't have any translation
2008-08-27 12:22 <nicoe> translators probaly have their locale installed you could ask them to create the data.
2008-08-27 12:25 <cedk> so is everybody agreed with this solution:
2008-08-27 12:25 <cedk> creating our own locale.format function that is threadsafe
2008-08-27 12:26 <cedk> using value defined in ir.lang object
2008-08-27 12:26 <cedk> fill with the value find in locale
2008-08-27 12:27 <nicoe> it seems reasonable while the locale module is broken
2008-08-27 12:27 <bechamel> cedk: +1
2008-08-27 12:28 <cedk> ok
2008-08-27 12:28 <cedk> I will start :-)
2008-08-27 12:28 <cedk> by the way, with the last push, I think everybody will have some problems
2008-08-27 12:29 <cedk> it just needs to remove the tryton.pyc and trytond.pyc
2008-08-27 12:30 <cedk> putting formating on ir.lang seems very logical as we already have direction (ltr and rtl)
2008-08-27 12:31 <cedk> do I need to separate currency formating and number formating ?
2008-08-27 12:32 <nicoe> I asked a question about locale on #python, we'll see if they have a better idea
2008-08-27 12:32 <bechamel> cedk: for currency whe will have to handle something like $200 and 200€
2008-08-27 12:32 <nicoe> cedk: locale does it, it feels unecessary
2008-08-27 12:33 <bechamel> cedk: if the format fun has a currency=None in the definition, i think it's enough no need to do 2 functions
2008-08-27 12:34 <cedk> in fact locale have for each params one for number and one for currency
2008-08-27 12:34 <cedk> I suppose that it can have some country where you don't display number with the same rules if it currency
2008-08-27 12:35 <cedk> but the currency position must be defined on the currency and not on the language
2008-08-27 12:37 <nicoe> nicoe: no, you can't have different threads have different environments. locale settings are part of the process.
2008-08-27 12:37 <nicoe> from #python (it was written before you arrived cedk)
2008-08-27 12:37 <cedk> nicoe: ok thx
2008-08-27 12:38 <cedk> so we really need to remove the use of locale
2008-08-27 12:38 <nicoe> it seems it is
2008-08-27 12:38 <cedk> nicoe: and for you, I don't know how you will use gettext as it based on locale
2008-08-27 12:39 <nicoe> nicoe: that, or don't rely on locales at all, or put a lock around the locale setting, using and unsetting so only one thread will execute that block at any given time.
2008-08-27 12:39 <nicoe> another response
2008-08-27 12:40 <cedk> yes that what I do, but for performences it is bad
2008-08-27 12:41 <nicoe> cedk: gettext is using locale only in a few places
2008-08-27 12:41 <nicoe> and not to do any formatting
2008-08-27 12:42 <nicoe> only to get the encoding
2008-08-27 12:42 <cedk> nicoe: yes but for the language
2008-08-27 12:43 <cedk> gettext need to know which db to use
2008-08-27 12:45 <nicoe> indeed but it does not have to rely on the locale know wich file to load
2008-08-27 12:46 <nicoe> anyway, I'll go eat ... brb
2008-08-27 13:54 <udono> I found strange problems in report generation: In one installation of tryton I can create my invoices very well, in another installation all textframes are collapsed together. Any clue?
2008-08-27 13:57 <udono> The failing report generation seems to overwrite the textframe width with very small numbers.
2008-08-27 13:59 <nicoe> udono: can you isolate this in relatorio or in tryton ?
2008-08-27 14:00 <udono> nicoe: Ok, I install the relatoriodevel on both machines
2008-08-27 14:22 <Gedd> cedk: nicoe, bechamel: regarding the locale problem, Babel already solves that problem. If you don't want to add a dependency you might look at their code and copy/paste the relevant parts.
2008-08-27 14:24 <cedk> Gedd: thx, but it doesn't solve the customization issue
2008-08-27 14:24 <Gedd> what customization?
2008-08-27 14:25 <Gedd> (I didn't read the whole log)
2008-08-27 14:26 <udono> nicoe: there are strange problems in installing relatorio... I did it via symlink to the relatorio egg folder, but I have an error:
2008-08-27 14:28 <cedk> Gedd: allow the user to define its own formatting rules
2008-08-27 14:28 <nicoe> I'll take a look
2008-08-27 14:31 <nicoe> udono: in the file /usr/lib/python2.5/site-packages/relatorio-0.2.0-py2.5.egg/EGG-INFO/entrypoints.txt you have to change odt by opendocument
2008-08-27 14:31 <udono> ok
2008-08-27 14:31 <udono> thanks nicoe
2008-08-27 14:33 <Gedd> cedk: well, I personally think it's really a VERY rare use case. People usually want to use a specific locale, possibly a different locale for numbers than for text. Besides, Babel *does* support custom format strings to be given, so I really don't see the problem here
2008-08-27 14:34 <cedk> Gedd: I don't think it is a rare use case. People have preference on how numbers must be formatted
2008-08-27 14:34 <Gedd> this is apparently a new feature in Bable 0.9 though
2008-08-27 14:34 <Gedd> Babel
2008-08-27 14:34 <cedk> especially on invoice
2008-08-27 14:35 <udono> nicoe: tryton seems no longer like relatorio :-(
2008-08-27 14:36 <udono> nicoe: But I think its just the call
2008-08-27 14:36 <Gedd> cedk: scratch that last comment, I misread the doc
2008-08-27 14:36 <udono> nicoe: IC if I may repair it
2008-08-27 14:40 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #284/TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 non-keyword argument (2 given): [new] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/trytond/", line 336, in run res = method(*msg[2:]) File "/trytond/web_service/rep ...
