IRC logs of #tryton for Wednesday, 2008-10-15 #tryton log beginning Wed Oct 15 00:00:01 CEST 2008
2008-10-15 00:05 <CIA-52> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 109:9a6ca782fff9 purchase/ ( purchase.xml): Added exception message at quotation when adresses are missing
2008-10-15 00:07 <CIA-52> tryton: bch roundup * #430/res = self.cursor.execute(sql, params): [resolved] Fixed with changeset 9a6ca782fff9.
2008-10-15 00:21 -!- cedk_( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 00:22 <ikks> cedk a friend of mine made account_co for OpenErp
2008-10-15 00:22 <ikks> I want to make a module for Tryton Colombia
2008-10-15 00:23 <ikks> How should the copyright notice read?
2008-10-15 00:23 <ikks> The author is him, because the changes are minor.
2008-10-15 00:23 <cedk> ikks: I don't understand your question?
2008-10-15 00:23 <ikks> Ok.
2008-10-15 00:23 <ikks> I friend made a module for openerp
2008-10-15 00:24 <ikks> is a localisation for Colombia
2008-10-15 00:24 <ikks> I want to use that for the tryton module
2008-10-15 00:24 <cedk> ikks: great
2008-10-15 00:25 <ikks> For the copyright note I have to include him as the original author?
2008-10-15 00:25 <ikks> Or how is the path to follow?
2008-10-15 00:25 <cedk> ikks: i suppose that your question is about hosting the module on the Tryton website ?
2008-10-15 00:25 <cedk> ikks: of course you must respect his copyright
2008-10-15 00:25 <ikks> It's more about to leting know the original author on the files.
2008-10-15 00:26 <ikks> And I would be just a contributor
2008-10-15 00:26 <cedk> ikks: we use one copyright file per modules
2008-10-15 00:27 <cedk> ikks: so you just have to write a COPYRIGHT file with his name and your name
2008-10-15 00:27 <ikks> ah, ok, perfect.
2008-10-15 00:27 <cedk> ikks: like we do for many modules
2008-10-15 00:27 <CIA-52> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 836:6d94c71ee0f9 tryton/tryton/gui/ Improve close button on tabs, use real button
2008-10-15 00:27 <CIA-52> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 837:97ae2eaebd24 tryton/tryton/gui/ Set current page when closing it
2008-10-15 00:27 <CIA-52> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 838:ca3dbe037188 tryton/share/pixmaps/tryton-close-hi.svg: Remove unused pixmaps
2008-10-15 00:27 <ikks> I want to include the states of my country
2008-10-15 00:28 <ikks> what would be the best place to put them?
2008-10-15 00:28 <ikks> In that module or somewhere else?
2008-10-15 00:35 -!- cedk( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 00:35 <cedk> ikks: in pycountry, it is named as Department
2008-10-15 00:36 <cedk> ikks: if Department can be used as State, we can modify the script to take it
2008-10-15 00:37 <ikks> just perfect cedk
2008-10-15 00:37 <cedk> ikks: so it is like State ?
2008-10-15 00:38 <ikks> actually it's called department here :)
2008-10-15 00:38 <ikks> It's even better to contribute to pydepartment
2008-10-15 00:39 <cedk> ikks: but do you put it on the mail by example ?
2008-10-15 00:39 <ikks> Yes, we use the department
2008-10-15 00:40 <CIA-52> tryton: Igor T?mara <> default * 1095:69793340bc55 trytond/trytond/ir/es_ES.csv: ir module translation issue427
2008-10-15 00:40 <CIA-52> tryton: Igor T?mara <> default * 1096:e4698c0dc631 trytond/trytond/res/es_ES.csv: res module translation issue427
2008-10-15 00:40 <CIA-52> tryton: Igor T?mara <> default * 1097:0f17e5e467bb trytond/trytond/workflow/es_ES.csv: workflow module translation issue427
2008-10-15 00:40 <CIA-52> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 1098:847742c02b17 trytond/ Add language in
2008-10-15 00:40 <CIA-52> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 839:6e9a8ba680c0 tryton/ Add language in
2008-10-15 00:40 <cedk> ikks: and is it look like the State in the US, like having different law ?
2008-10-15 00:41 <ikks> No, we have a central government.
2008-10-15 00:42 <CIA-52> tryton: ced roundup * #427/es_ES translation of modules: [in-progress] Applied But the webdav patch was the same than the workflow.
2008-10-15 00:42 <cedk> ikks: I think we must find a better solution than using the state model
2008-10-15 00:43 <cedk> ikks: because here in Belgium, we have "Province"
2008-10-15 00:44 <cedk> ikks: and it will be also good to have it, but using the State relation is confusing
2008-10-15 00:44 <cedk> ACTION need to thought about State, Department, Province
2008-10-15 00:45 <ikks> ACTION thinks that those are more or less the same but with just with different names
2008-10-15 00:47 <cedk> ikks: not sure because they can be used later, like for taxation rules or delivery price etc...
2008-10-15 00:47 <ikks> Here we have a special case where the capital city Bogotá
2008-10-15 00:47 <ikks> has more taxes than other cities
2008-10-15 00:47 <ikks> In fact, the "big" cities tend to have more taxes than the towns
2008-10-15 00:49 <cedk> I need to go to sleep
2008-10-15 00:49 <cedk> ikks: we can talk about this tomorrow
2008-10-15 00:49 <ikks> Good nite ced.
2008-10-15 00:49 <cedk> ikks: thx
2008-10-15 01:25 <CIA-52> tryton: * r224 /wiki/ Edited wiki page through web user interface.
2008-10-15 05:18 -!- yangoon( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 08:04 -!- Gedd(n=ged@ has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 08:54 -!- CIA-14(n=CIA@ has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 09:07 -!- bechamel( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 09:12 -!- GeE( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 09:46 -!- Timitos(n=Timitos@ has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 09:54 <CIA-14> tryton: Timitos roundup * #431/res = self.cursor.execute(sql, params): [new] Traceback (most recent call last): File "/trytond/", line 282, in run res = method(*msg[2:]) File "/trytond/web_service/obj ...
2008-10-15 09:56 -!- cedk(n=ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 09:57 <CIA-14> tryton: Timitos roundup * #431/error when creating an invoice with line with negative quantity: [chatting] error message: new line for relation account_move_line violates check-constraint account_move_line_debit_credt this error occurs if i ...
2008-10-15 10:10 <CIA-14> tryton: ced roundup * #431/error when creating an invoice with line with negative quantity: [resolved] Drop the constraint and update account module.
2008-10-15 10:23 <CIA-14> tryton: Timitos roundup * #432/duplicate invoice duplicates invoice_lines twice: [new] i created an invoice with two invoice lines and saved it. then i selected "Duplicate" from the form menu. The invoice is duplicated but the ...
2008-10-15 10:50 <CIA-14> tryton: ced roundup * #432/duplicate invoice duplicates invoice_lines twice: [need-eg] I can not reproduce your issue.
2008-10-15 11:26 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 840:445f47cb1728 tryton/tryton/gui/window/view_form/model/ Don't log error for 'NotLogged' exception
2008-10-15 11:26 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 841:a4baaa341d50 tryton/tryton/gui/window/view_form/ (screen/ view/ view/ view/
2008-10-15 11:26 <CIA-14> tryton: Add new args reset_view to set_cursor to allow to not reset the view at his
2008-10-15 11:26 <CIA-14> tryton: original state. (like set all the notebook to the first page)
2008-10-15 11:31 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 228:3af4bb0329dd account/ Improve SQL query on check date for period
2008-10-15 11:34 -!- udono( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 11:49 <CIA-14> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 236:b43ea510c82f stock/packing.xml: Added group stock on internal packing workflow transitions
2008-10-15 11:49 <CIA-14> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 237:b2d0a9cabaca stock/packing.xml: Added model access on packings
2008-10-15 12:18 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 12:36 -!- cedk_( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 12:40 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 842:38d6249e39a5 tryton/tryton/gui/ Make close button on tab smallest
2008-10-15 12:43 -!- tekknokrat( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 13:07 <cedk> I talk with the guy from intuxication, and he can create a subdirectory for all the tryton projects
2008-10-15 13:07 <cedk> do you want to have your tryton repositories in it ?