2008-08-27 14:42 <nicoe> If you're using the tip version of relatorio this is probably due to the fact that I changed the signature of the reports.
2008-08-27 14:43 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #284/TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 non-keyword argument (2 given): [chatting] this error happens when I use the new relatorio development version
2008-08-27 14:44 <udono> nicoe: yes, in the tests is another api to call them
2008-08-27 14:45 <CIA-56> tryton: nicoe roundup * #284/TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 non-keyword argument (2 given): This is indeed a change in the signature of relatorio reports.
2008-08-27 14:48 <udono> nicoe: I dont know how to repair, sorry
2008-08-27 14:49 <nicoe> udono: what is the call exacty ?
2008-08-27 14:51 <udono>
2008-08-27 14:52 <udono> line 411 nicoe
2008-08-27 14:55 <nicoe> udono: replace line 414 by "localcontext['o']=objects\ndata=rel_report(**localcontext).render.getvalue()"
2008-08-27 14:55 <nicoe> it should work
2008-08-27 15:01 <cedk> nicoe: it is not a very clear change I find
2008-08-27 15:02 <cedk> nicoe: instead of being explicit, it becomes implicit
2008-08-27 15:03 <nicoe> What becomes implicit ?
2008-08-27 15:04 <cedk> nicoe: the object
2008-08-27 15:04 <nicoe> In fact we're getting closer to the genshi way of making things
2008-08-27 15:04 <cedk> nicoe: and that it is 'o'
2008-08-27 15:05 <nicoe> It's way more explicit that way. Because before in your report you had a variable 'o' coming from nowhere. Now I made this explicit
2008-08-27 15:05 <nicoe> Moreover, this way I can pass the context from a report to a subreport (chart in opendocument for now)
2008-08-27 15:06 <udono> nicoe: doesn't work. I changed to with error
2008-08-27 15:06 <cedk> nicoe: and why is it call 'o'
2008-08-27 15:07 <nicoe> udono can you paste the line 117 from relatorio/ please ?
2008-08-27 15:08 <udono> yes
2008-08-27 15:08 <nicoe> cedk: I suppose you named it that way in your reports
2008-08-27 15:08 <nicoe> cedk: But I might be wrong
2008-08-27 15:08 <udono> nicoe
2008-08-27 15:08 <nicoe> cedk: I did not took a look
2008-08-27 15:08 <nicoe> udono: thanks
2008-08-27 15:12 <nicoe> udono: it looks like you're not using this file. Because in this file the report does not require any non-keyword argument
2008-08-27 15:13 <udono> nicoe: hmm
2008-08-27 15:13 <nicoe> udono moreover you forgot the parenthesis after render in tryton
2008-08-27 15:14 <udono> nicoe: ok, sorry
2008-08-27 15:14 <nicoe> np
2008-08-27 15:24 <udono> nicoe: strange, it seems that I use the right files...
2008-08-27 15:25 <nicoe> udono: do you get the same traceback ?
2008-08-27 15:25 <udono> nicoe maybe this helps,
2008-08-27 15:26 <nicoe> in the bug report it says "TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 non-keyword argument (2 given)" and in the pasted traceback "TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 2 non-keyword arguments (1 given)"
2008-08-27 15:27 <nicoe> udono: yes I think that there is a confusion between the two installed version of relatorio
2008-08-27 15:27 <udono> nicoe: with corrected parenthesis this error come:
2008-08-27 15:28 <nicoe> I guess the relatorio installed in /usr/lib/.... is not the tip
2008-08-27 15:28 <cedk> udono: I think you must have only one *
2008-08-27 15:28 <udono> cedk: on localcontext?
2008-08-27 15:29 <udono> cedk: or one relatorio?
2008-08-27 15:29 <udono> I have just one relatorio
2008-08-27 15:29 <udono> or?!
2008-08-27 15:29 <nicoe> I only have one relatorio ?