2008-10-15 13:11 <cedk> ping Timitos, udono
2008-10-15 13:11 -!- tekknokrat( has left #tryton
2008-10-15 13:11 <cedk> ping yangoon
2008-10-15 13:15 <cedk> so the repositories will be available at this url:
2008-10-15 13:16 <Timitos> cedk: yes. great
2008-10-15 13:16 <cedk> yangoon: do you aggree also for your repositories ?
2008-10-15 13:17 <udono> cedk: Great!
2008-10-15 13:19 <cedk> Timitos: is it from you the network modules?
2008-10-15 13:19 <Timitos> cedk: yes. but they are perhaps outdated. it was a test for learning development for tryton.
2008-10-15 13:20 <Timitos> cedk: i need to review them by time
2008-10-15 13:20 <cedk> Timitos: no problems, I will add it anyway even it will not work for now
2008-10-15 13:20 <Timitos> cedk: ok
2008-10-15 13:21 <cedk> it will be great if you can add a short description for each repositories
2008-10-15 13:21 <Timitos> cedk: you mean in i can do that
2008-10-15 13:22 <cedk> Timitos: I mean in the .hg/hgrc
2008-10-15 13:23 <Timitos> cedk: i just need to check how to do this.
2008-10-15 13:23 <cedk> Timitos: I see that udono has done for relationship_party_role
2008-10-15 13:26 <udono> cedk: I didn't put the description into hgrc, I did id in the webclient of intuxication
2008-10-15 13:26 <cedk> udono: ok, I think that the hgrc is not pushed
2008-10-15 13:27 -!- Gedd(n=ged@ has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 13:28 <Timitos> cedk: i will try to add the description in the intuxication administration panel
2008-10-15 13:31 <udono> cedk: If we find a way to include this informations instde the hgrc, then it is easier to maintain.
2008-10-15 13:32 <udono> =inside
2008-10-15 13:32 <cedk> udono: but I think that it is not allow for security reason
2008-10-15 13:32 <udono> cedk: ok
2008-10-15 13:32 <cedk> udono: of course the best will be to use the description :-)
2008-10-15 13:33 <udono> cedk: yes, of course, but for the website display its useless. So we need to include this information twice.
2008-10-15 13:43 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 13:43 -!- udono( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 13:43 -!- GeE( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 13:43 -!- CIA-14(n=CIA@ has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 13:43 -!- markusleist( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 13:56 <cedk>
2008-10-15 14:01 -!- ChanServ(ChanServ@services.) has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 14:01 -!- cedk( has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 14:04 <ikks> cedk I've just finished reviewing spanish translation. And there are about 300 strings to be added accross modules
2008-10-15 14:04 <ikks> It would be better to delete the files added on issue427 and resend them?
2008-10-15 14:04 <ikks> with the updated ones
2008-10-15 14:04 <ikks> ?
2008-10-15 14:05 <cedk> ikks: just send a patch as explain in
2008-10-15 14:06 <ikks> Ok.
2008-10-15 14:06 <cedk> ikks: or better make like yagoon, create a repository for es translation
2008-10-15 14:06 <cedk> ikks: see there:
2008-10-15 14:06 <cedk> ikks: there is a repository for each module with an _de at this end
2008-10-15 14:07 <cedk> ikks: it is repository just for translation
2008-10-15 14:09 <ikks> ACTION reading about intuxication and hg
2008-10-15 14:23 <CIA-14> tryton: * r225 /wiki/ Edited wiki page through web user interface.
2008-10-15 16:38 <CIA-14> tryton: Bertrand Chenal <> default * 1099:6e3fbb25ffb3 trytond/trytond/ Do not try to insert default values on empty table
2008-10-15 16:50 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 1100:bd2f419f5041 trytond/trytond/ Add quote arround table name
2008-10-15 17:06 <cedk> for the state issue with countries, I propose to change into
2008-10-15 17:06 <cedk> as the ISO 3166-2 names it
2008-10-15 17:07 <cedk> and add a type on with a selection field
2008-10-15 17:07 <cedk> with the values: State, Province, County, District, ...
2008-10-15 17:08 <cedk> and modify the script to add all the subdivision
2008-10-15 17:09 <ikks> cedk, we have here departments and they are subdivided
2008-10-15 17:09 <ikks> called municipios
2008-10-15 17:09 <ikks> We won't have a hierarchical distinction?
2008-10-15 17:09 <cedk> ikks: but there are not part of the ISO 3166-2
2008-10-15 17:10 <ikks> I see.