2008-08-27 15:30 <udono> nicoe: ... installed
2008-08-27 15:31 <nicoe> ok I understood
2008-08-27 15:31 <nicoe> the datafactory from tryton is coherent with the report
2008-08-27 15:32 <nicoe> in
2008-08-27 15:32 <nicoe> you should change the signature of the __call__
2008-08-27 15:33 <nicoe> in the datafactory
2008-08-27 15:33 <nicoe> or in line 412
2008-08-27 15:33 <udono> nicoe: how?
2008-08-27 15:34 <nicoe> you replace the reportfactory by relatorio.DefaultFactory
2008-08-27 15:36 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #285/AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': [new] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/trytond/", line 336, in run res = method(*msg[2:]) File "/trytond/web_service/rep ...
2008-08-27 15:37 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #285/AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': [chatting] This error comes when I: you replace the reportfactory by relatorio.DefaultFactory ok I understood 15:32 » the datafactory from tryt ...
2008-08-27 15:37 <udono> nicoe: doesnt work
2008-08-27 15:39 <nicoe> udono I sent you an email
2008-08-27 15:40 <udono> nicoe: ok, thanks
2008-08-27 15:52 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #286/Client will no longer start: [new] tryton-forest/tryton$ bin/tryton Traceback (most recent call last): File "bin/tryton", line 10, in <module> import tryton.main File ...
2008-08-27 15:52 <udono> nicoe: I needed to update Tryton for your report, now the client will not start...
2008-08-27 15:53 <nicoe> I just did a hg fetch, edited the file and sent it to you ...
2008-08-27 15:53 <udono> nicoe: so we need to debug later the reporting problem...
2008-08-27 15:53 <nicoe> ok
2008-08-27 15:54 <udono> nicoe: Thanks
2008-08-27 15:58 <CIA-56> tryton: ced roundup * #286/Client will no longer start: [resolved] remove tryton.pyc
2008-08-27 16:02 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #286/Client will no longer start: [chatting] Next error following uspallek@Lisa:~/workspace/tryton-forest/tryton$ bin/tryton Traceback (most recent call last): File "bin/tryton ...
2008-08-27 16:12 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 711:fcbfdc54c4ab tryton/bin/tryton: Fix typo for issue286
2008-08-27 16:17 <CIA-56> tryton: ced roundup * #286/Client will no longer start: [resolved] Fix with changeset fcbfdc54c4ab
2008-08-27 16:46 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 16:47 -!- yangoon( has left #tryton
2008-08-27 16:53 <cedk> I have got the format and currency function working with information on ir.lang and currency.currency
2008-08-27 16:53 <cedk> now I need to update all the reports
2008-08-27 16:56 <cedk> and modify the client to use these values
2008-08-27 16:57 -!- rli( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 17:07 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 17:09 -!- e-ane( has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 17:32 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #287/AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': [new] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/trytond/", line 336, in run res = method(*msg[2:]) File "/trytond/web_service/rep ...
2008-08-27 17:35 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #287/Relatorio devel: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': [chatting] When I like to print the new letter report in Relationship > party this error rise up. I think it depends to relatorio devel. This repo ...
2008-08-27 17:35 <udono> cedk: Thanks, Tryton now run again :-)
2008-08-27 17:36 <udono> nicoe: the standard reports work, now, but the addon reports have problems with relatorio see issue287
2008-08-27 17:37 <nicoe> cedk, bechamel: did you look at babel for the locale stuff ? Seems pretty neat to me.(
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 881:a8f69b7cd030 trytond/trytond/ (ir/ ir/lang.xml report/
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: Modify formatLang to use ir.lang and currency.currency object for formatting
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: Remove global lock
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 181:26e19339aa60 account/ (6 files):
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: Remove global lock
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: Fix reports for new formatLang
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 98:acf32873d33b account_invoice/invoice.odt: Fix report for new formatLang
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 50:5ae33b837635 company/letter.odt: Fix report for new formatLang
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 17:b4bc042206cf currency/ ( currency.xml): Add formatting fields
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 75:996acabb7925 purchase/purchase.odt: Fix report for new formatLang
2008-08-27 17:37 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 195:bea73daf7a9d stock/packing_out.odt: Fix report for new formatLang
2008-08-27 17:38 <cedk> nicoe: I just push our own locale method, it takes 155 SLOC for number and currency formating
2008-08-27 17:41 <udono> nicoe:
2008-08-27 17:42 <CIA-56> tryton: ced roundup * #287/Relatorio devel: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': [resolved] Not a tryton bugs It seems it is a bad installation.
2008-08-27 17:43 <nicoe> cedk: too bad. But speaking strictly about SLOC "from babel.numbers import format_number"
2008-08-27 17:43 <CIA-56> tryton: ced roundup * #284/TypeError: __call__() takes exactly 1 non-keyword argument (2 given): [resolved] Use the release. We can not change Tryton to follow the tip of relatorio, we will do for release.