2008-10-15 17:10 <ikks> For example here we have our own codifications
2008-10-15 17:11 <ikks> maybe an optional field of country codification?
2008-10-15 17:11 <ikks> I guess every country has it's own codification
2008-10-15 17:11 <ikks> before sending it to ISO.
2008-10-15 17:12 <cedk> ikks: but do you use the municipios ?
2008-10-15 17:12 <ikks> For Postal
2008-10-15 17:14 <cedk> ikks: so you put the country - the department - the municipios - the town
2008-10-15 17:14 <ikks> well, not always the towns.
2008-10-15 17:14 <ikks> sorry, the municipios.
2008-10-15 17:14 <ikks> but usually for internal department, town.
2008-10-15 17:15 <cedk> ikks: so it is not strictly mandatory
2008-10-15 17:15 <ikks> Not mandatory.
2008-10-15 17:15 <cedk> so my proposition can work for Columbia
2008-10-15 17:15 <ikks> in subdivision maybe another field? with inside?
2008-10-15 17:16 <cedk> and it is always possible to create a module to handle municipios
2008-10-15 17:16 <ikks> for example telling Medellín is inside Antioquia
2008-10-15 17:17 <cedk> ikks: yes but I think this must be done with an extra module
2008-10-15 17:17 <ikks> ok.
2008-10-15 17:18 <cedk> no more remarks about the change ?
2008-10-15 17:18 <cedk> bechamel: ping
2008-10-15 17:18 <cedk> udono: ping
2008-10-15 17:19 <bechamel> cedk: one can imagine a complete tree with a model like : <type, name, parent>
2008-10-15 17:20 <cedk> bechamel: don't understand
2008-10-15 17:20 <bechamel> cedk: and values like <country, france, None> and <city, paris, france_id>
2008-10-15 17:20 <cedk> bechamel: still don't understand
2008-10-15 17:20 <bechamel> cedk: but the ui will be difficult to use
2008-10-15 17:21 <bechamel> cedk: country, states and cities are implicit trees
2008-10-15 17:22 <bechamel> cedk: like belgique > wallonie > province de liege > ville de liege
2008-10-15 17:22 <cedk> bechamel: of course as I said we can extend the basic module
2008-10-15 17:22 <udono> cedk: building the datamodel on ISO 3166-2 is the most save way I think
2008-10-15 17:22 <cedk> bechamel: but I think it is not good by default to try to handle every town
2008-10-15 17:23 <cedk> bechamel: it can be done with extra modules
2008-10-15 17:23 <bechamel> cedk: yes
2008-10-15 17:24 <cedk> bechamel: and I think that we must not create a one2many relation for the towns
2008-10-15 17:24 <cedk> bechamel: but more an implicite
2008-10-15 17:25 <cedk> bechamel: with on_change
2008-10-15 17:26 <bechamel> cedk: yes, so it's ok for me
2008-10-15 17:27 <cedk> ok let's go
2008-10-15 17:37 <cedk> ikks: for your HowToContributeUsingIntuxication wiki page, I think it is no need to put "We assume you have also a structure of your modules like :"
2008-10-15 17:38 <cedk> ikks: it is more general to speak about just repository
2008-10-15 17:42 <ikks> That's true, it's not mandatory to have the structure
2008-10-15 18:19 <udono> cedk: we often use a combobox for selecting existing tryton databases. Do we have a general widget for this? I cant find one ...
2008-10-15 18:20 <cedk> udono: no
2008-10-15 18:20 <udono> cedk: then I try to start one and put it in
2008-10-15 18:23 <udono> cedk: ok?
2008-10-15 18:24 <CIA-14> tryton: igor.tamara * r226 /wiki/
2008-10-15 18:24 <CIA-14> tryton: igor.tamara * r227 /wiki/ Edited wiki page through web user interface.