2008-08-27 17:45 <CIA-56> tryton: nicoe roundup * #287/Relatorio devel: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': [chatting] My bad in the file I sent you I should have used "relatorio.reporting.DefaultFactory" instead of "relatorio.DefaultFactory"
2008-08-27 17:45 <nicoe> beats 155 SLOC :)
2008-08-27 17:47 <cedk> nicoe: it doesn't format currency
2008-08-27 17:48 <cedk> nicoe: and doesn't allow to group with different numbers
2008-08-27 17:48 <cedk> so we have more functionality :-)
2008-08-27 17:48 <nicoe> cedk: with different numbers ?
2008-08-27 17:49 <nicoe> cedk: Fabien sort de ce corps !!
2008-08-27 17:49 <nicoe> :)
2008-08-27 17:49 <CIA-56> tryton: ced roundup * #285/AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': I don't understand what you are doing?
2008-08-27 17:50 <cedk> nicoe: yes, like this: [3, 3, 6]
2008-08-27 17:50 <cedk> nicoe: I don't know who is using this but locale allows
2008-08-27 17:50 <nicoe> It formats this way I gues 123 456 789012
2008-08-27 17:50 <cedk> nicoe: yes
2008-08-27 17:50 <nicoe> you can do it
2008-08-27 17:50 <nicoe> with babel
2008-08-27 17:51 <nicoe> using the format keyword
2008-08-27 17:53 <nicoe> cedk:
2008-08-27 17:54 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 882:f57b90eadbb9 trytond/trytond/report/ Improve relatorio import for futher release
2008-08-27 17:55 <CIA-56> tryton: nicoe roundup * #285/AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': udono, a quick advice : you should not use tryton's roundup to report stuffs we are debugging together from relatorio tip
2008-08-27 17:56 <cedk> nicoe: it miss a ','
2008-08-27 17:57 <nicoe> cedk: the last one is 6 digits long and all the others are 3 this is what I expected ...
2008-08-27 17:57 <nicoe> what did you meant ?
2008-08-27 17:58 <cedk> nicoe: there is '.##'
2008-08-27 17:58 <cedk> nicoe: so I think it must end with 4,98
2008-08-27 17:59 <cedk> nicoe: and you must know the lenght of the result to construct the format template
2008-08-27 17:59 <nicoe> cedk, no this is an integer no decimal part
2008-08-27 18:00 <cedk> nicoe: so why the first have ','
2008-08-27 18:00 <nicoe> cedk: you don't have to know the length of the result
2008-08-27 18:01 <nicoe> cedk just tried it with others numbers it works
2008-08-27 18:01 <cedk> nicoe: and babel is 5.9M
2008-08-27 18:01 <nicoe> the first , is there to show that there is a repetition of three digits
2008-08-27 18:02 <cedk> nicoe: if we want to provide a executable that run directly, it is too big
2008-08-27 18:02 <nicoe> cedk: the heavy part is the data from the locale
2008-08-27 18:02 <cedk> nicoe: yes of course
2008-08-27 18:02 <nicoe> moreover what is 5.9M on today's DD
2008-08-27 18:02 <cedk> nicoe: I think about networks
2008-08-27 18:03 <nicoe> Which network ? you do not transfer those data ?
2008-08-27 18:03 <cedk> it is too distibute the client on network
2008-08-27 18:04 <nicoe> If it is an heavy client then it will have pygtk, python, etc
2008-08-27 18:05 <nicoe> so adding a dependancy is not that heavy
2008-08-27 19:34 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 883:c741398091fa trytond/trytond/ir/lang.xml: Add missing date in form view
2008-08-27 19:34 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 884:55e8339ba5dd trytond/trytond/ir/ Allow to modify lang from xml
2008-08-27 19:34 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 885:2bbd82d12dea trytond/trytond/res/ Add locale in user preferences
2008-08-27 19:34 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 712:7ee2d5eb95d0 tryton/tryton/ Remove unused code
2008-08-27 19:34 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 713:7d0038d7fa88 tryton/tryton/ (8 files in 8 dirs): Handle locale from user preference
2008-08-27 19:36 <cedk> so now the client use the locale parameters define on his language
2008-08-27 19:42 -!- nicoe( has left #tryton
2008-08-27 19:45 <CIA-56> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 886:a76ec8b4d64f trytond/trytond/ir/ Add check date on ir.lang
2008-08-27 20:38 -!- Gedd(n=ged@ has joined #tryton
2008-08-27 20:55 <CIA-56> tryton: udono roundup * #287/Relatorio devel: AttributeError: 'module' object has no attribute 'DefaultFactory': [resolved] I bring this Tryton unrelated issue to an end: relatorio up to Version 0.3.0 or hg rev287d6310d2ef7881221eddb65202212bada2e9b7 works fi ...

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