2008-10-15 18:25 <cedk> udono: if you want
2008-10-15 19:07 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 130:3d2a08a4dcaa account_invoice/invoice.odt: Fix report for new subdivision field
2008-10-15 19:07 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 68:de1233f1f2ff company/letter.odt: Fix report for new subdivision field
2008-10-15 19:07 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 110:0ec825f876bd purchase/purchase.odt: Fir report for new subdivision field
2008-10-15 19:07 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 141:ad404643b9cb relationship/ (6 files in 2 dirs):
2008-10-15 19:07 <CIA-14> tryton: Rename state into subdivision
2008-10-15 19:07 <CIA-14> tryton: Add type on subdivision
2008-10-15 19:07 <CIA-14> tryton: Add all subdivision from pycountry
2008-10-15 19:07 <CIA-14> tryton: Fix label for new subdivision field
2008-10-15 19:08 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 21:c50bd6de5b78 sale/sale.odt: Fix report for new subdivision field
2008-10-15 19:08 <CIA-14> tryton: C?dric Krier <> default * 238:45d6f370bb04 stock/packing_out.odt: Fix report for new subdivision field
2008-10-15 19:08 <cedk> with the change from state to subdivision, update of existing databse will break
2008-10-15 19:09 <cedk> I suggest to everybody to run:
2008-10-15 19:09 <cedk> DROP TABLE relationship_country_state CASCADE;
2008-10-15 19:09 <cedk> DELETE FROM ir_model_data WHERE module = 'relationship' AND model = '';
2008-10-15 19:15 -!- ikks(n=igor@ has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 19:22 -!- cedk(n=ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 19:42 -!- cedk(n=ced@gentoo/developer/cedk) has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 20:14 <CIA-14> tryton: * r228 /wiki/ Edited wiki page through web user interface.
2008-10-15 20:56 -!- X0d_of_N0d_(i=C-C_C-X@gateway/tor/x-37b6cafb2fe83530) has joined #tryton
2008-10-15 22:03 <yangoon> cedk: now back at pc: agreed for repositories, great!
2008-10-15 22:05 <cedk> yangoon: it is done:
2008-10-15 22:05 <cedk> yangoon: as I say to the others, it will be great if you can put a description on your repositories
2008-10-15 22:58 <udono> Did anyone try the databasebackup in the client. It seems it doesn't work...
2008-10-15 23:00 <cedk> udono: I try it just now and I have no problem
2008-10-15 23:01 <udono> cedk: ok, than my config seems incomplete
2008-10-15 23:02 <cedk> udono: the server must have pg_dump in his PATH
2008-10-15 23:02 <bechamel> no problem too, except a warning about access right
2008-10-15 23:03 <udono> ok, thanks, seems my fault
2008-10-15 23:03 <udono> cedk: do you mean pg_path?
2008-10-15 23:04 <cedk> udono: no, pg_dump must be somewhere in the $PATH
2008-10-15 23:05 <udono> it is in /usr/bin/ and /usr/bin is in $PATH
2008-10-15 23:06 <udono> My error is: Couldn't dump database with password
2008-10-15 23:06 <yangoon> udono: tested some time ago, had exactly the same error
2008-10-15 23:07 <yangoon> IIRC was kind of user problem, resp. auth problem
2008-10-15 23:07 <yangoon> authentication of postgres
2008-10-15 23:08 <cedk> ok, I see. If you use a password for the connection to the DB, pg_dump will not work
2008-10-15 23:09 <udono> cedk: ok
2008-10-15 23:09 <udono> I remember there is a problem with pg_dump and password...
2008-10-15 23:09 <yangoon> cedk recommended to change authentication to sameuser or something similar
2008-10-15 23:10 <udono> yangoon: ok, but isnt this insecure?
2008-10-15 23:10 <yangoon> udono: I said the same, but he objected
2008-10-15 23:11 <yangoon> I didn't change, because I only want md5 auth on my database
2008-10-15 23:12 <udono> ok, I think about
2008-10-15 23:12 <udono> anyway, thanks
2008-10-15 23:12 <udono> afk
2008-10-15 23:15 <cedk> udono: anyway, dump and restore from the client are just a binding to pg_dump and pg_restore
2008-10-15 23:15 <cedk> so it is only for non experimented user
2008-10-15 23:40 <CIA-14> tryton: matb roundup * #433/Translation: please rename src wrong_debit_credit: [new] After recent update there is a new source wrong_debit_credit with fieldname account.move.line in module account. Please rename to a more mea ...
2008-10-15 23:49 <yangoon> cedk: from where did you pull the,type? If I find a german equivalent translation will be much easier.
2008-10-15 23:50 <cedk> yangoon: from pycountry

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